Stefan Rahmstorf’s Nightmare
By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt
When facts and arguments stop convincing, then the only thing left to do is to argue at an emotional level. Climate activists have produced a website where IPCC-cozy scientists expressed their concerns in hand-written letters. One of the writers was Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). He wrote of a frightful nightmare:
Not nice, but this can happen if one calls in the fire brigade for nothing countless times. Eventually the credibility gets completely destroyed and the fire brigade prefers to just stay on alert and play cards. Panic spreaders damage the credibility of the precautionary principle.
See for example:
– Climate false alarm in Hanover: The big Stefan Rahmstorf Show at the Environment Committee of the Lower Saxony State Parliament
– IPCC-friendly group of climate activists withdraw video: Rahmstorf study no longer the scientific consensus
– New study by Durham University downgrades Rahmstorf’s flood scenario for North Carolina to a fairy tale
I have a recurring nightmare as well. A bunch of unelected technocrats grab the power over Europe and turn everyone’s life into a nightmare.
Oh wait.
EU wants to use warmunist CO2 scare to FINALLY get their first EU tax, under the guise of saving the planet:
Rome, burning, emperor, fiddle.
Aesop has been homogenised to
The Climatologist who cried wolf
The letter seems to show that he really believes what he is doing and writing. Can’t be a scam then.
I wonder if he’ll wake up and realise it was just a bad dream.
Even his emotions are made-up.
It would be really interesting to have this handwriting analysed. It all looks very confused to me….
Not a bad idea…maybe there are some handwriting experts out there who can derive psychological attributes from the handwriting.
The handwriting experts are long dead (e.g. Ludwig Klages). The art was thoroughly debunked somewhere in the fifties or sixties. Astrology does equally well.
i had a nightmare (non-recurring, non-shrill). I looked at cyclone data on this blog and i was wondering, whether the sceptics had a real point about “climate alarmism” on that one, based on real data.
i did some google research and even that one showed a little unclosusive situation, raising my alarmism even more
Then i woke up, and it turns out the data was false and is showing the opposite of what it was showing before.
And then you sobered up – and realized that over the past six years the skeptics were right.
He’s still sick of what happened almost 4 years ago!
Rahmstorf needs to play the record back to himself (or take a long hard look in the mirror).
One of the crazy persons from the warmunist wealth destroying machine says this:
“As a scientist I found consensus incredibly boring! What motivated me to become a scientist in the first place was my desire to explain and model things we did not understand. It was never about preaching others about an existing scientific consensus. I feel uncomfortable in this strange role nearly as much as I am in discussing about believing or not in climate change. I am also tired of a debate that often becomes confrontational, dogmatic and sterile. ”
Carlo Buontempo
He feels UNCOMFORTABLE in “THIS ROLE”. Meaning he admits that his role is preach a bollocks consensus.
Well I guess they gotta put more Soma into the water at the warmunist indoctrination mills!
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