Ireland Sees Coldest Summer In 30 Years! …North Atlantic, Scandinavia, Northern Russia Endure Frigid Summer

The data on this year’s meteorological summer (June-July-August) are coming in and they tell us trouble is brewing at the high latitudes. I reported here on this earlier.

The Irish warming famine

First, fresh data from Ireland show that the country had one of the coldest summers in living memory, despite near average sunshine. The Irish News here reports:

Armagh Observatory, which has been recording the weather in the city since 1795, found that June, July and August had an average temperature of just over 14 degrees – slightly colder than the bad summers of 2011 and 1993 and the coldest since 1986.”

So what’s going on? We see using NOAA data how northern Quebec, Greenland, the North Atlantic, Britain, Scandinavia and across a vast part of Northern Russia temperatures were markedly cooler than normal this past summer:

NOAA NCEP Summer 2015

NCEP/NCAR reanalysis shows frigid summer conditions across the north. Hat-tip: Wobleibt. Source:

Cold Atlantic with coming La Nina bode ill

The rapidly cooling North Atlantic  and a large switch f the Arctic bodes very ill for the globe, especially in view of the fact that it will combine with the expected upcoming La Nina on the heels of the current El Nino, and therefore we may see global temperatures plummeting by up to half a degree in a about 2 years time.

Another ominous sign is Greenland has seen its massive ice sheet grow by 220 km³. This is enough to cover the entire country of Spain with half a meter of ice.

Warmists panicking?

Already forecasts of horror-winters are appearing for northern Europe, and they will come true should the mass of cold stick around. Caution with such forecasts are advised, of course.

The overall North Atlantic cooling development already appears to have some warmists in a state of panic, and so it’s no surprise we are now seeing highly dubious studies insisting that the warming is causing the cooling.

Canary in coal mine Arctic stops cooperating…

Thanks to the oceanic ENSO cycles this year globally as a whole the planet has been warmer than normal. However the equatorial regions of the globe are not really the locations that alarmists customarily showcase as the ones to watch, especially in view of the fact that weather balloons have failed to show any warming up in the lower troposphere, precisely where the theory claims this is where you’d expect it.

Both poles no longer cooperating

Over the better part of the last decade the warmists liked using the high latitude Arctic regions as the “canary in the coal mine”. They also used to showcase Antarctica as well, but the South Pole stopped cooperating with melting scenarios years ago, and now so has the Arctic stopped cooperating.

Scientists are now acknowledging that a return of Arctic sea ice is entirely possible. There’s real trouble brewing for the warmists.


21 responses to “Ireland Sees Coldest Summer In 30 Years! …North Atlantic, Scandinavia, Northern Russia Endure Frigid Summer”

  1. Ron C.

    Oh the irony. Without El Nino and the high SSTs, this year would have no chance of being a hot one. Even so, it is all about the ocean.

    1. Caleb

      When you speak of it being the 4th lowest }on record” you are speaking of an abbreviated record that starts in 1978 and doesn’t even include the low extent years in the early 1970’s we have some satellite records of.

      There were other periods of low ice extent before World War Two which likely were quite similar to the current one. And, of course, the Vikings sailed a northern route from Norway to Iceland and on to Greenland without seeing any sea-ice, in open boats that likely would cause sailors hypothermia under current conditions.

      We are merely in a warm cycle, but the worry is that we are at the end.

  2. mwhite
  3. sod

    Thanks for the link. The arctic paper is free to read:

    Th conclusion is a little different from what some commenters on wuwt think it is:

    “So if global warming does soon melt all the Arctic sea ice, at least we can expect to get it back if we somehow manage to cool the planet back down again.”” (final paragraph of the wuwt article)

    Can someone explain to me, how the arctic stopped cooperation?

    Both lanes were open this year:

    And we see a very low ice cover.

    1. John F. Hultquist

      Both lanes were open this year:

      While neither (or Zero) lanes were open last year.
      Further, neither will be open very long. I guess that’s why countries, including the USA are building new and bigger ice breakers. Why are they needed? I guess the POTUS and others really do not expect an ice-free Arctic Ocean, but they will stand in front of TV cameras and tell you they do.
      From Wiki: In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus is the god of beginnings and transitions, and thereby of gates, doors, doorways, passages and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces, …
      Sounds a lot like the 25,000 big shots and fellow travelers getting ready to spend an enormous sum and generate tons of CO2 to Party in Paris.

  4. DirkH

    If you wanna hack the Bundestag dolts, just send them an e mail pretending you’re the UN. They click on anything.

  5. sod

    “While neither (or Zero) lanes were open last year.”

    And that was declared a “recovery”. Now we see low sea ice (3rd or 4th lowest on record?) and open lanes again and it just gets ignored. The focus is now slightly southward in ireland. It is just always focusing on the one point that is showing cool weather, even if it is the only one on the entire globe.

    1. DirkH

      We learned from the warmunists there.
      sod, give it up. I mean you can continue being a member of this worn out propaganda cult but what does it buy you. Do you really believe the crazies at the UN will actually achieve their cherished world dictatorship? I got news for you – they don’t even have their own terrorists! Let alone EXPENSIVE weapons.

  6. Schockierende Wetterwarnung: Kältester Winter seit 50 Jahren soll monatelange heftige Schneefälle und Kälte nach Großbritannien bringen! | wobleibtdieglobaleerwaermung
  7. Ron C.

    Arctic melt season is almost over, likely to end around 4.6M km2 ice extent. Wadhams forecasted 1M minimum this year.

  8. sod

    “Arctic melt season is almost over, likely to end around 4.6M km2 ice extent.”

    the recovery did not happen. We see one of the lowest minimums on record.

    The arctic does not rebond, so i am not surprised that “sceptics” lose their interest:

    “We haven’t spent much time looking at Arctic Sea Ice this year, partly because I’ve rather lost interest in it as any sort of climatic indicator.”
    (wuwt quote from your link)

  9. Dr Tim Ball-Climatologist

    I would like to tell you of my latest book and documentary.
    ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’.
    My latest documentary and video of my presentation.
    My website is
    Thank you.

    Debate between Dr Tim Ball and Elizabeth May
    Scroll down to Ian Jessop part 1

  10. lapogus

    That swathe of light blue (suggesting an anomaly of 0.5C) across Scotland on the NOAA map is highly questionable – I would be very surprised if the actual anomaly for June-July-August in Scotland was at least -2C. There were days in June and July when I had to put the air conditioning on in the car – to get warm. I never put the winter fleece away, and had to give up wearing shorts in early August. Things warmed a little in the last week of August and it was actually possible to wear shorts again for a few days last week. But there were many days in June, July and early August when noon temperatures (here in the southern Highlands) stubbornly remained below 15C. One day I remember it maxed at 13C, and I looked up the temperature in Nuuk for comparison, which was 17C. Nights were cold also, usually single figures, and it got down to 1 or 2C on a couple of nights in July and August. This was the first year I can remember when we had to light the woodstove in the house on nights in July and August to keep the house temperature bearable.

    If you ask someone in Scotland “Did you have a good summer?” the reply is usually “Do you mean that Wednesday in June, or the Tuesday in early July?”

    So that NOAA anomaly map is bollocks. I also read that Sweden had the coldest May for 100 years, Novia Scotia had winter snow storms in May, Norway had more snow in June since records began, and Iceland had the coldest summer for 100 years.

    1. sod

      “That swathe of light blue (suggesting an anomaly of 0.5C) across Scotland on the NOAA map is highly questionable – I would be very surprised if the actual anomaly for June-July-August in Scotland was at least -2C.”

      You do understand, that the comparison is with a time range starting in 1981?

      So you are 100% sure, that this summer was much colder than summers in the 80s, simply from personal experience?

      This summer was incredibly hot basically everywhere.

      for some reasons, people here focus on a tiny colder spot and even with that one, you folks simply assume that even that data must be false. Were is your scepticism?

      1. DirkH

        “This summer was incredibly hot basically everywhere. ”

        Well if this summer was incredibly hot basically everywhere I see where you’re coming from. So if YOU tell us we should FEAR an INCREDIBLY HOT future, well, then that’s not much of a worry to me.

        BTW the junkyard climate models continue to run way hotter than even fraudulent GISS so I’d better get me another Parka because of that HOT future.

  11. Ed Caryl

    Compared to the last 16 years, only the eastern Pacific is warm. The poles are cooling. Both poles.

    1. sod

      “Compared to the last 16 years, only the eastern Pacific is warm”

      compared to the last 16 years, ireland is pretty much normal on your map.

    2. sod

      “Compared to the last 16 years, only the eastern Pacific is warm”

      compared to the last 16 years,the globe on your map raised temperature by 0.13°C.

      That is pretty close to a already scary 0.1°C temperature increase per decade and is the opposite of “global cooling” or a “pause”, by the way!

  12. lapogus

    Yes, a warming of 0.1C per decade is truly terrifying, given climate history and the fact that where I live used to be half a mile of ice until 10,000 years ago. Not to mention the longer growing seasons and more productive climate enjoyed by the Mesolitic, Iron Age and Celts who lived here in more distant times. In the 1690s one quarter of the Scottish population died due to malnutrition related diseases and starvation as a result of failed harvests in a series of cold summers. Climate changes, and we are still slowly coming out of the Little Ice Age. CO2 may be helping this a small amount, although not by enough which can actually be measured. Get over it and think yourself lucky to have such a non problem.

  13. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #197 | Watts Up With That?

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