Now It’s Global Cooling! German Weekly Warns Scientists See “Mini Ice Age Coming In Just A Few Years”

The recent focus on (and hysteria over) the warm Christmas weather we saw over the North American east coast and Europe apparently is already fading and giving way to far more serious concerns – like the snow bowl blizzard of normally sunny El Paso, for example.

Naturally it’s just silly to use one weather event as proof of a climate trend, and so we have to keep the focus on long-term trends and historical climate cycles. Four days ago the online German national news weekly FOCUS here looked into the growing number of reports and signs that the warming is in its final days.

The German news magazine reports: “Scientists prognosticate icy cold winters like in the Dark Ages” and that despite the recent warm year: “Indeed some scientists see a mini ice age coming in just a few years.”

FOCUS tells its readers that already the Holocene has now drawn out some 11,500 years and the next ice age is in fact 1500 years overdue when we go back and compare it to the previous intergalcials. That’s one reason why we should not be too hopeful of long-term warming ahead, FOCUS writes.

Indeed the overall temperature trend over the past 10,000 years has been downward.

“Next ice age is certainly coming”

Another reason is solar activity. FOCUS cites Professor Sami Solanki, Director of the prestigious Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research. He tells FOCUS that the current solar cycle is “not typical” of what we have seen over the past half century, but reminds us that it is still too early to make a “reliable forecast” for a next ice age. Overall Solanki tells FOCUS: The next ice age is certainly coming. It is a question of when.“

In the article Professor Solanki confirms the historical climate cycles and that the earth is cooler during periods of lower solar activity.

17 responses to “Now It’s Global Cooling! German Weekly Warns Scientists See “Mini Ice Age Coming In Just A Few Years””

  1. edmh

    This article is spot on again.

    According to Greenland and other Ice Core data our Holocene Interglacial is now in decline.

    The current, warm Holocene interglacial has been the enabler of mankind’s civilisation for the last 10,000+ years. It’s congenial climate spans from mankind’s earliest farming to the scientific and technological advances of the last 100 years.

    • the last millennium 1000AD – 2000AD even compassing the Medieval warm Period has been the coldest millennium of the Holocene interglacial.
    • each of the notable high points in the Holocene temperature record, (the early Holocene Climate Optimum – Minoan – Roman – Medieval – Modern), have been progressively colder than the previous high point.
    • for its first 7-8000 years the early Holocene, including its high point “Climate Optimum”, had virtually flat temperatures, an average drop of only ~0.007 °C per millennium.
    • but the more recent Holocene, since a “tipping point” at ~1000BC, has seen a temperature diminution at more than 20 times that earlier rate at about 0.14 °C per millennium.
    • the Holocene interglacial is already 10 – 11,000 years old and judging from the length of previous interglacials the Holocene epoch should be drawing to its close: in this century, the next century or this millennium.
    • the beneficial warming at the end of the 20th century to the Modern high point has been responsible the “Great Man-made Global Warming Scare”.
    • eventually this late 20th century temperature blip will come to be seen as just noise in the system in the longer term progress of comparatively rapid cooling over the last 3000+ years.

    When considering the scale of temperature changes that alarmists anticipate because of Man-made Global Warming and their view of the disastrous effects of additional Man-made Carbon Dioxide emissions, it is useful to look at climate change from a longer term, century by century and also from a millennial perspective.

    The much vaunted and much feared “fatal” tipping point of +2°C would only bring Global temperatures close to the level of the very congenial climate of “the Roman warm period”.

    Were possible to reach the “horrendous” level of +4°C postulated by Warmists, that extreme level of warming would still only bring temperatures to about the level of the previous Eemian maximum, a warm and abundant epoch, when hippopotami thrived in the Rhine delta.


  2. Ole Jensen

    I guess it´s dawning for the lame stream media, that they have lost control over what´s comming out….
    They most certainly have lost their viewers.
    We all thank you Pierre, and so many others out there, breaking their
    “truth” monopolly

  3. Mindert Eiting

    ‘The next ice age is certainly coming. It is a question of when’. When a woman gave birth to nine children about every two years, should we believe that her tenth child will certainly be born and that it is only a question of when?
    The coming and going of ice ages is not a law of nature. It is a short-term cycle which began a million years ago. Nobody knows why it started and therefore nobody knows why it should continue. It is possible that the last ice age was really the last.

    1. R. Shearer

      Likely, at least one of her children will have children.

    2. Bernd Felsche

      Tectonic plates have moved; new channels for ocean currents to flow have opened and others have closed. New mountains have grown.

      “Orbital” cycles are predictable; when known.
      Yet our own sun is quite unpredictable in the long term.

      It’s quite plausible that there will be an Ice Age. But in our ignorance of the causes, it would be arrogant to predict when one will happen and what it will look like.

    3. Your Future

      Indeed the alternation between ‘normal’ and ‘ice-age’ began about a million yearsa ago.

      It’s a biphasic transition period between the old warm and the new PERPETUAL ICE AGE OF COLD.

  4. Edward.

    All sense of proportion lost in the age of lies and hyperbole, did we get too fat?

    We’ve come a long way since printing allowed the mass production of all manner of subversive literature. William Tyndale and Martin Luther have much to answer for, most of us are grateful for that, these great men were an early catalyst for the eventual ‘renaissance of science’, logic and philosophical deliberation, thus pushing humanity towards the age of The Enlightenment. It allowed mankind to throw off the fetters, to be able to invite in free thought and cast aside those mental shackles holding western Europe back.

    In the days of Luther and Tyndale and for hundreds of years thereafter, books were cherished as archives, treasuries and repositories, recording all of mankind’s experiences.

    BOOKS! enabled hundreds, thousands and eventually millions of people to learn of the theories of earlier great Europeans such as, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton and back to the likes of; Euclid, Archimedes and Pythagoras, Ptolemy, Aristarchus, Menelaus, and so many others.
    In the late C19th and C20th, in the likes of Einstein he was the personification of the advancement, how far mankind had come forwards from the beginning when we moved away from hunter gathering to the nurturing and growing of cereal crops. Through our learning and skills, we made industry got science, we then combined them to kill our fellow man and on an industrial scale.
    Yet even in the 50’s and in the 60’s during the space program. when we stood on the brink of untold advancement. BUT – we stopped learning, Universities have seized up and academia was infiltrated by the Frankfurt School Marxists.
    The Dark ages had begun all over again, though this time it would go under the name of ‘the green age’.

    Presently books are left to gather dust and regarded as ‘old hat’ and through in the era of the internet, mankind’s propensity for an intellectual and social revolution is being snuffed out by big government, commercial vested interest and the elite – a sliver of society which would have us all back to the fields.

    We don’t learn anymore, all there is now, are politics and liars.

    We all know that….. no! we all SHOULD KNOW that the earth is in the middle of an era of Ice, what we experience presently is a beneficial warming, throughout which mankind has come so very far. It will come to an end, I think that the world does now enter a mild cooling similar to the LIA. I freely admit the rather good possibility that I may be wrong………and that we, are in the preceding years of an imminent and severe cooling.

    In the meantime, I wish someone would shut them [media and politicians] all up – it’s just another El Nino: not the end of days.

    Enough is enough.

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    […] Now It’s Global Cooling! German Weekly Warns Scientists See “Mini Ice Age Coming In Just A Few Years”… […]

  6. al_ell

    And if the trend continues, with each cold phase colder than the previous, the next Little Ice Age will be colder than the one of ~500 years ago. It could be the tipping point to the next glacial period.
    But who knows.

  7. John F. Hultquist

    All of this may be true. then, again, it may not come to pass.

    I like this:
    He tells FOCUS that the current solar cycle is “not typical” of what we have seen over the past half century, but reminds us that it is still too early to make a “reliable forecast” for a next ice age.

    In general regarding what folks think Earth is about to do, I like Mark Twain’s comment: “There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.”

    **The phrase “ice age” in the quote above would usually be something like “glacial period, glacial, or glaciation” because the idea is that Earth is currently in an ice age, called the Quaternary ice age that began about 2.58 M years ago. The names get confusing because researchers studied these things in different places using local names. There is a chart here: Backwards Glacial Index

    1. yonason

      The quote alone is good, but Mark Twain’s detailed analysis of how he arrived at that conclusion can be found in this section of “Life On The Mississippi”

      “Chapter 17 Cut-offs and Stephen,”
      which can be found here.

      It’s well worth reading to see how prescient he was, so very accurately capturing the scientific mind as it now perversely manifests itself.

  8. yonason

    Saw that one coming.

    It’s obvious, actually. First, they’ve done it before. Second, they are not about to give up pretending to have “solutions” to problems, real or imaginary, that will guarantee they end up with more power, prestige and lot$ of loot.

    Bottom line, warming or cooling, there is just too much at stake for the climate parasites to throw in the towel. Somehow or other the cooling will be our fault, and if we don’t give them the control and funding they want, no solution will ever be found and dire consequences will ensue.

  9. Terri Jackson

    the future is linked to the number of sun spots which are declining rapidly as is the total solar irradiance. the question is will it be a Dalton minimum or a Maunder minimum but it is coming and coming fast. the present slight warming which has got the alarmists all excited is a natural event, the El nino which will soon die. The two satellite data systems RSS and UAH show no human warming for 20 years. B y contrast the three terrestrial temperature data sets are all compromised having been “adjusted” in a upward direction!

    1. John F. Hultquist

      If and when a sunspot minimum comes it will likely be called The Eddy Minimum.

  10. Rosco

    According to Australia’s BOM

    The solar cycles of the late 20th century early 21st century were record breakers for sunspot activity. For peak sunspot number count:-

    Solar cycle 18 – ~1944 to ~1954 – ranked number 4.
    Solar cycle 19 – ~1954 to ~1964 – ranked number 1.
    Solar cycle 20 – ~1964 to ~1975 – ranked number 6. Surprisingly quiet.
    Solar cycle 21 – ~1976 to ~1986 – ranked number 2.
    Solar cycle 22 – ~1986 to ~1996 – ranked number 3.
    Solar cycle 23 – ~1996 to ~2008 – ranked number 5.

    Solar cycle 24 “is on track to be the Solar Cycle with the lowest recorded sunspot activity since accurate records began in 1750”

    The discussion is primarily about solar cycle 22 –

    “Cycle 22 certainly provided many highlights. Early in the cycle the smoothed sunspot number (determined by the number of sunspots visible on the Sun and used as the traditional measure of the cycle) climbed rapidly; in fact more rapidly than for any previous recorded cycle. This caused many to predict that it would eclipse Cycle 19 (peak sunspot number of 201) as the highest cycle on record.

    This was not to be as the sunspot number ceased climbing in early 1989 and reached a maximum in July of that year. Whilst not of record amplitude, Cycle 22 still rated as 4th largest of the recorded cycles and continued a run of large solar cycles. (Cycles 18, 19 and 21 were all exceptional!) A very notable feature of Cycle 22 was that it had the shortest rise from minimum to maximum of any recorded cycle – just 34 months.”

    If sunspots correlate to climate on Earth then there is little wonder why the late 20th century saw so-called “unprecedented warming” – 4 of 5 solar cycles were the most active ever reliably recorded.

    This also seems to correlate with the pause – cycle 23 rates number 5 but 24 is significantly less active.

    Interesting times ahead possibly.

    NB cycle 22 is number 3 in peak count but activity rose quickly and fell away.

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