Rapidly Evolving Protest: German Wind Energy Opponents Form Political Party In Response To A Deaf System

Not a single one of Germany’s established political parties officially opposes the construction of wind parks despite all the proof of their inefficiency, hazard to health and wildlife, ugliness, and lack of economy.

As a consequence, a growing number of citizens are becoming fed up with a political system that has become deaf to the concerns of citizens. Some 10 years ago what once began as a huge welcome of “green and clean” wind energy, has since turned into fierce protest – and is now developing into organized political opposition.

Hat-tip Gerti

North Germany’s online daily nordkurier.de here reports how in the state of Mecklenburg Western Pomerania citizen initiative groups against ugly wind parks are taking their protest activity to a whole new level: the formation of a political party to be on the ballot in September’s state elections. In summary environmentalist citizens have had it with the green-preaching parties who refuse to listen and have allowed themselves to be corrupted by Big Wind.

The name of the citizens’ initiative, which comprises some 50 smaller initiatives statewide, is called “Freier Horizont” (Free Horizon) and it plans to be on the ballot under the same name in this fall’s election.

Deaf political system

The reason the Freier Horizont is forming a political party? The nordkurier.de quotes initiative’s chairman Norbert Schumacher:

Currently there is no democratic party which rejects the uncontrolled expansion of wind power that people can elect.”

The hardest hit of course will be the region’s Green Party as disenchanted environmentalist realize that the Greens have long sold out to profiteering wind energy opportunists. The movement led by the Freier Horizont is taking on formidable dimensions. The nordkurier.de writes:

Schumacher sees voter potential foremost in the countryside. At many places citizens have had the experience that there voices against wind turbines carry no weight with the deciding committees. Last year the protest group gathered more than 22,000 signatures in a short time in support of a citizens’ initiative calling for greater distances between turbines and homes and coastlines. The state parliament rejected the initiative.”

Initiative leaders tell the nordkurier.de that it was never their intention to form a party. However, elected officials simply just don’t listen anymore.

39 responses to “Rapidly Evolving Protest: German Wind Energy Opponents Form Political Party In Response To A Deaf System”

  1. yonason

    Is it time for Germans to join Americans for tea?

    I wonder if there’s a market for an international tea party? It would certainly broaden the base. Leftists operate internationally, so why shouldn’t conservatives? Maybe not all under the same organizational umbrella, but at least communicating and setting common goals.

    1. DirkH

      There’s the AfD. It’s not a Pan-European party so all media and all Pan-European parties treat them as pariahs. Tea-Partyish enough for you? Whatever the real background of the formation of the USA was. AfD is against the Euro and against mass muslim immigration – two cornerstones of NWO-Pan-Europeanism as represented by SPD, CDU, Greens.

      The CDU, a formerly conservative party, is now seen as a leftist party in a poll that is taken since 1998 where voters must categorize each party according to her leftishness/rightishness. CDU ends up left of center now. So ALL Bundestag parties are leftists, none is conservative.

      This state of affairs will of course not last. AfD is the new conservative party.

      1. DirkH

        …to find out more about the planned antidemocratic Technocratic-socialist future European Ultrastate, find a PDF of Praktischer Idealismus by Coudenhouve-Kalergi, 1925, freemason, financed by Warburg. The book lays out the plans, including the future “Eurasian-Negroid mixed race” of Europe; it cannot be bought anywhere in Germany – including Amazon.

        It tells too much about their plans.

        1. yonason

          Even if we could find it, it’s too old to be persuasive, even if a connection exists. We need to use the ample available contemporary evidence by and about them as proof that today’s Socialists are a serious and ever growing threat.

          We need to convince people that our current batch of rotten apples is indeed rotten, and that they are the problem. A near century old manifesto isn’t going going to do that. It may be good supplementary material, but I don’t see it standing on its own.

          1. DirkH

            Kalergi became the first recipient of the European Community’s Karlspreis. It was his idea to use Beethoven as EU hymn.
            He’s never mentioned but he’s the ideological father of the entire dictatorship – which is intentionally modelled after the USSR – as socialism was seen as surpassing capitalism during the 1920ies by him, Schumann, Monnet,and about any other thinker of the time with the exception of von Mises and Hayek.

          2. yonason


            The little I’ve been able to supplement the minimal European history I got in school is still inadequate.


        2. yonason

          Not just another nutty professor with his head in the clouds.

          But one who helped lead Europe down the mother of all blind allies.

          From here (the “mother load?”)

          What all those wars couldn’t destroy, unaccountable bureaucrats erase with ease.

          Interestingly, he was born to a German nobleman and his Japanese wife, and it may have been his self consciousness of being different that made him want CHANGE. It’s hard not to see a parallel with Obama whose mother was American and father was both Kenyan and a British subject. Kind of makes one appreciate why America’s founding fathers insisted that our President MUST be “natural born.”

          Thanks again for the history lesson.

          1. yonason

            I just noticed the source of that PDF. It’s a German fellow who claims that the term NAZI is interchangeable with the Hebrew NASI. That is wrong, as can be seen from the difference in Hebrew spellings.

            נָשִׂיא = Prince
            נאצי = Scheisskopf 😉

            OK, the latter isn’t the literal meaning, but I think it’s one most non-NAZI’s would accept as valid.

      2. yonason


        “…a formerly conservative party…” describes most of the not ultra Leftists these days. If we want Conservative, we have to do it ourselves.

        This is what I meant by how they all work together. It’s a slightly humorous look at Howard Dean’s and Bill Clinton’s Communist initiatives and how they are in bed with their fellow travelers in Europe.

        Personally, I don’t find any of it funny, but it is instructive.

        They have strength because they have the numbers. We have strength because we try to be right, and we are willing to learn from our mistakes. As small as the world is becoming, we need to capitalize (pun slightly intended) on our ability to communicate and share information on how to deal with the threat posed by Leftists everywhere.

        1. DirkH

          The Socialist International has been replaced by the Progressive Alliance (PA, not to be confused with PA, the Palestinian authority), first proposed by German socialdemocrat and Atlantikbruecke Young Leader and current vice chancellor Sigmar Gabriel. German SPD and Obama party are members. Atlantikbruecke infiltrates SPD, CDU and Greens. It is a Warburg-founded club. They produce a bunch of the top politicians in those parties via their Young Leader program. Here we have international bankers again funding and educating “socialist” leaders.

  2. yonason

    OH NOS!

    I have just discovered warming to be REAL!

    I have been tracking the temperature for my area vs time online, and got the following results so far (1st# is minutes, 2nd is temp in DegF):


    (yes, that’s really what I got)
    Plotting that data at this website, and using their linear regression, it turns out that the temperature is rising at 0.234 DegF PER MINUTE!!

    Sorry folks, it’s – GASP – obviously all over. :-O

    1. DirkH

      The first time runaway positive water vapor feed back has been observed outside of a computer model! Please take notes til you drop dead. Future scientists will find your downfall a treasure trove of information.

      1. yonason

        LOL – Anything for science.

      2. yonason

        P.S. – Even thought the warmists “know” it’s caused by CO2, they have yet to explain how the same thing happens every morning at sunrise. As sod would say, “just a coincidence. nothing to see here.”

  3. David Johnson

    Good for them and best of luck

  4. Mindert Eiting

    A very good initiative. The party should not be conservative or right-wing neither left-wing. For getting voters it should be middle road. We have a lot of experience in the Netherlands with one-issue parties and often these become a receptacle of adventurers and extremists. To make clear that it is an one-issue party, you should tell the voters that it is temporary and will be disbanded after eight years or so. Make very clear how the party will behave in parliament on important economic and social issues. The party should be led by people with a respectable background and special care is needed for keeping extremists outdoors and the avoidance of hidden agendas. The narrow issue is the destruction of our landscape by worthless wind mills and the broad issue the climate swindle. I would vote on such a party.

    1. yonason

      “For getting voters it should be middle road.” – Mindert Eiting

      That’s the strategy of America’s Republican elite, which is why they always do so poorly, and when in power get nothing worthwhile done. If they want to succeed and make a difference, they mustn’t try to out-Left the Left. Keeping Leftists out, will by itself keep the extremists out.

  5. RoyFOMR

    An interesting development whereby, a presumably single-issue party, uses the voting system to put their agenda out of the hands of unelected officials and into the democratic playground where it could actually sway the mind-set of our political masters.

    If this hurts the career politicians by taking away votes then that’s a bonus as far as I’m concerned but, given that they are meant to serve those who elected them, I’m sure that they’ll be ‘delighted’ to find out what the electorate really do want.

    I wish them all the best.

  6. Mikky

    How ironic that the proportional voting system, which has given “Greens” such power, way beyond their few percent vote share, allows their opponents to do the same.

    A more general anti-green party would be useful at national level, to be available for coalition govts, on the condition that greens are excluded.

    1. sod

      “How ironic that the proportional voting system, which has given “Greens” such power, way beyond their few percent vote share, allows their opponents to do the same.”

      there is a 5% threshold on the state level. A anti wind party might at best win support in a town or village counsel, it never will get into any state parliament.

      The Greens got power in Germany by being part of governments (in a coalition with the social democrats mostly) but even more by basically all other parties adopting part of their agenda, because it is so popular in Germany.

      The south western state i live in is currently run by a green “Ministerpraesident”. He is so popular with the people, that no CDU candidate would have even the slightest chance against him in a direct election (though he most likely will lose his position in March, mostly because the social democrats are weak and because the refugees will be dominating the agenda for the election).

      1. DirkH

        Kretschmann. Like Trittin and Fischer he was a communist in the 1970ies, a member of the K-Gruppen (small, KGB-controlled communist parties). When the K-Gruppen – who in vain tried to agitate the workers – noticed the mass appeal of environmentalism and the young Green party with their antinuclear mass demonstrations – they joined it, quickly became mouthpieces for anti nuclear, and rose in the ranks and purged all members who were not hard leftists. Infiltrate and overtake.

        The huge success of the Greens in the former industrial heartland BW is due to the huge proportion of Muslims – to whose every wish the Green party caters.

        Mannheim for instance has 40% non-German population – and opposite the Rhine, Ludwigshafen even more! Many of whom are German citizens by now so they vote. For the Greens. Who love Muslims.

        1. sod

          “they joined it, quickly became mouthpieces for anti nuclear, and rose in the ranks and purged all members who were not hard leftists.”

          Dirk, i have serious doubts about your analysis. Can you back that up with any facts?

          It is true, that Kretschmann (now Ministerpraesident of Baden-Wuerttemberg) was a member of a communist party in his youth (2 years in the eraly 70s). He now is over 65 years old and obviously a different person (i have big problems with him being much too conservative!)

          The german Greens were also not “purged” towards the left. On the contrary, the left wing (“fundis”, being a friendly version of “fundamentalists”) have basically lost all influence to the right wing (“realos”, being “realists”).

          “The huge success of the Greens in the former industrial heartland BW is due to the huge proportion of Muslims – to whose every wish the Green party caters.”

          Again, please back this up. Election results show, that those voting green are rather rich, well educated and often female.


          So those rich, university educated female muslims are the basis of Green power? Excellent!

          1. Graeme No.3

            “Election results show, that those voting green are rather rich, well educated and often female.”

            After the New Year I suspect that the Greens have lost most of the female vote.

            Otherwise, much as it pains me to say, you may well be right. Becoming part of the ruling class and having to make decisions based on facts often causes “the realists” to become prominent.
            You may be familiar with the old British saying “If you’re not a socialist when you are young there is something wrong with your heart, but if you are a socialist after you over 25 years old, there is something wrong with your brain”.

          2. DirkH

            sod 26. January 2016 at 7:58 AM | Permalink | Reply
            ““they joined it, quickly became mouthpieces for anti nuclear, and rose in the ranks and purged all members who were not hard leftists.”

            Dirk, i have serious doubts about your analysis. Can you back that up with any facts?

            It is true, that Kretschmann (now Ministerpraesident of Baden-Wuerttemberg) was a member of a communist party in his youth (2 years in the eraly 70s). He now is over 65 years old and obviously a different person (i have big problems with him being much too conservative!)”

            WHAT? You have serious doubts, then you CONFIRM it?

            I give up. Get a Doctor.

          3. sod

            “WHAT? You have serious doubts, then you CONFIRM it?”

            your claim is false. Kretschmann is not “purging” the green party to the left, he is actually silencing the left wing of the party.

            His youth is utterly irrelevant.

          4. DirkH

            sod 26. January 2016 at 11:32 PM | Permalink
            “your claim is false. Kretschmann is not “purging” the green party to the left, he is actually silencing the left wing of the party. ”

            Your claim that he is conservative, does this mean he wants Stalinism back? That would be conserving Stalinism, so, conservative in a way.

            The Green Party has since the hijacking by the K-Gruppen been 100% about forbidding things, and 50% about bombing Serbia.

            Not a party I could *EVER* vote for.

        2. Bernd Felsche

          Some say ( http://webstore.2gb.com.s3.amazonaws.com/audio/ben-fordham—sydney-live/201601/25-ben-fordham—–defence-force-st.mp3 ) that true Muslims may not vote in democratic elections; except to over-turn the system. Democracy and the Rule of Law are the antithesis of Islam as only Allah can make laws.

  7. John F. Hultquist

    Freier Horizont” (Free Horizon)

    A problem for single issue groups are the many other issues the members do not agree on.
    For example, the U. S. National Audubon Society has a mission to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife for the benefit … and so on.
    Most of this I agree with but will not pay national dues because the National leaders have jumped into the global warming swamp with both feet. We go to local chapter meetings for the presentations (usually someone has visited an exotic place and shows photos, maps, and whatever).
    Freier Horizont” may end up being a necessary but temporary movement.

  8. edmh

    Capacity factors as they are reported by the Renewable Industry, (the actual electrical output generated as compared to the Nameplate capacity of European Renewable installations is about 18% overall).

    These when combined with comparative costings from the US government Energy Information Administration, the overall capital cost of all European Renewable Energy installations (Solar and Wind Power) averages out at about €29billion / Gigawatt.

    Overall running costs can be compared with Gas Fired generation, including the costs of fuel, which are continuing to diminish, and on Grid Solar Power across Europe is about 14 times.

    Germany of course is the country in Europe most advanced Renewable commitment.

    In 2014 in total Germany had installed about 79GW of Renewables.

    By 2014 Germany had already installed 31% of European Wind Power and about 44 % of European Solar Power.

    Germany is a cloudy, Northern country so this combination means Germany has the worst overall Renewable Energy capacity factor in Europe at 13.2%.

    At 10.4% Germany has a slightly better Solar performance than the UK at 8.6%, whereas the European average is up to 12.1%.

    At 15.8% Germany’s wind power performance is the lowest in Europe. It compares poorly with the UK at almost twice that capacity figure of 31.3%. In the UK this is accounted for by the more performant commitment in the UK to offshore Wind installations.

    It can be estimated that the capital cost of German renewable installations approaches €420,000,000,000, €0.42 trillion.

    Germany has the highest renewable capital expenditure / head in Europe of ~€5,100, this compares with France at ~€1,100/head and the UK at ~€1,600/head

    So Germany’s commitment to Renewable Energy is the least performant in Europe and worldwide and is the most costly for its population.

    Its is hardly surprising that the German population is at last seeing the scale of the German renewable folly.

    for more detail throughout Europe see:


    1. sod

      “These when combined with comparative costings from the US government Energy Information Administration, the overall capital cost of all European Renewable Energy installations (Solar and Wind Power) averages out at about €29billion / Gigawatt.”

      Sorry, but your calculations are based on a big error. You are using the wrong metric (capacity factor) and you are averaging over time on a technology, that made huge progress. You then compare that number to the most modern gas plants, using the current cheap gas prices.

      Let me illustrate your position: I average the speed in reverse gear over all car types, back to Tin Lizzy. Then i compare it to the most modern e-bike. And come to conclusion, that pedelecs are faster than cars!

      1. Bernd Felsche

        Thank you for admitting that the Energiewende is like driving in reverse all the time.

      2. DirkH

        “You are using the wrong metric (capacity factor) and you are averaging over time on a technology, that made huge progress.”

        HUH? The first Megawatt wind turbine was installed in 1948 in Vermont, USA.

        1. yonason

          If I can believe wiki-P, it was in 1941. Wow. I had no I idea the insanity went that far back, nor that they couldn’t learn from their first mistake.

  9. Graydon Tranquilla

    Results of recent engineering evaulation of wind and solar implementation for Ontario….


  10. sod

    The protest might be a little late for the party.

    Coal power is in trouble everywhere, because of cheap wind and solar. Now coal supporters grasp for the final straw, pretending to have an environmental interest (in favour of coal and against wind. It would be funny if it was not true!)


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