Video Drives Home How Germany’s Green Energy Transformed It’s Idyllic Landscape – Into An Industrial Eyesore!

Awhile back I posted before-and-after photos of how wind parks are destroying Germany’s natural landscape.

Those photos have now been put into a video. Send the link to political leaders or communities who may be contemplating wind parks in their areas.

Is this really what you want to see every time you look out the window? How does destroying nature save it?
Meanwhile in Germany the “nature-saving” wind parks have done nothing to curb CO2. Last year Germany’s CO2 emissions rose.

FYI: “EEG Todeszone” means Energy Feed-In Act Death Zone


51 responses to “Video Drives Home How Germany’s Green Energy Transformed It’s Idyllic Landscape – Into An Industrial Eyesore!”

  1. John F. Hultquist

    Not my language so I just had to watch — seems nicely done though.
    At the end:
    “Last year Germany’s CO2 emissions rose.”

    This too could be placed on a visual, also costs, job losses, etc.
    But, all that might be too many messages and the intended message would be diluted. Trees completely block the sight of our local wind towers a few miles both east and west.
    Just thinking about stuff – Sun just came and warmed up things some so I’m going to go feed some animals.

    Interestingly, in the eastern USA, the day’s temperature is dropping.

  2. Edward.

    Useless metal monsters.

    What does it tell us?

    Whirlygigs – constructing these monolithic birdmincers and marching them across the landscape, they stand testament to an economic and indeed socio-political agenda which is and which will cause an economic catastrophe, as we witness….. it is currently (excuse the pun) destroying the German grid with useless surging electricity.

    The Communists, the Cultural Marxists, the Trots-Greens-critical theorists and Frankfurt school advocates are; only truly happy when they are in destructive mode – trashing the technological advances Europe has enjoyed during the Englightenment.

    Now, whether it be a demographic explosion or, a cataclysmic financial implosion thanks to, the madness of the green agenda and Brussels-Merkl axis – know one thing – none of it will end well for Europe and not at all for: both Germany and the UK.

  3. yonason
  4. SCMike

    Horrible scenery, and I can’t imagine how the folks can put up with the low-frequency rumble the birdmincers generate.

    It’s past time that we started to break wind!

    1. David Appell

      Birdmincers? Fossil fuels kill far more birds than do wind turbines:

      Number of bird deaths per unit of energy:

  5. sod

    Why not watch a video of air pollution from coal plants?

    Doesn t make good photos, so it must be less dangerous? Is this really an argument accepted here?

    Look at a picture of the coal ash spill:

    Or watch a video about the coal ash problem:

    1. yonason

      Wake up, sod. Stop being their useful idiot.

      1. David Appell

        Stop calling him names. If you can refute his arguments, then do so. If not, calling him names is juvenile and not an acceptable response.

        1. yonason


          “calling him names is juvenile and not an acceptable response.” – David Appell

          LOL – Do you mean like this?

          “David Appell | September 3, 2015 at 9:49 pm |

          tonyhellerexposed IS A LIAR. He makes things up. I wouldn’t trust a thing he has to say, if I were you.”
          (my EMPHASIS)

          No proof, just David Appell’s word for it. At least I showed why I wrote what I did.

          Notice that I didn’t call him and “idiot, but a “useful idiot.” Since sod fits the definition, I didn’t see any problem using the term.

          Note that if he isn’t mistaken in his support for climate con men, then he’s much worse. So I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

          Oh, and why wasn’t it being immature when you called Pierre “stupid?”

    2. DirkH

      sod 5. April 2016 at 11:23 AM | Permalink | Reply
      “Why not watch a video of air pollution from coal plants?
      Doesn t make good photos, so it must be less dangerous? Is this really an argument accepted here?”

      sod, you have never been to a German coal power plant. But I have. As you surely do not WANT to know, all German brown coal power plants have flue gas scrubbing and desulfurization since about 1995. Which BTW even in the UK not all old power plants have. But the German ones were forced (and partially subsidized) to have it installed.

      So you point to some local monopolist in the USA who is probably exempt of all of this because of his good connections to the Democratic party (Duke Energy). Now how AMAZING! Instead of protesting the obvious cronyism and corruption over there you are more than happy to use bad practices on the other side of the planet to demand that Germans shut down their modernized, WAY more efficient, WAY cleaner power plants.

      You are truly a moron who doesn’t deserve to live in the luxury provided to you by us, whatever unproductive occupation you busy yourself with.

      1. sod

        “So you point to some local monopolist in the USA who is probably exempt of all of this because of his good connections to the Democratic party (Duke Energy). ”

        The relevant Governor in this case is a Republican who worked for Duke.

        “Following a February 2, 2014, coal-ash spill that was the third-largest of its kind in US history, the US Attorney’s Office opened a grand-jury investigation into Duke Energy and North Carolina regulators in the administration of Governor Pat McCrory. McCrory had been an employee of Duke Energy for 28 years, and critics said his administration had intervened on Duke’s behalf to settle lawsuits over environmental violations.[102][103] The US Attorney subpoenaed 23 officials of the McCrory administration and sought records of “investments, cash or other items of value” passed from Duke to McCrory administration officials.[104] Duke Energy was fined $99,111 for leaks from ponds at two power plants; the amount was part of a deal made by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ secretary, John E. Skvarla III.[105]

        In August 2014, McCrory announced that he had previously owned more than $10,000 in Duke Energy stock and that he sold the stock after the coal-ash spill without disclosing the sale in state ethics filings. His lawyer stated that the mistake was based on the lawyer’s misunderstanding of the timeframe covered by the earlier disclosures.[106]”

        He had undisclosed stocks in the company and Duke was fined less than $100000 for the biggest coal ash spill disaster that anyone could imagine.

        1. Colorado Wellington

          In an attempted rebuke, sod provides more information on a local monopolist well-connected to state government officials.

          1. yonason

            That’s like the American Left making excuses for Islam. Every time a new jihadist attack is committed, they invariably attack White terrorists, and the example they usually give is Timothy McVeigh. It’s all they’ve got. “Islam is evil? Yeah, but what about the the two White guys, huh?!”

            A few rotten apples in our barrel vs truckloads in theirs. Right sod’s really got us this time.

          2. yonason

            …they invariably ACCUSE… not “attack” sorry

          3. David Appell

            yonason, is all of Islam responsible for the actions of a few terrorists?

            Is all of Christianity responsible for the terrorists McVeigh and Nichols?

    3. AndyG55

      “Why not watch a video of air pollution from coal plants?”

      You mean backlit steam?

      1. sod

        “You mean backlit steam?”

        No. i am talking about toxic stuff, like mercury.

        It is really great, that German coal plants have had some lousy scrubbers added under intense pressure last century.

        It is also just wonderful that those who ruin the landscape to dig for coal are later allowed to flood the land and then have to pay for 10 meters of beach and a kiosk as compensation for the dirty money they earned with the coal on other peoples land.

        1. AndyG55

          Where is your video ? No?

          That is what you said we should look at.

          Did you see the new idea that could reduce the CO2 from coal power by 50%?

        2. DirkH

          “It is also just wonderful that those who ruin the landscape to dig for coal are later allowed to flood the land”

          I already know that you Greens hate Red Milans; that’s why you Greens poison them so you can build your wind turbines in Red Milan free nature reserves; but now you hate fish as well? What would you prefer? Endless acres of corn plantations that can be turned into subsidized Bioethanol?

          Greens – the total industrializers of nature. Weird how that turned out. You really HATE biodiversity right?

        3. DirkH

          sod, why do you use a computer? I mean really. You hate all mining. You should be living in a wooden shack with no electricity and no metal objects except what you can forge from found meteorites. I guess you’d have a rotten old time shearing your sheep, weaving pullovers. And it’s possible! Siberia is VAST. So is Canada! Russia as well as Canada would probably take you if you ask politely and promise to disappear in the woods. Just forget about that useless Tesla you want to drive, remember, it depends on mining galore. And runs on nuclear power. Or coal power. Whichever is worse in your sect.

          THink about it. All your problems solved with one simple decision. Live the high life of a mostly metal-free standard of living! Solar cells? Well I see problems there. The silicon okay, but the inverter? The cables? Imagine the horrors of copper mining, nah, that’s right out.

          1. David Appell

            sod uses a computer because they are necessary for modern life. What isn’t necessary is energy generation via coal — there are many better options.

          2. Colorado Wellington

            “sod uses a computer because they are necessary for modern life.”

            David, I know you are pig-headed but not this dense. You know it was about sod’s hypocrisy and hate of mining. You also know that computer manufacturing are impossible without it.

            Was this just one of your sloppy hit-and-run comments or were you trying to obfuscate? Or was it both?

          3. DirkH

            David Appell 8. April 2016 at 7:18 AM | Permalink
            “sod uses a computer because they are necessary for modern life. ”

            sod doesn’t want a modern life – he hates mining. He wants a life without metal objects. Pre-bronce-age? But, he can do early agriculture using a stick as a plough.

        4. yonason

          “…i am talking about toxic stuff, like mercury.” – sod

          This is from a 2010 study in Europe:

          “Compared to the … 109 tons/y Hg released from dental practices, the Hg emissions originating from electricity production, lamp use and disposal is much lower (approximately 5.3 tons/y, i.e. 4.9 % of Hg originating from dental practices).”

          So, what was that you were saying about coal emissions, again?

      2. yonason
  6. Mike Lowe

    The sheer number of those bird-mincers makes it very obvious what enormous amounts of taxpayers’ money has gone to subsidise them. Plus the further enormous amounts which will be needed once their owners have been bankrupted or have disappeared leaving taxpayers to foot the bill for their removal. What a scandal!

    1. David Appell

      Mike: Fossil fuels kill far more birds than do wind turbines:

      Number of bird deaths per unit of energy:

      1. AndyG55

        “Mike: Fossil fuels kill far more birds than do wind turbines:”

        Utter BS. !

      2. AndyG55

        And you link to a fabricated graph from a far-left anti-everything group, which is about human deaths.

        Its beyond STUPID even for you. !

  7. David Appell

    Pierre wrote:
    “Awhile back I posted before-and-after photos of how wind parks are destroying Germany’s natural landscape.”

    Those were the faked pictures, right?

  8. stan stendera

    No, Mr. Appell, they were not faked. You are accusing Pierre of lying. It is well known that people instinctively accuse others of their own sins. Liars accuse others of lying because they assume that since they lie, others also lie. What does your accusing make you, Mr. Appell?

  9. stan stendera

    In addition, Mr. Appell, everyone commenting here has seen a wind subsidy farm. They are ugly, ugly, ugly so no embellishment is necessary.

    1. stan stendera

      I should be ashamed of myself. I’m feeding the troll. I’ll have to do better.

    2. Colorado Wellington

      Yes, these sprawling wind farms power plants are hideous but sod and other committed schoolchildren could do something about it.

      And don’t feel too bad about the feeding. We are all sinners.

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