Leading German Alarmist Site Sees Little Difference Between “Eco-Clinton” And “Coal-Trump”

Leading German climate activist/alarmist site Klimaretter (climate rescuers) here has an opinion piece telling readers that there is in fact little difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton when it comes the energy policy. “Eco-green or coal-black? It really isn’t that simple.”

Klimaretter writes that while it may appear Trump wishes to save the American coal industry and Clinton promises to promote “clean energies”,  the two candidates have many more similarities’ than what meets the eye:

In fact there are more common points between the two than what their rhetoric would have us believe. Both Clinton and Trump wish to hold on to the controversial fracking technology for natural gas  and crude oil. The same is true for nuclear power.

Trump has long since added on to his pro-coal course by coming out in favor of ‘all types of energy’. Also solar and wind energy would also play a role under his administration. It’s a balancing act for the billionaire: Of course he wishes to gain the votes from the many unemployed coal workers, however he has in fact understood that renewable energies has become a good economic engine, and in the meantime offers more jobs than the coal industry.

Trump even appears to be worried that there might indeed be something behind climate change: One of his companies wants to build a protective wall around his golf course on the Irish coast. Rising sea level and increasing erosion necessitate it…”

Klimaretter’s opinion could be the case of a climate alarmist trying to see a silver lining in a Trump presidency. Let’s recall that Trump said he would stop payments to the UN climate programs, not sign the climate treaty, and rev up the American economic engines (hence more CO2 emissions).

Clinton would do the opposite.

Hillary Clinton would also very likely shackle the economy with massive environmental regulation and possibly even impose a carbon tax. These are points that Klimaretter would surely welcome.


9 responses to “Leading German Alarmist Site Sees Little Difference Between “Eco-Clinton” And “Coal-Trump””

  1. DirkH

    Both Trump and Clinton give a flying crap for the fake UN religion Gaianism (which was proposed by Plato 2600 years ago to make the slaves worship the fields they were made to work.): Trump wants Renaissance – Clinton wants loot.

    1. Harry Dale Huffman

      It had nothing to do with brainwashing slaves into loving their forced work; thousands of years before Plato, free men and women worked the land–tending their crops–according to rituals that did not just work well, but affirmed the divinity in everything. In our time, and for a long time now, the ancient belief in those rituals are called “superstitions”. One can read about many of those “superstitions” in Sir James Frazer’s “The Golden Bough”. The ancient belief in gods immanent in every element and every natural process flowed unbroken from far more ancient mystery traditions that originated in the very real–objective, as we say in modern science–deliberate design of the world. That design is a fact, uncovered and verified by me and me alone, in my unprecedented research into all the “ancient mysteries”. This was old, largely forgotten news long before the earliest civilizations known today, and the rituals that were handed down from those times were but so many shards of the one-time knowledge of the specific, central details of the design. Before and alongside worship of the fields, mankind worshipped the “gods” who had made those fields, along with everything else that man was able to “work” (and every art and science he used–and still uses–in his work).

      1. DirkH

        That might well be so but it has nothing to do with Plato’s motivation.

        1. yonason

          He writes that they acted “…according to rituals that did not just work well, but affirmed the divinity in everything”

          …which is why pantheists are now extinct, except for their current resurgence as loopy Leftists who can’t get anything to work as they advertise.

  2. tom0mason

    “Of course he wishes to gain the votes from the many unemployed coal workers, however he has in fact understood that renewable energies has become a good economic engine, and in the meantime offers more jobs than the coal industry.”

    I believe that the writer of this piece has deliberately misinformed. Trump understands that renewables is an unaffordable boondoggle for the rich and well connected, he certainly understands that it is not for the long term or an economical option for the nation.

    Trump on the cost of wind energy: “Wind is very expensive, I mean wind is, without subsidy, wind doesn’t work.”

    Trump on incentives: “You need massive subsidies for wind…The government should not pick winners and losers.”

    Trump on wind energy killing eagles: “…there are places maybe for wind. But if you go to various places in California, wind is killing all of the eagles.”

    Trump on wind energy killing birds: “Wind turbines kill far more than a million birds a year, far more…so wind is, you know, it’s a problem.”

    Trump politicking in a farming area:
    “Despite that, I am into all types of energy. And by the way, while we’re in North Dakota, I have to say that: I love the farmers.”

    So look out Mr. Musk etc., if it’s President Trump out goes your subsidy!

  3. Edward.

    Trump, stands for revival, tradition and nation.

    Whereas, Clinton is antithetical to all that America ever was and should be.

    Clinton, devotedly adheres to the scorched earth nihilism of Marxist Critical theory and crawling she prostrates herself to, the globalist elite and to their insane intentions to, a societal engineering on the global scale.
    Plus, Clinton is given to fashioning, cementing and to augmenting the aforementioned elitist ambitions. Clinton, to know her is to sense a mendacious liar who does not even bother with tacitly disguising such. Clinton is the biggest cheerleader for whatever ‘other’ minority pressure group, anybody but!! thus it is clear, she quite obviously loathes most of white America.

    At least Mr. Donald Trump, has the common touch, unlike Clinton he actually listens to people.

  4. tom0mason

    Clint Eastwood has asked to convey a message about life, the world, and the current antiscience Whitehouse —

    A message for everyone from Clint Eastwood


    My Twilight Years at 84…

    If you realize each day is a gift, you may be near my age. As I enjoy my twilight years, I am often struck by the inevitability that the party must end. There will be a clear, cold morning when there isn’t any “more.” No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat. It seems to me that one of the important things to do before that morning comes, is to let every one of your family and friends know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can always say, “He was my friend, and I know where he stood.”

    So, just in case I’m gone tomorrow, please know this: I voted against that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron currently in the White House! I won’t be voting for ‘that’ woman who is running to replace him with the same old s***.

    Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.”


    Make my day―Pass this on!

  5. Patrick healy

    Btw, The Donald is on record as stating he will not build an hotel at his Aberdeen golf course, if the Marxist so-called Scottish government sanction an eyesore set of windmills offshore in its sight-line.
    Having played and stayed at his Turnberry golf hotel, I can only state that any country lucky enough to have a President with his vision and taste,should feel singularly honoured.

  6. dennisambler

    “One of his companies wants to build a protective wall around his golf course on the Irish coast. Rising sea level and increasing erosion necessitate it…” –

    This is standard consultant-crap, using the current hysteria to get the permission he seeks.

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