NEWSBREAK 12/15/2016: Dollar climbs to highest level in over 13 years!
With their (fake) warnings that a Trump presidency would lead economic markets into turmoil, the Democrats and media critics have got to be feeling a little embarrassed. The opposite is actually occurring.
Image cropped from:
Personally I haven’t seen anything like this since Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s, after the US had been through years of economic malaise. Trump is proving to be a real mover and shaker. Let’s look at some recent developments.
For starters, the news is out that technology giant IBM just announced it plans to hire 25,000 workers over the next 4 years and spend 1 billion dollars in training. Moreover, the Daily Mail reports: “The IBM jobs investment news came before the highly anticipated meeting Wednesday between Trump and the leaders of several major technology companies.” Expect more similar announcements in the weeks and months ahead.
Dow Chemical
Dow Chemical announced in a press release that it would invest in a “new, state-of-the-art innovation center” in Midland, Michigan. The innovation center will support approximately 200 research and development jobs in Michigan, including 100 newly created jobs while repatriating 100 jobs from other Dow facilities throughout the globe to Midland.
Long cited by Trump as an example of industry leaving the US, air conditioner manufacturer Carrier now pledges to keep some 1000 jobs in the US, Fox News reports here. This news comes after the company told workers earlier in the year that it would be closing its plant and moving production to Mexico. Fox calls it a signal and that “more companies may follow.”
In another jobs and investment coup, the Washington Post reported earlier how President-elect Trump had just announced that Japanese telecom and internet conglomerate SoftBank would invest $50 billion in the United States and create 50,000 new jobs. That’s significant.
In the same article above, the WaPo also noted analysts speculate that Foxconn, a major supplier for Apple’s iPhones, could be responsible for the additional $7 billion in investment and 50,000 new jobs. However, Foxconn could not be reached for comment.
Politico reported recently that a Ford plant would now stay in Kentucky: “Donald Trump bragged …that the chairman of Ford Motor Company called him personally to inform him that the auto maker would be keeping one of its plants in Kentucky instead of moving it to Mexico.”
US Steel
US Steel Chief Executive Mario Longhi told that his company may be restoring up to 10,000 jobs in the United States, Fortune reports here.
Stocks record high
With the flurry of positive economic announcements in the wake of Trump’s election, stocks reacted and recently hit new high, wrote Analysts say there’s still plenty of room for upward movement.
“Optimism skyrocketed like never before”
CNBC reports here that economic optimism has “skyrocketed like never before“. It writes: “The election of Donald Trump has brought with it a surge in optimism in the United States over the economy and stocks not seen in years.”
So what’s happening? They say that nothing is as successful as success, and once it starts rolling, it just feeds on itself. This is what is happening now, and Trump has not even taken office yet.
The Carrier 1000 jobs is a lie.
“Jones, president of the United Steelworkers 1999, which represents Carrier employees, felt optimistic when Trump announced last week that he’d reached a deal with the factory’s parent company, United Technologies, to preserve 1,100 of the Indianapolis jobs — until the union leader heard from Carrier that only 730 of the production jobs would stay and 550 of his members would lose their livelihoods, after all.
At the Dec. 1 meeting, where Trump was supposed to lay out the details, Jones hoped he would explain himself.
“But he got up there,” Jones said Tuesday, “and, for whatever reason, lied his a– off.””
The real question is, why are American Union bosses so eager to ship worker jobs to Mexico? Can you explain this, sod? Are you Leftists SOOO in love with the poor exploited in the 3rd world that you will ship your own jobs there? Hey ship the warmunist “researcher” job there; we’ll get the doom predictions for a fiver!
“CNBC reports here that economic optimism has “skyrocketed like never before“.”
This is contrafactual stuff at its best.
“Republicans swung from deeply pessimistic, with just 15 percent saying the economy would improve in the next year, to strongly optimistic, with 74 percent believing in an economic upswing.”
The Republicans had a completely false picture of the economy and are now changing their opinion. This is totally absurd.
The “optimism” has an obvious source: Trump is promising huge handouts. Massive taxcut to the rich, dropping all environmental laws, and plenty of other things that will make businesses happy.
Problem is, all of that comes at a cost. And he has not the slightest clue about how to get the money back!
poor sop.. it hurts hi, so, so much to see people being optimistic and looking forward to real PROGRESS.
So much so that he has to use WaPo LIES to make himself feel his normal dreary self.
The money will come back in shovel-loads from massively increased ECONOMIC PROPERITY.
get over it, SOP. The far left agenda to stymie the US economy by wrapping it up in useless green tape is over. Trump’s removal of all this CRAP and allowing businesses to use THEIR money to ADVANCE and PROGRESS is an anathema to you.. who is used to the waste of using other people’s money.
Capitalism Trumps far-left socialism, every time. :-).
typo ECONOMIC PROSPERITY… and optimism…
You know, like can only come from a capitalist system…
…as opposed to the depression and economic regression associated with any sort of socialism.
Ah! Diddums!
No need to throw your toys out of the pram just because Trump looks like he might just be serious about making America great again.
Yeh! I know it pisses off the liberals but that’s just an added bonus for most of us, sod!
Suck it up and move on, child.
When was America last “great?”
Before you were born.
Sod, your demented ranting sound so much like sour grapes.
Trump is not yet the President, no doubt when that happens your derangement will be complete.
Get over it Clinton lost!
The cancer of the Green dream is to be excised from public expenditure. Thankfully it will not rely on your acceptance for it to happen.
“Get over it Clinton lost!
The cancer of the Green dream is to be excised from public expenditure. Thankfully it will not rely on your acceptance for it to happen.”
The problem is, that Trump has not surrounded himself with the best and the brightest. He has assorted basically only people from the oil and coal sector.
And those technologies simply have no future.
Please, use the knowledge and good basic idea of this blog: Look at what happened in Germany to nuclear power. Merkel tried to stop the exit from nuclear. then came Fukushima, and she had to move out of it. And now the nuclear companies lost in court.
Any future democratic leadeship of the USA will hit back hard against the businesses that trump is trying to favour now. Investment in coal and oil are sunk costs. Most of them will not bring real money back.
” Investment in coal and oil are sunk costs. Most of them will not bring real money back.”
We learned a word? And, so a windturbine lasts forever? I don’t think so.
“Please, use the knowledge and good basic idea of this blog: Look at what happened in Germany to nuclear power. Merkel tried to stop the exit from nuclear. then came Fukushima, and she had to move out of it.”
She didn’t have to do anything and it is to this day an unexplicable irrational decision as Germany has neither big Earthquakes nor Tsunamis. The surge for the Green lunatics would have subsided once voters got bored of it. Making the CDU a greener party than the Greens is not really a solution; it is an exacerbation of the madness.
” And now the nuclear companies lost in court.””
On which planet are you living? They won compensation for the ILLEGAL order by Merkel to shut the nukes down.
“On which planet are you living? They won compensation for the ILLEGAL order by Merkel to shut the nukes down”
they did not win.They had hoped for 18 billion euros. The court told them, that the exit was legal (of course a state can exit dangerous technologies, especially if the people want an exit). The compensation will be small.
How much?
“especially if the people want an exit”
Only a small percentage of Germans wanted to close down nuclear electricity. Most would have much preferred the RELIABLE, CHEAP electricity to continue.
It was a political STUNT.
A far-left, non-thinking, knee-jerk, PANIC, over-reaction.
Nothing more, nothing less.
“How much?”
Pretty difficult question, Pierre.
I think that the press, which is putting the number below 1 billion is a little too optimistic.
My educated guess is based on reports, that 2 reactors might get a life extension of about 4 years each. That gives a value of 3-4 billion as a rough guess (including some extras, like investments during the short period between Merkel cancelling the compromise exit and the fukushima order to shut down reactors).
But things are a little complicated, as that value (as i wrote above) might come as a running time extension to other reactors (which would put the cost below 1 billion again, if you consider extra reactor time not to be a cost).
But the value of that extra reactor time also depends on rules, for example the uranium tax for fuel and whether the reactors need expensive updates to keep running and actually produce a surplus in a high percentage of renewables environment.
So the value is somewhere between below 1 billion (mostly named in the press, mostly based on reparation for investments) and 4 billion (monetary value including extra running time at good condition).
My best guess is for something in the middle, 2, perhaps 2.5 billion, perhaps a little more coming in the form of some other compromise, for example on nuclear waste storage. So 2.5 is my personal guess.
I would be interested in other views!
Chicken feed (or “mouse nuts”) vs the renewables subsidies that have led to the crippling of the German grid and economy. And the injection of capital into the nuclear industry would actually produce a useful outcome.
“The problem is, that Trump has not surrounded himself with the best and the brightest”
Every one of them is magnitudes “better” and “brighter” than anyone that far-left have ever been able to find amongst their brain-dead ranks.
Now that solar and wind subsides, and mandated usage over RELIABLE power supplies, will be removed, wind and solar will have to be nearly 100% privately. That is never going to happen, because they are nothing but a money sink, unable to provide as required, when required.
This is the DEATH of wind and solar in the USA, and when other countries find their economies heading down the gurgler.. they also will wake up to this reality.
You KNOW that, though, don’t you, sop, otherwise you, and every other German, would not be RELYING TOTALLY on fossil fuel or nuclear back-up.
… wind and solar will have to be nearly 100% privately funded.
“… wind and solar will have to be nearly 100% privately funded.”
It is funny. You are completely fine with massive give-aways to oil and coal.
But you really hate government support for solar and wind.
Solar, wind, home batteries and electric cars will push into the markets. Trump can delay this a little and give vast disadvanatges to the US industry in these sectors (especially in red states), but he can not stop the facts.
“You are completely fine with massive give-aways to oil and coal.”
More BS. !! There is no massive give-away to coal and oil, and any assistance in mining is repaid many times over.
Solar and wind are a money pit that can ONLY exist with massive subsidies and huge market distorting feed-in rules and tariffs.
“More BS. !! There is no massive give-away to coal and oil, and any assistance in mining is repaid many times over.”
there is a massive give away#. And the biggest is to nuclear, as we see currently in Germany.
This technology was never financially solid. It simply did not work. Only by ignoring risks and the storage of waste were people able to pretend that the technology works. But that is now over, as Hinkley and the German exit shows.
“It simply did not work.”
Tell that to France…
The German exit from nuclear was a “feely” response but a child-minded leftist….. stupidity at its worst.
Hinkley is a green tape bureaucratic stuff-up.. nothing more, nothing less.
Notice how you suddenly changed to nuclear.. from coal and oil.. Why would you change the subject that way. ! 😉
“Notice how you suddenly changed to nuclear.. from coal and oil.. Why would you change the subject that way. !”
i just had that news in an open window.
It is exactly the same with nuclear.
Stern just said, that
“Scott Pruitt can’t persuade people to build coal-fired power stations. Why would they?””
On nuclear, the problems in France are obvious: they do not have a solution for waste and they are running at an extremely insecure level. Areva has used bad metals and the leaders should be in jail. Instead, everybody is running a huge cover up, as the result would be the end of nuclear in France, huge compensations around the world and bancrupcy of EDF.
“Scott Pruitt can’t persuade people to build coal-fired power stations. Why would they?”
Remove all the idiotic “unreliables” subsidies and mandates, and allow coal to do what it does best, provide an absolutely regular and stable supply, and those coal fired plants will get build, because they will provide the cheapest, cleanest, most reliable power there is, thus guaranteed sales.
“This is the DEATH of wind and solar in the USA, and when other countries find their economies heading down the gurgler.. they also will wake up to this reality.”
you are totally uninformed. Look at the maps in this Science article:
Coal basically needs direct subsidies to become a thing outside a tiny part of the USA.
If you factor in the environment, coal is simply dead.
“Coal basically needs direct subsidies to become a thing outside a tiny part of the USA. ”
“Become a thing” is so over, I can’t even.
Also, if it strives to become a thing, it does not seem to be yet in your world view. So how exactly do YOU think the Industrial Revolution happened?
GAS.. not renewables.
Gees you are so ignorant , sop !!
But give coal power the right to deliver steady, regular supply without having to ramp up and down to cater for the massive irregularity of solar and wind, then it will become fully economical again.
And once wind is locked out because of it total inadequacy of supplying when needed, what do you think will happen to those wind farms.
On a level playing field, coal and gas will ALWAYS relegate wind and solar to nothing but a plaything.
“The problem is, that Trump has not surrounded himself with the best and the brightest.”
I wonder who you talk to. Everyone I meet down to the cashiers in Walmart are excited about Trump’s cabinet picks.
For the last 35 years we have endured government by attorney’s and the lackeys of the elites. Finally we have a president elect who is not owned by the “Donor Class”.
While Trump seems to be giving undeserved deference to RINOs like Paul Ryan I have no doubt that these folks won’t be any more effective opposing him than they were opposing Barack Obama.
sod must think that only dumb people can make money -a dd that to his list of delusions.
I am also concerned that he may listen too much to the establishment Republicans but only time will tell on that front. I’m hoping that once he is in office, he’ll tell them to take a hike, along with the rest of the swamp. Chris Suprun may have helped in that regard.
Sod’s derangement is complete now.
No, just when you think his delusions are as far removed from reality as is possible, he finds some way to further distort facts to suit his world view.
It’s his most reliable trait
Actually, Clinton beat Trump by 2.8 M votes.
Trump enters with a very weak base. And clearly he’s already screwing them all, playing them for absolute suckers.
No wall. No swamp-draining. No HClinton investigation. No “lock her up.” No “terrific” replacement for the ACA. No massive deportation of immigrants. Can’t even sit for intel briefings. And on and on.
Trump played his supporters for chumps. Perfectly.
No, Trump won the election by a huge amount.
The election is not decided by popular illegal vote percentages, but by state electoral college votes.
You as an American should know that.
Trump has a huge advantage because the Republicans now hold the majority in both parts of the house.
You can DENY that fact all you want.
You actually have no idea what Trump will do.
Just like you have no idea about anything else.
What we should remember is that Appell is from Oregon, iirc, which was one of the few states that was actually left-wing and socialist-totalitarian enough to vote for Clinton. This left-wing socialist totalitarian attitude comes through is his every post.
He must be feeling very ROTTEN at the moment.
Poor diddums. !!
Guess what diddums….
DONALD TRUMP is the next POTUS, and the Republicans hold both houses.
Get used to it. 🙂
4 years, probably 8 years. 🙂
As to current stock market records: I consider this a honeymoon much like after the Reagan election which was followed by a 2 year slump. The Fed surely wants to enforce exactly that after lovingly propping up Obama for 8 years: Suddenly they hike rates and announce 3 more hikes in 2017.
Why are Fed bankers prog-soc? Weird isn’t it.
Exactly. Since there is no longer an establishment politician taking office, the Fed is now doing what should have been done 15 years ago – control the money supply and let market corrections take their natural course. Instead, they have attempted to prevent market cycles by giving the illusion of continual growth through expanding money supply – too bad that also dilutes the wealth of savers and lets debtors off the hook at the same time.
Of course all the central banks have been playing the same game since 2000 (Japan starting 10 years earlier). The Third Way was simply using renewables as a further way to extend this scam.
The crash is going to be global and since the money supply is so inflated, the impact is going to be astoundingly bad. Trump is being set up to fail – hopefully, he can get the message out that the correction was inevitable and delayed and made far worse by the swamp that he was elected to drain.
In the WSJ, Wed., 14 December
The navies of the world have many nuclear powered ships. There are icebreakers and others. Because it is known that these are actually useful (along with carbon-based fuels) there will be more of them, and being much greater in energy density than anything else, things in the “else” category will only exist as play things of the rich, famous, and politicians.
Since the demise of Clipper Ships carrying tea to England, wind (nor solar) hasn’t been a significant contribution to the World’s energy needs. I think Clipper Ships (& horses) are beautiful. Wind turbines and solar panels, not so much.
Score one for Germany against the Sadists of Saudi Arabia?
Merkel and Co. will do anything to win an election. Later after the election she’ll behave “properly” again.
OK. That’s why I put the question mark at the end. It seemed a bit too good to be true. Thanks.
“The best and the brightest’…’the brightest and the best.’ Who does that description remind me of? ‘Oh yes, the policy makers gathered by Robert Macnamara who made such a success of fighting the Vietnam War.
11.4 million jobs have been created since Obama took office.
Under Bush Jr: -0.4 M
See FRED series USPRIV and USGOVT.
And what about food stamps, labor participation, homeownership, crime, poverty, strength of recovery, national debt, Middle East peace, etc.?
How many using taxpayer money ?
Obama has made a shambles of the economy that Democrats in control of Congress for the last 2 years of the Bush presidency caused to crash.
During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent.
Real median household income: down 2.3 percent.
Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent. \
Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent.
National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.
“During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent. ”
ah, an assortment of fake news from a right wing site.
Obama took over during a massive recession, perhaps the worst in modern times. The bad parts of statistics that you cite, are remnants of that republican crisis.
Every person schooled in economics will tell you to take a look at the full picture, and their assessment is utterly clear: Obama did fix the economy, even though republicans did everything to stop him from doing it.
Study economics (as well as physics, chemistry and engineering) before bringing more stupidity to the table.
Obama has simply aided Wall Street by allowing the Fed to inject huge amounts of money into the economy. This dilutes wealth and debt favouring the big banks and traders that hold massive debt while the regular people with savings and assets find their value is lessened. It all gives the ILLUSION of a healthy economy but it’s like eating lots of sugar.
Look up hyperinflation and read the causes and outcomes.
This is an area where Trump may be to late
He’s a willful ignoramus and not going to learn anything.
This is a nice summary, a bit longer and more in depth than that given by Bobby Jindal in the video there, lol.
“This is a nice summary, a bit longer and more in depth than that given by Bobby Jindal in the video there, lol.”
Do you really not notice that your sources are garbage by simply looking at them?
RE – sod 20. December 2016 at 3:07 PM
sop us overdue for his Haldol, again.
“Do you really not notice that your sources are garbage by simply looking at them?”
sop.. from you, that is the height of irony
Your sources are ALWAYS garbage.. and you never seem to realise it. No wonder you remain wilfully ignorant.
“Your sources are ALWAYS garbage.. and you never seem to realise it. No wonder you remain wilfully ignorant.”
you can not simply deny 99% of the sources. The mainstream media is giving real arguments, naming real facts and looking at both sides. It is the opposite of the stuff you folks cite!
“you can not simply deny 99% of the sources”
Its what you do when REAL science is put ion front of you.
The MSM is heavily biased, and mostly write propaganda BS for consumption of the non-thinking brain-dead gullible twerp….. like you.
sod 16. December 2016 at 6:46 PM | Permalink | Reply
“Obama did fix the economy”
So that’s why everybody voted for the democrats again.
Yeah, we got tired of “winning” under Obama. Thought we’d change it up and try “losing” under Trump for a while. //s//
What a sad little sod. Everything he/she/it/whatever knows is still as wrong as can be.
Note that Janet Yellen’s rate hike had a very limited effect……the optimism generated by president elect Trump overcame it in a matter of hours.
Obama expanded welfare so people could survive without needing to work. Trump will create the “shovel ready” jobs that Obama promised and our roads,schools, airports and other “Infra-Structure” will benefit.
“sod” reminds me of the ACLU………..on the wrong side of every issue.
If you think Trump is providing a “surge of optimism,” you don’t know the slightest thing about what’s going on in America.
Trump’s approval rating is (Gallup) 42% in favor, 55% opposed.
As was shown by the ELECTION.
Which was won resoundingly by TRUMP.
More fake, meaningless news/polls from the rotten-appell.
Have you got your fossil fuel powered heating going flat chat at the moment, appell-worm??
Electoral College vote
62 still to count (at time of posting)
Trump 304
Clinton 166
6 Faithless (2 Trump , 4 Clinton)
Donald Trump is the next US President
Smile and be very please, Appell. 🙂
Appell wants us to be troubled by the Trump approval ratings that are determined by the same idiots who told us he didn’t have a chance of winning the election!!
Too funny for words.
“Electoral College vote”
well, Republicans. Right or wrong, my party.
Trump will come to haunt the all of them.
Oh dear.. you can see it burning the poor sop.
Trump will certainly be haunting you, for the next 4, but more probably, 8 years 🙂
Get used to it sop. 🙂
“Trump will certainly be haunting you, for the next 4, but more probably, 8 years”
no he will not. Even Americans will not allow a corrupt tyrant to rule over them for 8 years.
“Even Americans will not allow a corrupt tyrant to rule over them for 8 years.”
They let Obama…. and went close to electing Clinton…… enuff said.
Common-sense has prevailed, though.
I’ve never seen someone so SOUR at LOSING than you are. Its hilarious. 🙂
David Appell lives in a dream world.
Well, nightmare IS a variety of “dream,” so, yeah.
hallucinogenic fantasy, strait-jacket stuff.
All he has.
All his mind is capable of.
This is the article you folks should read. The striking difference between Obama and McCrory
In short: “In sum: McCrory tried to change the election’s rules to help himself; pretended he did not lose afterward; and is
ultimately overturning some of the election’s consequences”
Either Democrats start fighting against Trump using the rules from the republican book, or they are lost.
MSM junk, written by a self-opinionated far-left activist.
Don’t you ever look at your source to see if its actually reliable ?
Changing rules to make sure only those eligible to vote, actually vote.
Yep.. no wonder the dumbocrats don’t like it.
“MSM junk, written by a self-opinionated far-left activist. ”
again, they are listing facts.
“: “In sum: McCrory tried to change the election’s rules to help himself; pretended he did not lose afterward; and is
ultimately overturning some of the election’s consequences””
This is a fact. and his reaction is the opposite of what Obama did and does. Facts matter!
By restricting illegal vote.
“governors of their power to appoint a majority to the State Board of Elections. The number of board members was expanded from five to eight, with the eight members to be evenly divided between the two major parties.”
So this stops the Governor from becoming a tyrant.. I thought you would applaud that. (unless its a far-left governor, of course)
“strips the governor of his ability to name members of the boards of state universities,”
Again.. this is nothing but good. It might slow down the dumbing-down of American education into nothing but a “feelings” brain-washing system.
Both these laws sound like very sensible reforms that bring things back to a more level playing field….. no wonder you are so against them.
And as for the HB2 law……
“Government buildings, including schools, will still require people to use bathrooms and locker rooms corresponding to the gender on their birth certificate.”
I understand that this would be an issue for you….
No more cross-dressing and sneaking into perve on the other gender. You poor thing. How ill you manage.
“No more cross-dressing and sneaking into perve on the other gender. You poor thing. How ill you manage.”
This is funny. What is wrong with unisex toilets? Most places would seriously benefit from such an arrangement (it is just plain out stupid, that there are basically always long waiting lines at female toilets only). Most places would benefit massively from at least the addition of a unisex toilet.
It is winter, and i go to the sauna regularly. Naked people, men and women. It is shocking, absolutely shocking, i tell you.
It says “including schools”
There’s your opportunity, sop. !!!
Funny article on Forbes. Trump pick gets the basics wrong.
Well, that is obviously true of the all of them. But Worstall can not see that, of course.
But now we also know why he has chosen to ultimate team of the incompetent: he was looking at peoples looks, instead of at their knowledge:
First guy’s bio… “I have opinions”… ..
so some journo “has opinions”.. so what !!! irrelevant…
but he’s an experts on the metal scandium.. that must matter. !
Then a childishly moronic puff piece for the WaPo.
Seriously ???
No wonder you are such an illiterate twerp if that is the sort of crap that you think is worth even reading.
An “opinion” piece from a low-end far-left renta-journalist !
And a childishly puerile puff piece from the WaPo.
ZERO facts.. just mindless BS.
You poor sop, no wonder everything laughs at your moronic stupidity.
Sorry about the two similar posts..
I thought the first one had got lost in the æther. !
Peter Navarro is a professor of economics and public policy at the Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine. Navarro holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University
Oddly, I can’t find anything that shows Worstall even passed junior high.. He’s rather like sop in that respect.
“The “Trumphoria” that has gripped the nation ever since Donald Trump’s miraculous victory on election night shows no signs of letting up”
Enjoy, as the USA prospers, sop.
Maybe if someone like Trump came along in Germany, they could save that country as well. You can only hope.
Trump keeps hitting home runs with his choices of helpers…
… and the far-left suckophants such as WaPo sub-journos…CAN’T STAND IT!
“Trump values competence and respects the observable presence that someone like Navarro, Tillerson or Kudlow brings to the role. As Obama and Hillary so clearly evidenced, having a degree from an Ivy League school does not guarantee success or results.
Outside of the beltway, many Americans are optimistic that these picks are going to help turn this country around.
Trump has to hire the people with the right attitude and skill set too, because he has to overcome not just the total mess that Obama left us here at home and overseas, but he also has to fight the dishonest MSM, like the WaPo, NYT, Yahoo, Facebook and CNN. That’s why he has so many loyal supporters.
People know that he’s going to deliver like nobody else could.”