Fake Climate Science Exposed: Lake Malawi In Fact 120 Meters Lower During Little Ice Age!

More fake science in the German press, coming from UNICEF

Water level of Lake Malawi was 120 meters lower during Little Ice Age

By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt
(German text translated/edited by P Gosselin)

UNICEF is currently collecting donations for Malawi, as reported by the German Passauer Neue Presse (PNP) as a UNICEF director, Johannes Wedenig, reports in an interview:

PNP donation drive: “Climate change bis going to hit Malawi really hard”

WEDENIG: I came to the country in the middle of the crisis in June. To get a first impression, I looked at the food situation and visited some villages. It quickly became clear to me: This crisis is built on earlier crises, on the devastating flood of 2015 and past droughts. With each one, the capacity of the people shrinks and their vulnerability increases.


PNP: Would Malawi be prepared at all for a new flood?

WEDENIG: The government has learned and is logistically better prepared. Also UNICEF is prepared. Our stocks are filled with supplies. But there’s one thing you cannot prepare for: the vulnerability of man is constantly increasing. That’s why the focus is on enhancing their resilience and our structural processes. Climate change is going to hit Malawi hard. It may appear as a contradiction when one looks at the map and sees that half of the country is covered by Lake Malawi. But that does not mean there’s enough water available. The lake is retreating and the forests are being chopped down increasingly. If the water from the rivers and lakes are exploited without sustainable planning, then it will backfire on the people.”

First it is right that there is an emergency in Malawi, and readers here are encouraged to donate.

However, linking the situation in Malawi to climate change and indirectly blaming donators in Germany is ethically questionable. Lakes and rivers in Malawi have always undergone natural variation (for example read here).

A team of scientists led by Thomas Johnson researched and reconstructed the lake level history over the past 700 years and found something astonishing: Between 1570 and 1850 the lake level was in fact 120 m lower than it is today, and during the 14th and 15th centuries. Read the paper’s abstract in 2001 in Geology:

Decadal record of climate variability spanning the past 700 yr in the Southern Tropics of East Africa
Biogenic silica profiles in varved sediments from northern Lake Malawi (Nyasa), East Africa, span the past 700 yr and reflect past primary productivity in the overlying waters. On a centennial scale this has been influenced by lake level and a consequent shift in the location of high diatom productivity within the lake basin. Primary production was higher during the Little Ice Age, an arid period from about A.D. 1570 to 1850, when lake level was about 120 m lower than during the previous three centuries or the past 150 yr.”

So what could be behind the natural rainfall dynamic, which is unknown to UNICEF? What follows is some recommended reading:

9 responses to “Fake Climate Science Exposed: Lake Malawi In Fact 120 Meters Lower During Little Ice Age!”

  1. Fake News and Exaggeration | Pearltrees

    […] Rather than melting down, Greenland is blowing away all records for ice gain. Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI NOAA says Alaska is hot and melting, with temperatures at -50F and snow cover well above normal. Fairbanks AP | Alaska Climate Research Center NOAA says that snow cover is receding, when the exact opposite is happening. Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab 23 Feb 1940 – THE NORTH POLE. Fake Climate Science Exposed: Lake Malawi In Fact 120 Meters Lower During Little Ice Age! […]

  2. R. Shearer

    Alarmists ignoring previous knowledge of natural variation is one way in which they deceive the general public.

    In the U.S. they say for example that the water level of Lake Mead is the lowest on record. This ignores the fact that it is an artificial reservoir and obviously its water level was lower before it was constructed.

    In any case, there is good news in the U.S. West. Snowpack levels are approaching the highest in years with the 2 highest snowfall months ahead.

    1. sod

      “In any case, there is good news in the U.S. West. Snowpack levels are approaching the highest in years with the 2 highest snowfall months ahead.”

      This “good news” come with a huge hook, line and sinker.

      High (or normal) levels of winter snow pack combined with lower levels of summer snow cover simply mean a lot of flooding which will help little in drought conditions.

      Snow and ice centre has the data:





    2. John F. Hultquist
  3. tom0mason

    Funny that on a small blue-green planet, with an overlarge moon, out on an unassuming part of a spiral arm of the galaxy, the inhabitants of that planet paid so little attention to exactly why theirs was a small blue-green planet with an overlarge moon.
    What is it about being a small blue-green planet and not any other color? What is lost and what is gained?
    Why does life insist on converting the ephemeral red end of the spectrum to longer lived solid green structures?

  4. Walter Ulasinski

    The concept of climate change being fake is based upon a view from short term research .The longer view of being in an interglacial period for the past 30,000 years is what needs to be considered. The characteristics of about 1/30th of that time can easily misinterpreted.
    The consideration of Geolocic Deep Time can give greater indications of actual direction.L
    Humans need to be able to determine the fragility resistance of both possibilities.
    while we are an adaptable species we have intent limits of that adaptability.
    Extreme conditions of heat and cold do have effects on our species.

    One direction is extreme polar ccoditions. While there are examples of human activity in our current polar conditions, there is no information of the actual polar conditions during the “snowball earth” situations. While polar temperatures of minus 200 degrees Fahrenheit have been recorded what will happen if in this situation if these temperatures reach minus 500 degrees Fahrenheit?
    There may be some equatorial locations that may be habitable.

    The other side of this coin is one of extreme heat.While this would reverse the temperatures from the Equator out to the polar regions, Those regions may not have as many habitable locations as might be expected.Many northern regions would be swampy,based on the thawing of permafrost. Antarctica due to its location would most likely have highly variable conditions due to the antarctic ocean cotinuiously whipping around the continent. The extreme wind conditions would not abate just due to rising temperatures, they probably get even harsher and be as though there is a permanent Hurricane condition.

    In both cases fresh water and land would be the greatest consideration. After that. Food and access to necessary fuel supplies. In the glacial case, most of the land would be under Miles of ice and therefore unusable. Most of the planetary water would be as ice.
    In “Furnace Earth” conditions most of the water would be as oceans and the land would be as deserts and less of land due to sea level rise.
    This along with both tectonic and volcanic activity can produce extreme atmospheric expulsions of Sulphur Dioxide and Carbon Dioxide. This along with the warming of the oceans would result the worldwide release of Methane from the dissolving of Oceanic Methane Hydrate, thereby poisoning most of the planetary water.

    1. Mindert Eiting

      When the sky falls down, we all will get a blue hat. Minus 500 Fahrenheit equals minus 296 Celsius which is 23 degrees below zero Kelvin. If that would happen on earth, we certainly would have a shocking problem.

      1. yonason

        Fascinating topic

        Pretty “cool,” huh?!

    2. tom0mason

      “The concept of climate change being fake is based upon a view from short term research .The longer view of being in an interglacial period for the past 30,000 years is what needs to be considered.”

      I would say it is instructive to regard the past but please understand that in 600 million years of earth, and the millions of years of there being life on the planet, never has there been found any period when the earth suffered run-away global warming. Never! Even when CO2 level were at 7,000ppm! There was even an ice-age when CO2 was at this level, and again when at 1000ppm. CO2 doe not control the atmosphere’s temperature — one crazy theory with no observed proof.

      There is only one controller of the temperature on this planet an that is the sun, all else just delays the heat leaving the planet. And leaving it is what it does.

      See here for more technical appreciation of CO2 https://co2islife.wordpress.com/2017/01/30/climate-science-on-trial-co2-is-a-weak-ghg-it-has-no-dipole/#comment-658

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