Prominent Swiss Meteorologist Says Blaming Weather Events On Climate Change “Unscientific Idiocy”

No one understands the causes of weather better than highly experienced meteorologists. And so when it comes to questions about extreme weather events, there is no one better to ask than prominent Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann (or Joe Bastardi in the US).

Yesterday at Twitter the veteran, high-profile Swiss meteorologist Kachelmann tweeted about an interview he had given with Austrian online magazine on the topic of extreme weather in Europe, and how the interview was withdrawn before publication.

Low-blow, dirty media

The main reason behind the withdrawal was Mr. Kachelmann taking issue with what he viewed as low-blow journalism by, who in the introduction needlessly brought up the phony rape charges lodged against Kachelmann 8 years ago by a scornful ex-girlfriend.

Though the former German flagship ARD television meteorologist was cleared of the charges and got through the legal ordeal, his reputation tragically did not survive the media feeding frenzy and gutter journalism.

To make a long story short, Kachelmann yesterday simply posted a draft of the unpublished interview at Twitter, before later taking it down.

But I managed to read it and so now report on its content.

Click-hungry sites hyping weather extremes

In the interview, questioned Kachelmann about the warmer European springs, weather extremes, serious scientists, and other issues.

On the subject of the recent warmer springs and more severe thunderstorm activity, Kachelmann responded that it has gotten warmer, but that the alleged higher frequency and intensity of extreme weather events has more to do with hype coming from places like Facebook and click-hungry Internet sites.

Not linked to climate change

Kachelmann added it’s normal for large weather patterns “to act up” and that it “has nothing to do with climate change”.

However he does attribute the warmer temperatures and higher humidity to climate change and that it is “statistically significant”, but then reminds that the statistics for weather extremes have yet to be shown as being significant.

“Completely senseless tweets from Greenpeace”

When asked about climate denialism and why people like Donald Trump get votes with climate change denialism, the Swiss meteorologist says: “There’s a lack of scientific knowledge on both sides.”

Next he cited examples from on social media:

Over the last weeks I’ve seen so many completely senseless tweets from Greenpeace and green politicians, who wish to blame without any doubt the daily weather on climate change, often with fake statistics, and so climate deniers are not alone. Serious scientists are working quietly between the embarrassing megaphones on both sides.”

Blame measurement instruments?

As an example of just how absurd the media can be, in the interview unwittingly displayed a remarkable ignorance of climate (which all-too often prevails among the climate-ambulance-chasing-media) in posing the question: “Are there reliable instruments today that would allow us to determine if a weather event can be attributed to climate change, or indeed to the weather pattern at hand?”

Blaming weather on climate change “idiocy”

Kachelman answers by telling that weather events unfortunately don’t come with a certificate of origin, and any claim that they do needs to be viewed as “unscientific idiocy”.

7 responses to “Prominent Swiss Meteorologist Says Blaming Weather Events On Climate Change “Unscientific Idiocy””

  1. Greg

    Seb? Someone’s calling your name.

    1. ClimateOtter

      So if ‘Unscientific’ is Seb’s first name….

  2. Weather Info Today “80- 90% Nonsense”, Veteran Meteorologist Bemoans Media Hype/Nonsense

    […] here I reported how veteran Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann, 59, called the blaming of single weather events […]

  3. Rebellion in Canada: Ontario’s New Premier Announces End Of Cap-and-Trade Carbon Tax Incoming government…

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  4. David McLay

    The ranks of Government, Media and Journalism are full of scientific illiterates. They all exist in an echo chamber reinforcing each other’s ignorance.

  5. Penelope

    Unscientific idiocy or clever propaganda? Journalists w a scientific background are assigned in other science areas. Probably in AGW areas too. The media is controlled. Top men in all major media are appointed by the company’s board of directors.

    90% of all US media is owned by SIX companies. There is no longer any stricture against even a monopoly by just one company in a particular area. This means even just one company can control newspapers, radio and TV in a single area. Moreover, thru interlocking directorships and financing the six are clones on public policy.

    There is not some sort of collective madness arising out of the culture that is responsible for the AGW hoax or the Sustainability meme, of which it is a part.

    The Hegelian Dialectic has little to do w Hegel’s philosophy. It’s a method of manipulating society to obtain oligarchic goals. It begins with a preplanned Result or “Solution” to a “Problem” (real or imagined). The Problem is then hyped thru media, organizations, NGOs, and govt agencies. Academia is usually enlisted; the military where appropriate.

    Opposing voices are ridiculed and financially punished.

    All of this to whip up public “Reaction” sufficient to accept the “Solution” as saving us from the threatening status quo.
    Do you get it? It’s a way of forcing the acceptance of change– always towards increasing oligarchic power.

    In this case, we are being told explicitly that we must transform society, accept world governance, lower use of energy, and a reduced population.

    Communism, Pierre? No, this time they’re calling it Communitarianism, and it’s going to make everybody equal and happy with no more of those greedy, so-private homes. No, no, too much carbon. In my area there is the most astounding number of little highrise eggcrates being put up.

  6. Top Swiss Meteorologist: Blaming Weather Events On Climate Change "Unscientific Idiocy" | Principia Scientific International

    […] read more at […]

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