Japan Winter Temperatures, Typhoons Both Defy Alarmist Predictions As 30-Year Trends Go The Other Way

By Kirye






Since the global warming scare started some 30 years ago, Japan’s winters in fact have have not been warming – but rather many areas show the opposite is happening: cooling.

January in Japan no warming in over 30 years

For Japan as a whole, the entire country has not seen any rise in January mean temperature over the past 30 years, according to data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA):

As the chart above shows, if anything, Japan mean January temperature has been falling a bit, thus contrdicting the warming claims of climate alarmists.

Cooling Kyoto

January in Kyoto has been cooling over the past 30 years, as the following chart shows, even as atmospheric CO2 concentrations have risen from about 350 ppm back in 1985 to over 410 ppm today:

No trend at Naze in 33 years

The same is true for the south Japan station of Naze:

Naze has seen slight January cooling over the 33 years – not warming!

Wintry Hokkaido stays that way

In northern Japan, the month of January has also gotten slightly colder over the past 30 years, as shown by measurements taken at the Suttsu station in Hokkaido:


Overall, January today in Suttsu is at about the same level as it was more than 100 years ago.

Same is true at Okinawa

Moving far south to the Nago station in Okinawa, here as well we see that January mean tenmperatures have been cooling, and not warming like climate activists insisted it would.

Japan refuses to cooperate with the global warming “science”:

By now many people should be awaiting an explanation as to why the trend has behaved the opposite of what has been predicted for decades by CO2 global warming scientists.

Cooling near Nagasaki

The trend for January at the Sasebo station near Nagasaki over the past 32 years has also seen a steady linear decline:

How can anyone in the Japanese media be speaking about rapid warming over the recent years? Much of the climate news in Japan are of poor quality, unfortunately, as they continue to make people believe it’s warming when it is in fact not.

Japan’s winters have seen no trend

Okay, the charts show trends for the month of January, the dead of winter. So what about the complete winter in Japan from December through February? Here as well we see no warming at all across Japan:

The untampered data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) shows the Japan’s winters have not warmed at all in over three decades.

Typhoons have also become less frequent

In general many other factors have not cooperated with the many predictions made by global warming scientists. One important example is typhoons, which we were told would become more frequent and intense. But here’s the typhoon data from the JMA:

Also there’s been no real trend in the number of typhoon landfalls hitting Japan.

In summary, lots of hype about warming in Japan, yet the data haven’t shown it in over 3 decades.

8 responses to “Japan Winter Temperatures, Typhoons Both Defy Alarmist Predictions As 30-Year Trends Go The Other Way”

  1. sunsettommy

    It is that way in other areas of the world, large areas of America hasn’t been warming either some since the late 1800’s.

  2. tom0mason

    Obviously NASA/NOAA needs to get Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) to look at this. Japan needs to understand how and why your unhomogenized temperatures need adjusting add some data infilling, to get the graphs to appear ‘correct’.

    Japan will just like have to bite the bullet and do what has been done before — https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/environment/globalwarming/11395516/The-fiddling-with-temperature-data-is-the-biggest-science-scandal-ever.html

    Modern cooling? No your ‘old past’ temperature record is too warm and requires ‘adjustment’. 😉 ( /sarc )

  3. John F. Hultquist

    When the measurements contradict the theory, the theory is wrong.

    Except in UN climate science. Then the measurements are assumed to be in error, and you close the door, pull down the blinds, and begin adjustments.

  4. Yonason

    “In summary, lots of hype about warming in Japan, yet the data haven’t shown it in over 3 decades.”

    Same as everywhere else. Most, if not all, of the temperature increase is either fabricated (for areas where no thermometers exist), or the result of “adjustments” to force the raw data to agree with model forecasts. And, if they don’t adjust the data, the activists tell us it’s hotter, even when it isn’t.

  5. Yonason


    It’s not just in climate science that scientists fear being ostracized for exploring areas deemed “off limits” by their peers. Mechanics is another field. Just watch from where I’ve marked the video to start thru about 48:15, to see that climate skeptics are not alone.

    What a shame, that even among the brilliant scientists, there are those who have the power to stifle scientific advancement by terrorizing their colleagues.

    Sadder still is that they rely on yapping ignoramuses to aid them in preventing scientific advancement.

  6. Brooks Hurd

    Thank you Kirye,

    During 2004, the one year which had a high number typhoons making landfall in Japan, I was in Taiwan throughout typhoon season. That year had very few typhoons making landfall in Taiwan. The prevailing winds in 2004 blew almost all the typhoons to Japan. Al Gore used the high number of landfalls in Japan in his movie “An Inconvenient Truth” as if it meant that typhoon frequency had increased, which clearly was not the case. Gore did correct this mistake in his book.

    Thank you for your artcle.
    Brooks Hurd

  7. pochas94


    You do a great service by keeping your data sets unadjusted. Thank you and all of the Japanese.

  8. Phil Salmon

    Great work Kirye!
    Judah Cohen, meteorologist and atmospheric scientist, observes that cold and snow have been generally increasing for the last couple of decades:

    I did want to use the blog to explain some of my ideas on how Arctic change can lead to extreme winter weather. I feel that there have been certain things said about my ideas that are simply not true and I want to correct the record. I do not claim that climate change will lead to colder absolute winters than fifty, sixty or how many years ago, though a clear cooling trend was observed from circa 1990 to mid 2010’s. Instead I claim that winters across the mid-latitude continents are colder than predicted or projected by the models. Observed winters have been consistently colder than the model ensemble-mean and is as cold as the coldest ensemble members or even colder than the coldest ensemble member.

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