German 2019 Weather-Related Insured Damage BELOW AVERAGE For 6th Consecutive Year!

Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne

In 2019, weather-related events in Germany caused insured damage to houses, household contents, commerce, industry and motor vehicles amounting to 3.2 billion euros. This is the result of preliminary figures published in a press release by the German Insurance Association (GDV).

The level is thus at the previous year’s level and below the long-term average of around 3.7 billion euros.

“Despite the storm and hail damage to motor vehicles, the overall natural hazard balance is slightly below average”, said GDV President Wolfgang Weiler.

What follows is the GDV annual chart for weather-related damage (in 2019- based euros):

Source: GDV

Insured damage has been below the average for 6 consecutive years, despite, the alarming tones one reads in the GDV press release.

There were also fewer losses due to storms and heavy rain in property insurance. Windstorm and hail and other natural hazards such as heavy rain caused damage amounting to EUR 2.2 billion, which is below the long-term average of EUR 2.7 billion.

“The below-average balance should not hide the fact that there have been repeated heavy local rains with high damages”, Weiler said. “All in all, the year 2019 stands for a number of severe storms, great heat and severe local flooding and is therefore characteristic of extreme weather in Germany as well.”

Experts: Central Europe weather “not more extreme”

Meanwhile Die kalte Sonne site here comments:

Fact: The weather in Central Europe has NOT become more extreme. The only exception is heat waves. The Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology (ZAMG) states that a trend towards more extreme weather in Austria is generally not noticeable:

‘It should be anticipated from the detailed discussion of the development of extreme values in the following sections heat (air temperature) heavy precipitation (precipitation) and storms (wind) that all in all the climate has not become more extreme in the last 200 years. According to the only suitable basis for this assertion – long and quality-checked measurement data – climate variability in Southern Central Europe remained the same or even decreased’.

A similar assumption can be made for the neighboring country Germany. For transparency reasons, the German Insurance Association (GDV) should finally admit this to its customers. Instead, the press release concludes with an advertising message that citizens should please insure themselves even more comprehensively against extreme weather.”


One response to “German 2019 Weather-Related Insured Damage BELOW AVERAGE For 6th Consecutive Year!”

  1. LL

    And does it account for inflation?

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