Most Despised (Older) Generation In Fact Cleaned Up The Atmosphere, Left It In Far Better Shape!

By Kirye
and Pierre Gosselin

We know people die prematurely of air pollution and it is a major issue, especially in developing countries. But it is essential to understand the difference between air pollution and CO2 emissions.

CO2 is essential to all forms of life and it is difficult for many people to believe the gloomy versions of the AGW theory. So climate alarmists often criticize Japan for using coal-fired thermal power, insisting it is very dirty.  But in fact Japan’s coal-fired smoke emissions are not dirty because they have been properly cleaned using technology.

Japanese climate alarmists don’t like to mention that SOx and NOx emissions from coal-burning plants in Japan are quite low. In Japan, coal power is good and if the world used the same technology, the air pollution problem would be solved in many countries.

Reality to Greta! Do you read?

What follows are charts showing how much sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions have improved over the recent decades. First we look at nitrogen oxides, NOx:

Data source: OECD

You’ll note that a number of countries have greatly reduced nitrogen oxide emissions in terms of unit GDP.

Even Greta Thunberg’s home country of Sweden has substantially reduced air pollution. Thanks to the earlier efforts of the now older generation, the developed world is far cleaner today, and thus supports the notion that more wealth leads to much cleaner environments. Those who realize this appreciate it and thank you!

Next we present a chart depicting sulfur oxide emissions. The results are very similar:

Data source: OECD

Above we see how industry was much dirtier 30 years ago and how it’s much cleaner today. But does the generation who worked hard to produce this excellent result get a thank you from the younger inheriting generation? Unfortunately not.

Instead the older generation only hear insults from the usual ignorant and petulant ingrates.

Finally we see a comparison chart of the OECD countries for the year 2017:

Data source: OECD

Europeans promoting wood burning!

So what does the younger generation demand we do? For starters they want to stop heating of homes using natural gas. Instead they are pushing for a return of the stinky wood-burning stoves – which they claim are better for the environment!

13 responses to “Most Despised (Older) Generation In Fact Cleaned Up The Atmosphere, Left It In Far Better Shape!”

  1. Stephen Richards

    Pierre, we do not know that people die from air pollution. We do not know the effect air pollution has on our bodies. We do not know what defences our bodies have against air pollution BUT we do know that we are living to a greater age now worldwide than in human history.

    1. John F. Hultquist

      You are thinking about the most recent ideas, and ignoring history. The “London Fogs” and the

      . . . events were much of the stimulus for cleaner industry and cleaning up the atmosphere — the topic of this post.

      photo Donora

  2. Most Despised (Older) Generation In Fact Cleaned Up The Atmosphere, Left It In Far Better Shape! — - Climate-

    […]… By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin We know people die prematurely of air pollution and it is a major issue, especially in developing countries. But it is essential to understand the difference between air pollution and CO2 emissions. 19 weitere Wörter […]

  3. Most Despised (Older) Generation In Fact Cleaned Up The Atmosphere, Left It In Far Better Shape! — NoTricksZone - Climate-

    […] über Most Despised (Older) Generation In Fact Cleaned Up The Atmosphere, Left It In Far Better Shape! —… […]

  4. Lasse

    The reduction of aerosols might even lead to the warming.
    Wath else could explain the reduction in clouds and the increased solar input?
    SO2 is causing cooling when released from Pinatubo but when it is taken away it causes no cooling any more.

  5. Pat

    Your charts start 30 years ago. Pretty obviously pollution was far worse 60 years ago.
    At what point do we say that the air is clean enough? We don’t keep our homes sterile, just clean enough. It should be remembered that the poison is in the dose.
    60 years ago pollution could be detected without instruments and death rates determined by counting bodies. Today we do need instruments, and death rates are determined by epidemiological studies, neither of which are easy to check.
    Could it be that a movement started to solve a real and obvious problem is now seeking to perpetuate itself by drawing attention to insignificant levels of pollution and demanding perfection?

    1. Wilson

      You’ve hit the nail on the head!! Environmental zealots must continuously justify their existence, much like bureaucrats regulating the stagecoach industry. Unfortunately, their zealotry is now used as a weapon by those with bigger fish to fry. Additionally, so-called environmentalists have realized that the bigger the threat – the more power they accumulate. To maintain their power they need a problem that can NEVER be solved. Since every severe real world problem encountered by humans is eventually managed or solved, they need an imaginary one. One that can never be solved. One that doesn’t really exist. Hence, the religion man-made of climate change.

  6. MrGrimNasty

    We’re not suppose to move from gas to wood burners, the UK is already banning some coal/wood products for domestic use, and all the indications are that they want a total ban on domestic burning for heating soon.
    What ‘they’ want is you to have no choice but to use their incredibly expensive and unreliable electricity from wind/solar etc. Gas heating is far cheaper. Hence the fracking obstruction/bans. If the price of gas remains cheap, the renewables and energy saving measures like super-insulating old housing stock retrospectively, cannot possibly be cost viable. Energy has to be made expensive with plausible deniability.

    1. Henning Nielsen

      But at the same time UK imports huge amounts of wood from America, to burn in former coal power plants. This is called “biomass”, and the emissons from the freight across the ocean is not talked about. Hypocrazy rules.

  7. Most Despised (Older) Generation In Fact Cleaned Up The Atmosphere – Truth is difficult but essential…
  8. Lloyd Martin Hendaye

    For the record, in December 2017 Australian researcher Robert Holmes’ peer-reviewed Molar Mass version of the Ideal Gas Law definitively refuted any possible CO2 connection to climate fluctuations: Where GAST Temperature T = PM/Rp, any planet’s near-surface global Temperature derives from its Atmospheric Pressure P times Mean Molar Mass M over its Gas Constant R times Atmospheric Density p, meaning that absent any carbon-factor, proportional CO2 is a non-issue. Meantime, over eighteen months through June 2019, Finnish researchers empirically replicated Holmes’ findings, independently verifying his result.

    More recently, Russian researcher Valentina Zharkova’s “Climate – Solar Magnetic Field” (C-SMF) hypothesis (October 2018), citing Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark’s 2005 “Cosmic Ray – Cloud Cover” model, provides historical proof-positive that –absent major astro-geophysical exigencies (axial and orbital precession, galactic orbit, solar magnetic fields; cometary/meteorite strikes, geothermal currents, plate-tectonic disposition, volcanism)– Earth’s semi-millennial atmospheric/oceanic circulation patterns reflect ambient Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) to the virtual exclusion of all else.

    Moreover, global temperatures have been trending downward for the past 3,300 years. If this continues, a looming 70+ year Grand Solar Minimum to c. AD 2110 –following Earth’s 500-year Little Ice Age from AD 1350 to 1850/1890 and its 140-year “amplitude compression” aftermath to c. 2030– likely portends geophysically induced (plate tectonic vs. climatological) 102-kiloyear Pleistocene glaciations up to 2½ miles deep.

  9. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #402 | Watts Up With That?
  10. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #402 – All My Daily News

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