Image for illustration only. Credit: NASA JPL, public domain photo
(Text translated by P. Gosselin)
German chancellor Angela Merkel gave a speech at the 50th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos on 23 January 2020, which included a section on climate change. It says:
How do you reconcile those who simply do not want to believe in climate change and who act as if it were a question of faith? For me, however, this is a classic question of evidence that is absolutely clear in the light of scientific data. But since we live in an age where facts compete with emotions, one can always try to create an antifacticism through emotions, which is then just as important. So that means we have to reconcile emotions with facts. That is perhaps the greatest social task. In order to tackle it, at least we have to talk to each other. The irreconcilability and speechlessness that sometimes exists between those who deny climate change and those who see it and fight for us to tackle it must be overcome.
There are many people here talking to each other who otherwise rarely speak to each other, but there are not enough people talking to each other. If we enter a world where speechlessness is perhaps sometimes even greater than it was during the Cold War, when there were fairly orderly exchange mechanisms, then we have a problem. That is why I would argue that, however difficult it may be, we should exchange ideas – even between groups with the most controversial opinions – because otherwise we will only live in our prejudices and bubbles. This is much better in the digital age than in earlier ages. That could be the downfall; and that must be overcome.”
Chancellor Merkel calls for the different camps in the climate debate to talk to each other. This is very laudable and right. But now the representatives of the climate alarm line are doing their utmost to NOT talk to the climate realists. If Ms. Merkel took her own call seriously, she would create forums where we can talk to each other in a structured manner (without emotions). However, she has so far failed to do so.
Most of her consultants come from the Potsdam PIK Alarm Institute. This is also not balanced.
Merkel’s proximity to PIK has probably led her to use the term “denying climate change”, which is more in the vocabulary of Greenpeace than that of a head of state. A bad faux pas. Let us generously overlook this.
It will be interesting to see whether Merkel will now put her words into action. Where and how can the two climate camps discuss with each other objectively. Who moderates such discussions? What happens to criticism that is expressed in such discussions? Couldn’t such a round table on climate change define a series of research questions in order to have disputed points examined in a targeted and scientifically neutral manner?
She is framing the argument as between her ‘facts’ and opponents who only have ‘emotions’. Not a good basis for an open discussion!
“ … this is a classic question of evidence that is absolutely clear in the light of scientific data. ”
Only in her mind.
She wants me to agree with her — no discussion needed.
Is this allowed?
The trouble for Ms Merkel is that climate sceptical scientists always win when there’s a debate, because they understand the data. So people like the denizens of PIK refuse to debate, since they always lose. The real world data does not support the CAGW hypothesis – it shows equilibrium climate sensitivity is low, below 1 C/doubling. Which is harmless.
And the reason for this is that most warming last century was due to the influence of solar activity on cloud cover, and the ~60 year thermohaline cycle in the oceans. Both of which peaked around the end of the century. Natural warming.
Therefore the entire Energiewende is a titanic waste of money, and the environmental disaster it has caused is a crime against the German nation.
It’s vey easy:
We need to wait and see how much in danger german automotive industry. If the risk to loose too many jobs then Merkel will very quickly change her opinion about AGW.
“For me, however, this is a classic question of evidence that is absolutely clear in the light of scientific data.”
Mann made “scientific” data ?
Maybe PKI founder Dr. John Schellnhuber KBE, would be in called to moderate?
After all he is the author of the Great Transformation as Chancellor Merkel’s previous Science Advisor. He just also happens to be the author of the Pope’s “Laudato Si” Encyclical.
Then again, maybe Francis could be called in? Inclusiveness and all that?
It is slightly embarrassing, though, that Sir John’s outspoken views on population might not ring harmoniously in the sparsely occupied churches or ministries.
Merkel’s view of “different opinions” is the choice between destroying civilization now or spreading it over a few years.
Is it not better to live in a warm climate than a cold one?
Isn’t it a return to a German subtlety of 1938?
Chancellor Merkel should talk with Michael Shellenberger, ecologist and (former?) climate activist which just apologyzed for having contributed to 30 years of climate fraud :
Instead of trying to “convince” actual scientists, Chancellor Merkel could then acknowledge that she has been abused by climate fraudsters and data tamperers whom only relation to Science is that they are a disgrace to it.
What will remain in the History books about Chancellor Merkel if she does not take rapid actions before she leave office against those fraudsters and the social and ecological desasters they are causing in Germany and all over the World since decades ?
Merkel should invest 5 minutes in reading this, which calmly demolishes ‘Man-made global warming’ in 500 words …
Please could somebody translate it for her?
Let’s be clear: global warming is real (and will revert to cooling from c.2050); but it’s nothing to do with CO2.
Vielen dank.
If real Climate Science talks ever see the light of day….the best place to start is where science always starts….at a null hypothesis. E.g. Most or all the current warming is from natural variations. Then you have to “tear down” all the evidence and arguments supporting that hypothesis…you do…not just somebody else.
REMARKABLY, THAT FIRST STEP has not been accomplished.
E.g. Tide gauges prove that for at least 150 years, the oceans have been slowly but steadily rising and that trend has not accelerated. That requires ~steady warming (with noise) for a century before anthropogenic CO2 increases began. In statistics, trends are presumed to continue unless there is a reason…you don’t automatically get to hop onto a part of a trend and assign a new cause if that trend continues unabated….AND THIS TREND HAS been abated for over 2 decades (noise on a Climate scale, but counter trend noise).
Climate Science has yet to reach “first base” as we say in the States.
I wouldn’t take this too serious. Words are not deeds! Idoubt that there will be any kind of dialogue. Even if there would be – will the media report it?
Christian Freuer
“How do you reconcile those who simply do not want to believe in climate change and who act as if it were a question of faith? … ”
Should be answered …
How do you reconcile with those who simply believe in man-made climate change, with those who only believe in these climate catastrophist who act as if it were a question of faith!
They are the ones who, with their belief in utterly inaccurate ‘climate models’and unscientific methods, attempt to scare people into kowtowing to the whim and fancies of the ever illogical green gang. But since we live in an age where facts compete with emotions, one can always try to create an antifacticism through emotions and sophistry, which, for these catastrophists, appears to be just as important. So that means we have to reconcile emotions with facts. And it is a fact that there is NO verified observed data that shows CO2 warms this planet’s atmosphere. That is perhaps the greatest social task — to show that it is all just computer modeled nonsense. In order to tackle it, at least we have to talk at each other with real science and verified observations, and not unverified theories.
So when these over-emotional pushers of the fictional ‘global warming’,’catastrophic climate change’ and ‘climate models’ move to a better base of verifiable observed facts and science, then and only then can a meaningful exchange be made. When these over-emotional, illogical, pushers of temperatures have risen recently because atmospheric CO2 level have risen, realize that CO2 levels rise as a consequence of the temperature rise over the last 200+ years and NOT the cause of it. Then, and only then, will there enough common ground to allow dialog.
Yes, Ms. Merkel. Let’s have a “conversation.”
Now, what do you think about that, eh?
[…] Chancellor Merkel Calls For Talks Between Representatives Of Different Opinions In Climate Debate! […]
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