German Wind Energy Woes Intensify, “A Farce”… Construction Licenses Plummet 70 Percent In 3 Years

Wind energy investment plummeted in the third quarter of this year in Germany, reports the online IWR here.

“The nine-month figures now available make it clearer that this trend will continue in 2020,” writes the IWR.

Issued construction licenses drop 70 percent in 3 years

Installation of wind energy in Germany peaked in 2017 (see bar chart here), but has since fallen sharply after the German federal government enacted new rules and regulations against their construction.

According to Clean Energy Wire here,

An analysis by energy industry lobby group BDEW found that the falling number of permits issued for onshore wind turbines was the main factor behind the decline, with issued licenses dropping by 70 percent over three years. About 11 GW, roughly 2,000 turbines, were stuck in bureaucratic procedures as of mid-2019.”

In the third quarter of 2020, only 85 turbines with a total capacity of 293 MW were installed. Germany has approximately 30,000 turbines operating.

In the first nine months of 2020, only a total of 306 new wind turbines  (1,104 MW) were added.

The IWR forecasts 1200 MW of new onshore wind energy capacity to be added for the full year 2020. In 2019 the figure was slightly lower at 1,078 MW. The slight increase, the IWR reports “is not sufficient to compensate for the decline in offshore wind energy.”

“Overall, it is thereforeexpected that the total increase in new wind power capacity in the current year will again be significantly weaker than in the already weak previous year 2019.”

Green energy expansion “being totaled”, a “farce” 

Green energy lobbyist Volker Quaschning at Twitter sees Germany’s green energy expansion as being “totaled” and the country’s promises of climate protection as “a farce”

2 responses to “German Wind Energy Woes Intensify, “A Farce”… Construction Licenses Plummet 70 Percent In 3 Years”

  1. Sommer

    Ontario, under the government of Dalton McGuinty was influenced by German Professor, Hermann Scheer, when deciding to lunge into signing long term contracts for industrial wind turbines and siting them ridiculously close to and in some cases surrounding rural homes with clusters, without having done proper cost/benefit analysis or scientific studies regarding harmful acoustic emissions.

  2. L. (Tex) Leugner

    I have completed a great deal of research on wind turbines for the past few years and it is my opinion that these horrid monstrosities are inefficient, uneconomical, create more environmental problems than they purport to prevent, are eye sores, create health problems for people living near them and will generate more ecological problems because unless some way can be found to recycle the blade materials this junk will end up in landfills.

    There is no possibility that these disgusting devices can ever replace fossil fuel, hydro or nuclear energy production. They are an illusion!

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