Germany’s Enviro-Dystopia: Wind Parks Devastating Rural Regions At Catastrophic Proportions

Here’s a preview of what to expect from the Green New Deal

Germany’s vision of a clean, environmentally friendly energy supply system, all to be discreetly nestled in an idyllic landscape, is in reality morphing into an environmental dystopia of catastrophic proportions. 


German wind energy protest group posted a Youtube video showing how out of control wind energy has gotten in some regions of Germany.

The above video shows, for example the Uckermark region, around Prenzlau.

The Youtube text under the video: “Around Prenzlau alone (up to 15 km) there are about 300 wind turbines. In the entire Uckermark region there are almost 800 wind turbines (2020), and the trend is rising.”

No avian wildlife can survive this.

Rural citizens get steamrolled by Big Wind

What’s left? An entire region whose landscape is totally blighted by noisy industrial towers and is inhospitable to most life. Gone are the tranquility and idyllic beauty the area once enjoyed. The problem is that this region is poor, rural and so stands no chance against big wind project developers and the crony pols behind them, who just steamroll over any reservations or resistance local that residents may try to muster.

Like the old communists, this is another example of what happens when planning and decision-making are left to incompetent and corrupt central-planning policymakers teamed up with greedy crony capitalists out to make a quick buck. A few win big, while the masses lose everything.

In 30 years much of it will remain in ruins, a monument to one of the greatest industrial scams of all time.

14 responses to “Germany’s Enviro-Dystopia: Wind Parks Devastating Rural Regions At Catastrophic Proportions”

  1. German Wind Parks Devastating Rural Regions At Catastrophic Levels |

    […] Read more at No Tricks Zone […]

  2. Chris Hanley

    “… An entire region whose landscape is totally blighted by noisy industrial towers and is inhospitable to most life …”
    The demographic graphs at the above link indicate that also includes human life.

  3. Petit_Barde

    You should do what we did in Brittany … BOOMM !

  4. posa

    But this is what the voters want, so stop complaining…the majority of Germans vote for Green politicians in every election. I say: GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT. Germany will be an object lesson for the rest of the world.

  5. tom0mason

    If China or any other country or group wanted to bring the Western world to its knees, all that’s needed is to compromise all energy supplies, especially the electricity grid system.
    This perfect storm of greenies, globalists and anti-West forces coming together, maybe through serendipity but even so quite effectively to crush Western industry, finances, and employment.

  6. drumphish

    Beam me up. Those 27,000 wind turbines scattered hither and yon across Germany are chickens roosting, nobody knows it yet.

    Verrückt is the word of the day. lol

    A glaring physical in the flesh example of tomfoolery, real life insanity gone wild, the very definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and again and expecting different results.

    If ten thousand Wind turbines can’t won’t don’t do it, twenty thousand will, if that doesn’t do it, forty thousand more will be able to, without a doubt.

    There is no end to the madness. 60,000 wind turbines amounts to 180,000 blades. In twenty years, you’ll need new blades, the what was new now is shot routine. You’re at 360,000 blades. You’ll have to tow them out to sea and let them sink on their own. Marine life will have them eaten sooner than later.

    Why not refurbish the old blades? Why add new? Seems illogical, you know, renewable, recyclable and all of that nonchalant jazz. Oh well, what’s next? Give up while you are behind? Probably. Let the dismantling begin.

    You don’t even get to vote for what is forced down your throat, too bad, sucker. Not a chance, don’t even think about it.

    An every day reader, seldom comment, avoid the madness at all costs. lol

    It is some of the best autumn weather in many years, temps in the 40’s and 50’s for a few weeks now, nighttime low temps have not been below zero, which is above normal for the season.

    On December 2nd, in 1925, the record high temperature reached 58 degrees Fahrenheit.

    In 1919 the record low was recorded at -27 degrees Fahrenheit.

    It is just continental pre-winter, late autumn climate conditions North American continent style, late November weather to darn near early winter weather, nothing else, been going on for centuries, nothing new under the sun.

    The petroglyphs say it has been going on for 15,000 years. Chinooks and where did that blizzard come from weather climate stuff year after year

    When you let people do whatever they want, you get Woodstock.
    when you let governments do whatever they want, you get Auschwitz.” – Doug Newman

    1. Sommer

      “Let the dismantling begin!”

      I like the sound of that. Let’s take back rural neighbourhoods.

  7. TexanForever

    Tie Merkel to one of the blades.

  8. oebele bruinsma

    I read this opinion somewhere: The catastrophes will come from Climate Change policy. Not climate change. Climate change is a non-problem that needs to be ignored.
    So when blithering idiots like John Kerry(US) and Jacinda Ardern(NZ) call Climate Change an “existential threat to humanity,” what they really mean is climate policy will bring on those calamities.

  9. War of The Walds: Germany's Forests Overrun With Wind Turbines in Dystopian 'Green' Nightmare | | Climate-

    […] In 30 years much of it will remain in ruins, a monument to one of the greatest industrial scams of all time.No Tricks Zone […]

  10. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #434 | Watts Up With That?
  11. War of The Walds: Germany’s Forests Overrun With Wind Turbines in Dystopian ‘Green’ Nightmare | ajmarciniak

    […] In 30 years much of it will remain in ruins, a monument to one of the greatest industrial scams of all time.No Tricks Zone […]

  12. Krieg gegen die Wälder: Deutschland wird mit Windkraftanlagen im dystopischen „grünen“ Albtraum überrannt – EIKE – Europäisches Institut für Klima & Energie

    […] No Tricks Zone […]

  13. ahlam st

    thank you for sharing this article post.

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