Little warming to be found globally.
By Kirye
and Pierre
Before we begin, Dr. Roy Spencer just published the Version 6.University of Alabama-Huntsville satellite-based global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for June, 2021 was -0.01 deg. C, down from the May, 2021 value of +0.08 deg. C.
As Dr. Spencer’s chart above shows, temperatures are back within the range seen 20 years ago. The hiatus in global temperature rise appears to have resumed.
June cooling in Tokyo
June mean temperature data for Tokyo are now in at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). June has come in at 22.7°C
Data: JMA.
As the above chart shows, the month of June has been cooling over the past 25 years.
In fact , Tokyo hasn’t seen any warming at all in almost three decades, as the mean annual temperature trend has been downward since 1994, according to the untampered data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA):
Data: JMA.
Next we look at June mean temperatures for the Tokyo Pacific island of Hachijō-jima, located about 287 kilometers south of Tokyo – away from all the urban sprawl and heat island affects:
Source: JMA
There’s been no warming in 85 years! In fact, the trend is downward since 1976.
Looking at mean annual temperatures at Hachijojima, there’s been no warming in 70 years:
Source: JMA
Come on — this blog should not present seven months of UAH data mining as a “Global Warning s Stalls Again” headline !
It would take decades of global cooling to even suggest the global warming trend since the late 1600s has ended, and that conclusion could be wrong.
Because the warming since the late 1600s included a 35 year period of global cooling, from 1940 to 1975, once reported as =0.5 to -0.6 degrees C. of global cooling (has since been “adjusted” down to near zero cooling by smarmy leftist government bureaucrat “scientists” — but they can’t fool me — people knew how to read thermometers in 1975 ! )
For UAH: 2020 through November (11 months) was considerably warmer than the seven months after November 2020. Seven months is weather, not a long term climate trend. Did you present an article in early November 2020 pointing out how warm the first eleven months had been? I doubt it. Because that would have been data mining too.
The last 21 years of the UAH record is warmer than the first 21 years of the UAH record — that trend is obvious on the chart.
Under the chart it says the linear trend is +0.14 degrees warming per decade. That’s the long term trend — not the past seven months !
Concerning Tokyo:
That’s far from a long term global average temperature, but there is one advantage: A lot of people live in that Tokyo temperature … while not one person lives in the global average temperature.
Spencer’s global temperature chart shows no higher temperatures since 2016. That’s the past 5 or 6 years, not a few months. COOLING is likely to continue. Two possibilities, one of which is very long term.
Nowadays ice ages are referred to as “glaciations”, apparently because it turns out that our planet has been experiencing a cooling trend for the past 65 million years. Over the past 1.3 million years there have been 13 glaciations, average duration 90,000 years, each followed by a warming period (such as we now enjoy) average duration 10,000 years.
Google “Post-Glaciation Sea Level Rise” or “12,000 year graph of sea level” if the graph does not appear in place of this comment.
This graph sends an important message because it likely reflects typical sea level response during any of the past 13 interim warming periods. About 6,000 years ago the RATE of increase in sea level began to drop and that decreasing rate has continued. Now the rate of increase is a minuscule 1 to 3 mm per year. (1mm = about 4/100 of one inch). During this warming period sea level has increased more than 400 feet. The concern about rising ocean levels over the past several decades is based on the last few inches of sea level increase.
If this 1.3-million year trend continues then another glaciation is next. A foot or two of water covering the Big Apple is hardly comparable to sitting under a mile high glacier for a goodly portion of the next 90,000 years.
CO2 increase began in the mid 1800s, as our industrial revolution started. That increase is at least partially related to human activity. However, even though CO2 increase has been consistent there have been periods during which there was no temperature increase, and a three decade cooling period between 1945 and 1975. There are apparently other stronger forces at work. The popular belief is that increasing CO2 causes global warming which not only warms the oceans, but also causes glacier melt.
However there is no evidence that CO2 has ever had any impact on our global temperature. The proponents of warming have generated numerous computer models to justify their position. These models all assume that CO2 causes warming, but not much. The supposed CO2 impact is not enough to be worrisome so the models introduced another culprit, water vapor feedback, which generates 2 to 3 times the temperature increase as supposedly brought on by CO2 increase.
However, recently some Oslo researchers have demonstrated experimentally that CO2 levels increasing from .04% to 100% lead to no observable temperature increase. At least one other group has replicated that experiment.
If CO2 has little or no impact on warming that also rules out the possibility of any significant impact from water vapor feedback. There are also other problems with the water vapor feedback assumption. That feedback claim depends on the applicability of the greenhouse gas theory to actions which involve the open atmosphere. In that case the GHG theory brings with it a necessary condition – there is an accompanying necessary (but not sufficient) condition that there must also be a warmer region about 10km above the tropics, a “hot spot”. Despite decades of radiosondes that hot spot has never been found. The alarmists’ response about that missing hot spot offers little more than speculation as to where it may have gone.
But there’s another indication of cooling. Sun activity (sun spots) has recently gone quiet. Sun activity has driven every warming and cooling period during the past 800,000 years according to Don Easterbrook (geologist). His book “The Solar Magnetic Cause of Climate Changes and Origin of the Ice Ages” is available at Amazon. It’s based strictly on data. John Casey also talks about sun influence in “Dark Winter”.
Henrik Svensmark, Danish physicist, was claiming the same back in the 90s. Svensmark’s theory is that cosmic rays entering the lower atmosphere contribute to cloud cover. (CERN has long since validated Svensmark’s theory.) The normally unchanging stream of cosmic rays entering the lower atmosphere are partially blocked when the sun is active because of the sun’s strengthened magnetic field. An active sun therefore results in fewer cosmic rays entering the lower atmosphere hence lower average cloud cover which implies that more sun radiation reaches the earth’s surface, hence a warmer earth. When the sun is inactive the lower atmosphere receives more cosmic rays which leads to more cloud cover. More sun radiation is reflected back to space so less radiation reaches the earth’s surface which leads to cooling. It’s simple, and as Svensmark puts it – cloud cover dictates climate.
The sun has been active until recently which supposedly brought on our current warming. But now the sun has become quiet so average cloud cover should be increasing and a cooling should follow. Some indications of the arrival of cooling are the temperatures since 2016, (see Dr. Roy Spencer’s graph), also February 2021 was the coolest in about four decades. Texas experienced a record cold winter. England has experienced the coldest April (as of the 18th) since 1922 and Germany the chilliest April since 1917. The theory is simple and the data (oth live and Easterbrook’s) is beginning to support it.
There is considerable evidence that COOLING, rather than warming, is next on Mother Nature’s agenda. Those trillions of dollars to fight global warming can be shelved unless fighting a naturally-caused colder climate can be justified.
[…] Zdroj:… […]
” temperatures are back within the range seen 20 years ago. ”
We are not yet dealing with the running mean (red line), so the current number is about the same as 1983 (blue stuff). So, 38 years.
[…] see also: Global Warming Stalls Again – Back To Levels Seen 20 Years Ago! And: No Warming In Tokyo This Cent… […]
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Temperatures shall fall as soon as AMO turns negative. TSI peaked around 2000 as the ACRIM satellite measurements show. ACRIM has confirmed my solar-climate model that predicted that. As Japan is in pacific, it is natural to follow the TSI variations, isolated from atlantic currents…
I have explained it well in my recent article in Greek press (google translated)
my papers explaining solar activity variations and the derived climate variability are available at ResearchGate.'s_influence_on_climate
I think it is simply stupid to claim 0.01°C accuracy from any data set !
If I’d done that in my University physics or chemistry studies I would have failed !
This alone exposes the unproven hypothesis for what it truly is – gobbledygook and Junk “Science”.
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I wonder what happens to all the actual heat that is released during our living. Does it also cause the air to heat up? I’ve learned about CO2 heat trapping, but where are all the BTU’s directly released into the atmosphere by all human energy consumption/generation?
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[…] The 18 months are now up, kids, and global temperatures actually fell in June to a range last seen 20 years ago. […]