Single family homes, thermal insulation are not sustainable, says architecture publicist.
Everything is bad for the climate, and so everything needs to be regulated or restricted. That’s how the whole scam works. COVID shows that if you can successfully spread fear and a sense of crisis, then you’ll be able to get away with anything.
Now it may be time for us humans to return back to the trees.
Climate change is calling the single-family house into question. At least, that’s what the Standard from Austria thinks:
The most sustainable single-family house, experts therefore like to say, is the one that is not built. ‘Or the 300-year-old one,’ adds Franziska Leeb. She is an architectural publicist and chairwoman of the board of Orte, the architecture network of Lower Austria. She also finds the construction quality of the houses problematic. The half-life is short, she says, and people rely on full thermal insulation made of composite materials that are difficult to dispose of later. If the costs for this were priced in, many of the houses would soon no longer be saleable.”
Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne.
It seems that nowadays anyone is specialist of everything; anyone can have valid opinions about every subject…
“Climate lockdowns” are probably coming soon…
Did she grow up in one of these, or maybe in sight of one?
” The half-life is short, she says, and people rely on full thermal insulation made of composite materials that are difficult to dispose of later.”
Not like wind turbine blades….
Surely the headlines should read —
Austrian Architecture Publicist and Insulation are Bad For Single Family Homes!
Austria has plenty of timber, exports beautiful pre-fab timber homes all over the EU. I have seen the quality.
Every possible enviro question is engaged.
Only problem is, I spoke to my local forester about his timber – beautiful beech and pine. He muttered under his breath about the climate warmists being totally clueless, but did not realize the trees were actually made using CO2! When I said photosynthesis – what was the response? I’m no professor!
If a commercial forester can say that, just imagine town dwellers’ word salad!
Jet travel is also unsustainable, Ms. Leeb should stop any travel plans immediately and never fly again.
Franziska Leeb should head for the hills, cut a patch of good-rooted pasture grasses, make sod and stack the sod into a hut. She can dwell in the sod hut for the rest of her born days. A totally sustainable structure for her individual gulag spot. Mud seal the hut, you’ll be okay for a long time. Some twelve-foot long sturdy logs and you’ll have a roof to boot. Totally sustainable. Dig her own well for water and scratch to soil for a garden. She can do it!
Native American indigenous people constructed earth lodges along the Missouri River, no doubt for centuries. Today the same tribes, the Mandan, Arikara and the Hidatsa all live in single family housing for the most part.
Fossil fuels have changed how people of all races now live.
Franziska Leeb probably has some nice digs herself along with some perks like running water and electricity. Those are unsustainable auxiliary inputs using fossil fuels. Don’t have to have those modern conveniences that Franziska enjoys herself, I’m sure. She can live without when it is all said and done.
Franziska Leeb can live on the streets and eat bugs.
I won’t cry too many crocodile tears.
The cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is strong with Franziska Leeb, surely she should know better.
” I won’t cry too many crocodile tears.” – drumpfish
Nor should you. It’s an unsustainable waste of energy. 😁
[…] Single Family Homes Are Bad For The Climate, Says Austrian Architecture Publicist. Thermal Insulatio… […]