By Kirye
and Pierre
The January-2022 mean temperature data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for Tokyo and its Hachijō-jima island in the Pacific are now available.
While other organizations are claiming the globe is warming rapidly, other official institutes like the JMA show trends are not unusual.
First we look at the city of Tokyo:
Data source: JMA.
The only thing that’s unusual is that there’s no warming occurring. The month of January has not seen any warming in 40 years. Only 3 of the last 12 years have been above normal.
Getting away from all the urban heat island affects we have in Tokyo, we look next at the mean January temperature of the Tokyo offshore island of Hachijō-jima, going back to 1950.
Data source: JMA.
Hachijō-jima is located 287 kilometers south of Tokyo, in the Pacific Ocean. Here as well the January mean temperature trend hasn’t risen in almost 80 years.
As is the case on so many other issues, the media narrative is very different from reality.
So now both the Germans and the Japanese are refusing to toe the line. We should crack down on them and make them warm up a bit. We have to keep the warming story going.
Two weather station in one nation
are not the whole world
One month out of 12 is not a full year
40 years for Tokyo is not
the past 47 years of global warming
or the entire Tokyo record.
[…] Tokyo Mean January Temperature Trend No Rise In 40 Years…Hachijō-jima No Warming In 80 Years! […]