As Energy System Comes Apart, Germany Now Preparing Emergency Natural Gas Rationing Plans

Germany is saying “auf Wiedersehen” to plentiful and cheap energies and welcoming tight supplies and rationing. 

Unless they radically change course, German policymakers will soon be closing the remaining nuclear power plants by the end of the year and coal-fired power plants will be phased out over the coming 15 years.

To make matters worse, European policymakers are moving to phase out fossil fuel powered cars and to replace them with e-vehicles, thus leading to skyrocketing electricity demand precisely when supply is being choked off. Experts warn of blackouts and hyperinflationary energy prices.

Moreover, Europe is moving to profoundly restrict its supply of natural gas from Russia. All these measures taken together are certain to lead to unprecedented energy shortages over the coming years. Therefore, it’s little wonder the government is now scrambling to make plans to ration natural gas when the disastrous shortages arrive.

Government contingency plans now being drawn up 

“The government is having a contingency plan drawn up to determine which companies should first stop receiving gas when Russian natural gas fails to arrive,” reports  Blackout here. “A corresponding emergency plan is being prepared under the auspices of the Federal Network Agency.”

The plan envisions “consumption caps” on companies, “depending on their size and consumption”.

According to Blackout News: “This would mean that industrial companies with high consumption would be the first to be cut off from gas supplies.”

Eastern and Southern Germany would be hardest hit

Although Germany could import gas from Norway and the Netherlands, it would be would be difficult to transport the gas to the east and south of Germany. “Therefore, industrial plants in these regions would likely be the first to run out of natural gas in the event of a shortage,” writes Blackout News.

The plan is reported to involve classifying companies in order to determine their system relevance. “For example, companies in the food industry should be ranked differently from companies that manufacture products such as tires or glass,” reports Blackout News.

Downgrading to an organic-agrarian country of peasants

Should Germany continue on with their draconian energy throttling policies, companies are soon going to realize (if they haven’t already) that doing industrial business in the country will be far too risky and expensive. It is increasingly likely they will move their operations elsewhere.

In the meantime, Germany will rapidly move down the world economic rankings until it becomes a marginal organic-agrarian nation where even hot water and red meat will be luxuries.

16 responses to “As Energy System Comes Apart, Germany Now Preparing Emergency Natural Gas Rationing Plans”

  1. Curious George

    Upgrading to an organic-agrarian country of peasants, not downgrading. Please be more progressive 🙂

  2. David

    The US and China will be the big beneficiaries of all this. Manufacturers will move here for our rule of law and cheap energy. China gets Russia as a vassal state

  3. Chris Hanley

    “Germany will rapidly move down the world economic rankings until it becomes a marginal organic-agrarian nation where even hot water and red meat will be luxuries”.
    That is the Morgenthau Plan being implemented voluntarily eighty years on:
    ‘A plan drawn up by the US Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr which envisaged a postwar Germany as an agricultural, deindustrialized country’ (Oxford).

    1. posa

      Chris– Astute observation…

  4. bonbon

    The Morgenthau Plan was sidestepped by the Marshall Plan, based on the FDR Reconstruction Finance Corp, RFC, which got the US out of the bankers Great Depression.

    Fast forward to today, Russian diplomat Lavrov said Russia is the last obstacle to a full scale attack on China.
    China, soon to be world economy number 1, has the BRI, Belt and Road Imitative, and Russia is to complete a Eurasian Economic Union end March, with likely a new financial system, the Petroyauan.
    Germany obviously knows full well what is going on.
    Expect totally non-linear developments – forget the utterly stupid Oracle of Delphi babbling.

    1. Curious George

      Wasn’t it FDR’s Great Depression?

      1. bonbon

        FDR inherited the bankers disaster, and since they refused to issue credit, the RFC did the job. Result – by 1936 the USA was ready to take on fascism which was clearly coming. These Bankers organized the Business Plot, whistle-blown by Gen. Smedley Butler, an attempted fascist coup in the USA.

  5. voza0db

    Clearly the German Sheeple don’t care much about that! GoGoUkraine is apparently all that matters nowadays!

    1. posa

      Correct. Voz.. the Germans have been demanding a post-industrial utopia for the past 50 ears. Now they’re going to get it. Still I’m saddened by the cultural suicide of an esteemed nation

  6. Gerald the Mole

    T quote a song:” It’s the same the whole world over it’s the poor wot gets the blame. It’s the rich wot gets the gravy ain’t it all a bleedin’ shame.”

  7. pochas94

    Ms. Moneypenny: “I don’t think he plans very far ahead.”

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