Germany’s Energiewende is unraveling faster than anyone could have expected
Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) says he is now taking less showers and advises citizens to do the same – in order to fight Putin (and of course because there’s an extreme shortage of gas and no one knows how the country will be kept warm this coming winter)!
Energy is running out in Germany
With the current energy price explosion and acute supply shortages, German politicians are not lacking when it comes to silly ideas. In an interview with Spiegel, German economics minister urged citizens to save energy, and gave unusual tips from his own everyday life. “I take a quick shower,” the Green politician told Spiegel. He said he had never been under the shower for long. “But I have shortened my shower time once again.”
The real reason: Germany’s energy policy debacle
As Germany’s “Energiewende” falters, and energy shortages loom, in part because the country has failed to fill its natural storage facilities and is decommissioning all its coal and nuclear power plants, Minister Habeck had to activate the alert level 2 from the emergency plan gas. “Gas is a scarce commodity,” he told Spiegel.
“Gas bills to triple”
Gas prices, already painfully high, will certainly rise further. “There will be further increases,” Habeck said.
“According to the Federal Network Agency, consumers can expect their gas bills to triple. The Ministry of Economics already issued tips for saving gas in the summer,” reports the German
“Reluctant to be in air-conditioned rooms”
Not only is Habeck reducing his shower time, “he also avoids air conditioning and excessive heating,” the Kreiszeitung adds. “In summer, I am very reluctant to be in air-conditioned rooms, and in winter I heat sparingly,” Habeck explained.
But Habeck forgets tomention: “He is on the road from morning to night in his top job, which is why the low heating of the apartment is not difficult. And even if it did, rising costs would not weigh heavily on him,” writes the Kreiszeitung. “As a minister, I have a salary that others can only dream of,” he admitted.
The Minister position also comes with unlimited air travel, chauffeured government car and lots of other amenities that isolate top officials from the hassles everyone else needs to contend with.
The German government is now advising citizens to install “energy-saving shower heads”, which could save a household 446 euros a year, cut shower time by two minutes and the temperature to 36 degrees to save another 250 euros annually.
Austerity and discomfit is only the start, Germany… wait until you lose your job! Soon as well you’ll also be asked to host a Ukrainian family definitely.
NATO wanted this war. The degenerates in Washington and London wanted this war.
So did the Green Coalition. For decades they have been promising pain and sacrifice… now they can blame it all on Putin.
So suffer you fools… “freeze in the dark”
Word is blond Germany will swallow it all… but the migrant class will be burning down the cities in protest. Delicious. You deserve it.
It is hard to believe this relentless disintegration passes apparently approved without provoking an outcry like Oliver Cromwell’s “I beseech you in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken!”
Germany could sell its coal and nuclear facilities to a country that wants steady electrical power. Proceeds to be passed to those that need help with heating bills.
Seriously, I feel saddened for the less well-off that never supported the “energy transition.” The fanatical supporters thereof — who cares?
There is still none. And if there ever is one,
elevated [CO2] won’t be the cause.
Therefore there is no reason for nation-destroying policies.
People suffer and die so that a handful of deceitful greedy parasites can enrich themselves. What do those fools think will happen to themselves, if they have no country left for them to ruin?
They won’t be the first. “Nothing new under the sun.”
Have the Germans really only just discovered water/energy saving shower heads.
Were were making & promoting them back in the 1980s. The yanks came on board in the 90s, & made it illegal to sell a shower head that used more than 9 L/Minute.
Then Taiwan came in manufacturing for the yanks. We had to switch to imports, I could buy for $2.00 what cost me $8 to produce locally.
I doubt there is a single high water usage shower sold in Oz today, & the Europeans want to tell us how to manage energy.
Screw those ‘water saving’ crap. I drill bigger holes in the head and take a good, long, wonderful shower.
You from Australia? Congrats we have a moron running America now – Joe ‘Corn Pop’ Biden. In less then 2 yrs American costs have gone straight UP. America has enuf Fossil Fuels for +- 400 yrs at 20 Million barrels a month. Bidens hatred for Fossil Fuels has caused fuel costs to go way up across the World…Trump = exported Oil for first timed. Biden = buying oil from countries that hate America. Stupid is a as stupid does!!!
After Spindletop gushed 75,000 bpd in 1901 near Beaumont in Texas, 40 percent of oil production in the US was exported.
The price ranged from 10 cents per barrel to two dollars back then.
Currently, Texas has over 185,000 oil wells and another 900 thousand plus gas wells.
After reading your comment, Hasbeen, it occurs to me that the main objective may not have been to reduce water consumption, but to encourage buying foreign made goods, which is a behavior that was even higher on their bucket list, but they would have had much more difficulty advancing without some ruse.
It wasn’t such a clever idea, to harness your economy to energy coming from Russia, was it?
Trump told them but they LAFFED! Are they laffing now???
No Adam. Trade and cooperation are to be encouraged. But aggressive wars and regime Change that the Us Liberal NeoCons is inimical to a friendly cooperative world.
Germans governments tried to walk a fine line, but Green fanatics welcome war, austerity and poverty. 90% of Germans vote a a Green party. So they get what they deserve.
This is a German government crisis.
They shot themselves in the foot/
They are opposed to nuclear power. Why?
All the natural gas Germany wants is available from Gazprom.
Gasprom want to sell all the gas they can.
They want the Nordstream 2 pipeline to open.
They want to make huge profits.
But Gazprom must demand payment in Rubles,
because Euros may be Monopoly money to them
with current banking sanctions.
The natural gas from Russia is available.
The supplier, Gazprom, wants to sell it for Rubles.
Germany refuses to pay in Rubles.
Whose fault is that?
[…] Power company Evonik CEO Christian Kullmann vividly described the extent of the gas crisis: Imagine a train transporting gas that starts in Seville and ends in Frankfurt [1860 km], one wagon at a time the whole way. And he poses the question of how long the German chemical industry would be able to get by on this gas quantity. Mind you, only the chemical industry. Answer: 6 hours. It’s about 5.6 million jobs affected by the lack of natural gas. It is not about taking shorter showers. […]
[…] Power company Evonik CEO Christian Kullmann vividly described the extent of the gas crisis: Imagine a train transporting gas that starts in Seville and ends in Frankfurt [1860 km], one wagon at a time the whole way. And he poses the question of how long the German chemical industry would be able to get by on this gas quantity. Mind you, only the chemical industry. Answer: 6 hours. It’s about 5.6 million jobs affected by the lack of natural gas. It is not about taking shorter showers. […]