A German electrical engineer, power grid expert, warns of 99.9% chance of power blackout…”civil war” if people don’t prepare…describes horror scene.
Plundering, unhindered crime, mayhem…raw survival
Online Bild TV interviewed Robert Jungnischke, an “expert on blackouts” to discuss the probability of a major blackout hitting Germany over the coming fall and winter months. The talk round was titled: “Our grid is collapsing!”
As Germany’s energy crisis escalates due to the abysmally failed energy policies enacted over the past 25 years, the power grid has become increasingly unstable. Electricity prices have skyrocketed. Now Germans are becoming increasingly worried of wintertime blackouts and the possible chaos that could ensue. How realistic is the scenario?
Blackouts are not the same as power outages, which are localized, says Jungnischke. Blackouts hit an entire region or country, and lead to the shutdown of critical infrastructure like communication, refrigeration, heating, Internet, emergency services and transport.
In the talk round with Bild, when asked, “How probable is it that it will come to a Blackout? Jungnischke answers: “99.9%”!
“Everyone is expecting it,” Jungnischke adds.
Jungnischke strongly advises citizens to start preparing themselves now. “What happens here in a city like Berlin when people don’t prepare? After 2 days, we get a civil war.”
5 days to free (dead) people from elevators
Germany’s power situation is so precarious that Junghischke even advises people to no longer use elevators in buildings, and to take the stairs instead because the risk of the power going out and getting trapped is too high. In a blackout: “When we calculate for Berlin, it’s been checked. You need five days to free people from the elevators. As I said, all the emergency services are hit, there’s no communication! That means that by the time you free the people, most of them are dead!”
Currently Berlin’s police department is in fact already drilling and preparing for a blackout. Other municipalities are urgently telling citizens to stock up on provisions. This means the probability is not low, even if you don’t believe the Junghischke’s 99.9% figure like the CDU politician in the talk round does.
Jungnischke says that in the event of a blackout, it’ll take weeks and months to get things back to normal, so he advises stocking up on food, water, cash and medicine. ATMs will be out of order.
Author’s message: I’ll be taking the stairs from now on, but in case you continue to take elevators, maybe this video can give you some survival tips (sorry it’s not in English):
Germany is in the lead for the coveted Golden Flashlight Prize for the first state or nation with a major blackout from Nut Zero policies.
They are competing with the UK, Australia, Texas and California.
The winner will probably be the nation unable to buy electricity from neighbors via interconnectors, when such power is desperately needed.
Germany industry is gradually closing down to preserve electricity, but how much of that is possible in a major manufacturing nation?
Texas has very low interconnection capacity, but they are managing to provide power — their big problem is with very cold weather.
I am HOPING for a blackout sooner, rather than later during the winter when people will die from the cold. This seems to be the only way to get most people to question Nut Zero policies.
I hate to see people burning wood or coal at home for heat — that’s not green at all, and the fumes can be dangerous.
How does one prepare for a blackout?
I was caught in the 1965 New York blackout at age 12.
Unprepared, while in the shower in a bathroom with no windows
I was caught in the 2003 Michigan blackout at age 50. Had to drive an hour to buy gasoline and then another 1.5 hours to reach my Father-in-Law’s cottage in upstate Michigan, that still had power.
I guess the first step is filling your gas tank with gasoline.
Not taking elevators is not an option for older people
or lazy people, or both, like me. Not with two bad knees!
Save energy by visiting relatives in the US. Or vacation in, say, Costa Rica.
There’s not just water that’s a problem.
There’s sewage and storm water removal that will fail after a couple of days. There will be no Internet or telephone services. Emergency services radio systems are fragile and cannot be counted on in a sustained blackout.
As mentioned in the talk-show, first-responders will look after their own kin first.
Emergency power generators, where present, seldom have enough fuel for more than 48 hours. After 48 hours, even refuelling them becomes a problem because most fuel reserves are in tanks in conventional service stations which lack electrical power to operate pumps. Instead, there are (very) few emergency service depots upon which emergency services will depend.
The #1 priority for emergency services, although perhaps not written down, is the protection of government instruments and installations.
The incapacity of emergency services to cope even with a small catastrophe was demonstrated in the Ahrtal last year; which remains a disaster area more than a year later.
If you live in a large city and the lights go out, prepare to leave within the first 4 to 6 hours. Organize a refuge in advance.
All of Deutschland will be a no go zone! Lots of room in Brazil, the weather is not too bad most of the year.
Farmers from Iowa bought land in Brazil in the 1960’s to grow more soybeans. Brazil is open for business.
It’s Oktoberfest in Munich, you can be there and quaff a few, forget your troubles, when you sleep, you can count your blessings that you can drink more beer.
Young women in dirndl makes for a crowd pleasing event.
Can’t complain about that.
They told me, “Cheer up, things could be worse.”
So I cheered up and sure enough, things got worse.
Our Friends are already cutting wood to Help Us [from ourselves!]
Go for it!
Let’s not gloat over Germany’s problem. If they get to work in earnest, they will get past this. Then the question is, “Have they learned anything?”
Water for drinking, cleaning, and flushing . . .
How much of each times number of people times number of days.
Underestimate and the consequences are unpleasant.
The price of folly
Hopefully by being connected to the European grid, Germany won’t be totally cut off from essential power. Even if they have extended blackouts, that’s better than it being permanent. That’s still a steep price to pay for having followed the pied pipers of Greenie delusions, but better than what it could be without the European grid, IF it’s available.