Twisted views
An investigation of the Corona policies debacle would be “dangerous to democracy”, claims German Ethics Chairwoman Alena Buyx
Many have noticed: Once outspoken COVID restrictions and vaccine proponents just don’t want to talk about it anymore, and are wishing the whole thing to be forgotten.
Not only has the economic and mental health damage been of immense dimensions, but so has the loss of life resulting from the measures, especially the vaccines, have conservatively run in the hundreds in Germany alone. Injuries have run into the tens of thousands. Excess mortality has skyrocketed.
Hence it’s little wonder today those responsible for having promoted and enacted these damaging measures are now politically behaving like the reckless hit-and-run drunk driver who wakes up the next day realizing something awful has happened and hopes no one will notice and it will just all go away.
Investigation of the Corona debacle would be “dangerous to democracy”, claims German Ethics Chairwoman Alena Buyx. Photo source: German Ethics Council.
One example is Alena Buyx, Chairperson of the German Ethics Council, which served to provide the needed moral cover whenever the German government imposed cruel lockdowns and experimental vaccinations against the will of many people. Buyx was an outspoken promoter of mass vaccination and the restrictive measures.
Investigation “dangerous to democracy”
In an interview with Germany’s centre-left Die Zeit, Buyx told that the need for an investigation “is understandable, but it’s incredibly toxic. It has a profound effect on polarizing society. And it is dangerous to democracy.”
Scared to death of accountability
Now that the data are exposing the greatest medical debacle/fraud of all time, leading persons like Buyx are obviously running scared-to-death of investigations and due process.
“According to Buyx, anyone who is calling for a fundamental reappraisal of Corona’s policies, anyone who demands personal and, if necessary, legal consequences, is an enemy of democracy,” comments here.
That’s the level of ethics we are seeing in Germany today. Recall how the former communist “The German Democratic Republic”, a.k.a. East Germany, used to claim the same about their phony democracy and any political opposition.
There is NO democracy without accountability.
Further proof that there is no way we can get rid of these despots by playing within the rules. They make the rules. We cannot vote them out. We cannot protest them out. We cannot hold them responsible. We cannot demand that they follow the law. We cannot demand that they follow their own rules. These people are worse than kings and queens. At least royalty made no false pretences. Seems like with every passing day it’s becoming more and more obvious that the only way out of this is for forcible overthrow of the government.
Evidence to the contrary, she looks sane.
A discussion would be dangerous for democracy, but lockdown, preventing people from working and earning money to live, splitting the society, instigating hate against those who decided that they do what they want with their body (sounds something like “my body my choice” which in case of vaccination is not allowed anymore, but it’s in case of abortion instead…), all that was apparently NOT a danger for democracy.
In Italy, during the past government, the one which introduced all the restriction and vaccine mandate for workers, there was another similar commission, whose president was Liliana Segré, a Auschwitz survivor.
So, exactly in the same way as the German commission did not see any danger to democracy posed by all the dirty measures taken by the German government, the lady of the Italian commission did not see any danger in Italy. The only dangers were fascists that apparently appear everywhere just before the elections, eat children and sometimes even write on the walls of some public high schools some sentences praising the “Duce”.
These fascist are really stupid because they appear just before elections in order to scare the population and prompt a vote for their political enemy, the democratic party. After the election they disappear again and nobody hears of them.
And look: the democratic parties (PD in Itlay and SPD and Greens in Germany) are those which most limit freedom, increase taxes, reduce the rights of workers. The same way Bolsheviks did in Russia. The concept of power to the majority becomes an excuse to smash all other opinions and freedom with the exception of lgbt movement which apparently pays enough money to those parties.
[…] That’s the level of ethics we are seeing in Germany today. Recall how the former communist “The German Democratic Republic”, a.k.a. East Germany, used to claim the same about their phony democracy and any political opposition. [PleiteTicker, No Tricks Zone] […]
[…] That’s the level of ethics we are seeing in Germany today. Recall how the former communist “The German Democratic Republic”, a.k.a. East Germany, used to claim the same about their phony democracy and any political opposition. [PleiteTicker, No Tricks Zone] […]
“Democracy dies in the darkness”, the ironic motto of WashPost, since they hide and pervert so many stories
WTF is an “Ethics Chairwoman”!? After three thousand years of trying, there is not one single solitary thing that all philosophers (or even a clear majority) agree qualifies as ethical or unethical. But she knows somehow?
Are politicians now completely incapable of any thought of their own or of taking any responsibility for anything? Is she consulted all the time or just when Ethics matters?
I wonder whether any journalist ever asked her to define Ethics. I suspect she would either completely blank out or repeat some drivel she learned on a Marxist Philosophy course.
They want it to be forgotten. But we will remember.
And there is no possibility of forgiveness without contrition.
First, I note this discussion like all others of the moment toss around, “Fascist,” “Communist,” and similar totalitarian flavors for approved or abhorred political ideologies. All of them – Fascists, Communists, even Nazis – have their roots in socialism and all retained socialist-collectivist traits, practices and policies through every superficial transformation of their existence. Party name means nothing. They all were and are factions of the same brutal collectivist creed. The confusion is because they once battled for converts to their own sect or variety of the sysrem. I often suggest perusing F.A. Hayek to get that straight.
A group of French reactionaries “invented” socialism in the early 19th Century as an intentional top-down authoritarian form of government ruled by “planning boards.” Alexis de Tocqueville and Lord Action immediately called it “slavery.” It owes rise to deceit, concealment, and a cynical utopian sales pitch. The same people swallow the fantasy as always have done. Even worse, nobody in opposition quite grasps the nature of the beast to oppose it fully and intelligently.
It would help if we who cherish and believe in individual liberty and self-determination could learn enough more about this totalitarian idea (no matter what it names itself) to finally call spades spades, and expose the tired, old, shifty fraud for what it is.
The crimes surrounding the COVID pandemic are now being revealed and exposed. The greatest crime of all was probably the forceful inoculation of millions of people with toxic experimental substances with known horrific side effects called “mRNA vaccines”. It is now becoming clear that these were NO vaccines, but rather experimental gene therapies administered by corrupt entities (such as Big Pharma and Government Health Agencies) with full legal immunity from liability…
What we need is a Nuremberg-type of trial to prosecute the horrendous crimes against humanity committed by a handful of elitists over the past 2 years!
Thats the truth
To me this is definite proof that something was very wrong with with the way that our rulers handled COVID.
To be fair, the choice was either to get a vaccine released, or do nothing. We didn’t know then what we do now.
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[…] Mnogi su primijetili da najotvoreniji dužnosnici odgovorni za brutalna COVID ograničenja i mandate odjednom ne žele govoriti o posljednjih nekoliko godina kasnije i žele da rastući skandal nestane. Ljevičarske novinske kuće čak traže “pandemijsku amnestiju”, koja bi oslobodila vladu, Big Pharmu i glavne medije od bilo kakvih pravnih posljedica proizašlih iz njihovih postupaka.Ne samo da se dogodila ekonomska šteta i šteta za mentalno zdravlje golemih razmjera, već i gubitci života kao posljedica mjera, a osobito cjepiva. Prekomjerna smrtnost je uistinu naglo porasla.Nije iznenađujuće da se oni koji su odgovorni za promicanje i provođenje katastrofalnih mjera protiv pandemije sada ponašaju poput pijanih vozača koji su se sljedeći dan probudili i shvatili da se dogodilo nešto grozno. Nadaju se da ih nitko neće primijetiti i pozvati na odgovornost.Izvješće NoTricksZone: […]
[…] – German Ethics Council Chairwoman: Investigation Of Corona Debacle “Dangerous To Democracy” […]
All of the planet-wide madness we’ve been experiencing was designed and implemented by a hierarchy that resides above the sovereignty of nations, at the very top of the global power structure. One does not simultaneously shut the entire world down over a cold virus, without first having control of every government on earth.
Ultimately, the story of the COVID tyranny is the story of betrayal and treason from within—a fatal condition that a nation cannot endure for long, which is why countries are falling into ruin en masse…
Here is how to fix it:
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Excellent post
[…] Správa zo stránky NoTricksZone uvádza: „Jedným z príkladov je Alena Buyxová, predsedníčka Nemeckej etickej rady, ktorá slúžila na poskytnutie potrebného morálneho krytia vždy, keď nemecká vláda uvalila kruté lockdowny a experimentálne očkovanie proti vôli mnohých ľudí. […]
Where’s the source article?