Antarctica’s Missing Warming: Japanese Syowa Station Shows Cooling Since 1977

Chart by Mrs. Heller, a.k.a. Kirye

Despite all the claims of a “rapidly warming planet”, we know Antarctic sea ice extent has seen a rather impressive upward trend over the past 40 years, which tells us cooling is more likely at play.

Here’s southern hemisphere sea ice extent chart (up to 2017):

Antarctic sea ice has gained steadily over the past 40 years. Chart: Comiso et al, 2017

It’s not what you’d expect from a CO2-induced warming planet.

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has collected temperature data from the Syowa station in Antarctica since 1977. Today we present the latest data, which now includes the year 2022:

Data source: JMA

Here we in fact see a modest long-term downward trend. There’s no detectable CO2 warming signal. The periodic warming and cooling cycles are likely related to oceanic cycles.

No warming along the Antarctic mainland coast

In 2019, we in fact plotted the data from 10 Antarctic stations scattered along the Antarctic coastline and operated by various countries. None of them showed any warming trend at all.

In 2019 we also looked at the annual temperatures of the 5 stations of the South Shetland Islands (located in the Antarctic Ocean).

Where’s the warming? Other than the volcanic activity, there certainly hasn’t been any at the South Pole since the global warming hysteria began in the late 1980s.

3 responses to “Antarctica’s Missing Warming: Japanese Syowa Station Shows Cooling Since 1977”

  1. John Hultquist

    Nice to know.

    When the Antarctic mainland splits apart, and pieces move away from the Pole,
    I think we will see some serious climate change.
    Too bad I won’t be around to witness the changes.

  2. dm

    “It’s not what you’d expect from a CO2-induced warming planet.” CORRECT!!!

    But, it is what those knowledgeable about earth history EXPECT. Earth SCIENCE PRIOR to climate confusion concluded the Southern Hemisphere tended to cool while the Northern Hemisphere warmed, and vice versa.

    Observations since climate confusion began CONFIRMS the pre-existing SCIENCE. Concurrently, observation refutes AGW, the climate emergency, climate crisis …

  3. Antarctica’s Missing Warming: Japanese Syowa Station Shows Cooling Since 1977 - Climate-

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