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Reminder: Historical Natural Warming Rates Dwarf Modern Climate Change

Reminder: Historical Natural Warming Rates Dwarf Modern Climate Change

Greenland has not warmed (net) in the last 90 years. From 80,000 to 20,000 years ago Greenland warmed by 10-15 Kelvin within a span of “a few decades” 24 times (Kypke and Ditlevsen 2024). These abrupt warming periods occurred without concomitant CO2 concentration changes. And, of course, without human interference. Image Source: Kypke and Ditlevsen […]

Climate Alarmists Fretting Over European Cup 2024, Summer Festival Emissions

Climate Alarmists Fretting Over European Cup 2024, Summer Festival Emissions

490,000 tonnes of CO2 It’s the European Cup soccer championships and fans across the continent and beyond are celebrating the event. But there are some party-poopers out there who worry about the impact on the climate.  By Klimanachrichten Soccer fans should have a guilty conscience. The mdr public broadcasting here calculates what environmental idiots the […]

Central Italy Was 3-4°C Warmer Than Today About 10,000 to 12,000 Years Ago

Central Italy Was 3-4°C Warmer Than Today About 10,000 to 12,000 Years Ago

In a new study, scientists use the new “ostracod-clumped isotope thermometer” to reconstruct a much warmer Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Mediterranean climate. Today’s average summer and winter temperatures are 22°C (21.4°C) and 8°C, respectively, at Central Italy’s Lake Trasimeno. Around 11,000-12,000 years ago, when CO2 hovered in the 220-230 ppm range, summer temperatures averaged 25°C, sometimes […]

Germany May Sales Of Electric Cars Plummet 30.6% Compared To Year Earlier

Back to fossil fuels! The figures for the registration of new electric cars in Germany are looking increasingly awful. In May 2024, the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) reported that it had registered only 29,708 vehicles with electric motors. May e-car sales in Germany plummet more than 30% compared to a year earlier. AI image […]

Fossil Fuels Remain The Future. VW To Invest 60 Billion Euros In Combustion Engines!

Fossil Fuels Remain The Future. VW To Invest 60 Billion Euros In Combustion Engines!

In a surprising move, Volkswagen announced it plans to invest 60 billion euros in the development of new combustion engines as confidence in electric mobility plummets in Germany and elsewhere. Chat GPT AI generated image Strategy adjustment “This change in strategy shows that the transition to electromobility is progressing more slowly than expected,” reports Germany’s […]

New Study: Large Atmospheric Pressure Swings May Explain Past Hothouse-Icehouse Climates, CO2 Levels

New Study: Large Atmospheric Pressure Swings May Explain Past Hothouse-Icehouse Climates, CO2 Levels

Atmospheric pressure may have been over 2.0 bar during the Jurassic, which may explain why Antarctica was a densely vegetated rainforest during that time. It has long been understood that atmospheric pressure is one of the primary determinants of a planet’s temperature, with higher pressure (for example, Venus at 92 bar) yielding warmer climates due […]

Summer Refuses To Appear Over Much Of Europe...Snow Disrupts Tour De Suisse

Summer Refuses To Appear Over Much Of Europe…Snow Disrupts Tour De Suisse

Where’s summer? Glaciers in German Alps get a boost as winter appears in June. Image: Zugspitze webcam shot, June 12, 2024 ca. 9 pm. By Klimanachrichten The German DWD Weather Service is asking itself the this question and has no summery prospects until mid-June 2024. The unsettled, sometimes very wet and predominantly cool weather of […]

New Study: East Antarctica's Ice Sheet Thickening, Gaining Mass - Especially Since The 1980s

New Study: East Antarctica’s Ice Sheet Thickening, Gaining Mass – Especially Since The 1980s

A collection of 85-year-old photographs reveal “growth and stability” of the East Antarctic ice sheet. Per a new study, more than 2200 historical aerial photos of a 2000 km stretch of ice in East Antarctica have been recently uncovered. The rare images reveal what the glaciers in this region looked like in 1937. Interestingly, the […]

Deputy Leader Of Germany's Centre-Right Party: Country In A "Green Fairy Tale World"

Deputy Leader Of Germany’s Centre-Right Party: Country In A “Green Fairy Tale World”

The Deputy Leader of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union Jens Spahn warns that the current socialist-green government is leading the country into a “green fairy tale world” and sharply citicizes the country’s the nuclear phase-out. CDU deputy leader, Jens Spahn. Image cropped here. In an interview with on Deutschlandfunk radio, he said: “It was a green […]

Merchants Of Panic. Data Reveal That Damages From Weather Have Not Risen

Merchants Of Panic. Data Reveal That Damages From Weather Have Not Risen

At the online Die Welt, science journalist Axel Bohanowski reports on: “How insurance companies and the media are misleading with weather disasters.”  Image cropped here.  Hat-tip: Klimaschau here. The rise in property damage often gets blamed on climate change, especially by click-baiting media and greedy insurance companies. But Bojanowski says it’s misleading to blame climate […]

New Study: Western Greenland Was '1.5-2°C Warmer Than Today' During Medieval Warm Period

New Study: Western Greenland Was ‘1.5-2°C Warmer Than Today’ During Medieval Warm Period

A new West Greenland temperature reconstruction (Strunk et al., 2024) finds the region was 1.5 to 2°C warmer than today from 560 to 1100 CE, encompassing the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). The LOI (vegetation abundance) record reflects a much wetter, greener landscape during the MWP. Image Source: Strunk et al., 2024

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse..."Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism"

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse…”Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism”

The ice sheet and the Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC): No Alarm AMOC. Source: Woods Hole By Frank Bosse We hear it over and again: the melting ice in Greenland due to warming will soon lead to a collapse of the AMOC, making it difficult for it to “restart”. The salt content in the north is […]

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