Germany’s Windexit…Old Wind Turbines Dismantled Without Replacement…Looming “Massive Power Outage”?

Looming “massive power outage”?

Another signal that the German Energiewende (transition to green energies) is not working out are actions and comments recently coming from the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture, as reported 2 days ago in a newspaper: (Hat-tip: Misaki – im Widerstand)

“Emergency plan for the food supply. Berlin. The Federal Government and the states have agreed on an emergency plan for securing the food supply, according to information from Federal agriculture Minister Julai Klöckner (CDU). as an example for a supply crisis she named a ‘massive power outage”, she told in an interview with this newspaper.”

Germans scale back on wind energy

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back.

More and more old wind turbines coming off the grid

At the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) Andreas Demmig writes about a recent report on wind energy appearing on NDR German public television: “New energy act: More and more wind turbines going off the grid”.

NDR featured the dismantling of three wind turbines in Altenstedt (Lower Saxony) after having been in operation for 20 years. “They are no longer profitable to operate” after the expiry of the 2o years of guaranteed feed-in tariffs to their operators.

No longer economical without the subsidy

The three wind turbines together generated 2 million kWh of electricity annually, meaning 666,666 kWh/ turbine per year. But now that the subsidies have ended, owner Horst Mengels explains he can no longer operate the turbines economically at electricity market prices of less than three, sometimes even one cent. Menawhile private consumers of electricity now have to pay 30 cents and more for a kWh. Repair and maintenance of the turbines are no longer possible at the low market prices.

“Gravedigger of the Energiewende”

Mr Mengels has built 99 wind turbines, the last one in 2020. Last year he hoped for a satisfactory decision from politicians on how to proceed with the old turbines, but in disappointment: “Politics is completely despondent, hesitant and dithering. Economics Minister Altmeier is the gravedigger of the energy transition.”

Scalebacks as electricity demand rises

For the proponents of green energies, Germany’s retreat is baffling in the least. Veronika Grimm, Energy Transition Commission of the Federal Government is convinced that, contrary to the opinion of the Federal Government, electricity consumption is not declining. It estimates that in this decade electricity demand will increase by up to 30% – through electromobility, heating with electricity and heat pumps, the hydrogen strategy.

More coming offline than what is being added

Last year, only 200 new wind turbines were built. At the current rate, more turbine capacity will be coming offline than what is being added.

Prof. Volker Quaschning, expert on green energies, says that the dismantling of wind (and PV) plants, spurred on by the expiry of subsidies, sets back the energy turnaround by years. “If you look back, 20 years ago more was built than what we see today. There is a danger that at some point we will end up with zero new construction, or even a net reduction. – Then we won’t need to talk about climate protection in Germany any more.”

16 GW coming offline

The NDR reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

NDR summarizes: “The consumer has paid around 30 billion euros a year in feed-in tariffs. […] a lot of money for an instrument that fails to deliver”.

10 responses to “Germany’s Windexit…Old Wind Turbines Dismantled Without Replacement…Looming “Massive Power Outage”?”

  1. Phil Salmon

    Ode to wind power

    I met a traveler from an antique land
    Who said: a rusting column, overgrown
    Stands on a hillside. By it, close at hand
    Half sunk, a long and curving shaft lies prone
    Though crumpled and corroded by the rain
    Its sculptor’s purpose still is plain to see
    A giant windmill, spinning to entrain
    From tortured gearing, electricity
    And on the pedestal these words appear
    “Energiewende – to a future green
    Look on our ranks, deniers, and despair”
    Nothing beside remains, round the decay
    Of that colossal wreck, the meadows fair
    And forests breathing life stretch far away

    (Adapted from “Ozymandius” by Shelley

  2. John F Hultquist

    ” a lot of money for an instrument that fails to deliver”.

    And makes other “instruments” less economic and efficient than they otherwise would be.

    Who knew?

  3. Germany’s Windexit…Old Wind Turbines Dismantled Without Replacement…Looming “Massive Power Outage”? – Watts Up With That?

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  4. Tysk kriseplan for matforsyningen |

    […] I Tyskland har forbundsregjeringen og delstatene ifølge landsbruksminister Julia Klöckner utarbeidet en nødplan for matforsyningen i tilfelle krise. Av krisesituasjoner nevner hun en massiv svikt i strømforsyningen. […]

  5. Schadenfraud – Small Dead Animals

    […] Germans scale back on wind energy […]

  6. Links and Comments | Rockport Conservatives

    […] Germans scale back on wind energy  From the scientist in the family, he keeps his eye on these things. […]

  7. Tysk vindkraft i knibe? –
  8. Ed Pwters

    The most salient remark I heard in US congressional debate on a failed energy bill,our most recent national attempt at action, some twenty years ago was from a biased manufacturing sector executive (Honeywell)whose conclusion that energy savings on the order of, and it was a whopping percent, was possible through ‘controls’ With Honeywell you think thermostat but , that is I am sure only a beginning. The point being we have choices and the technology today, that which can make a difference. I am obviously one rooting for the conservation component.

  9. Game Over: | ajmarciniak

    […] NDR summarizes: “The consumer has paid around 30 billion euros a year in feed-in tariffs. […] a lot of money for an instrument that fails to deliver”.No Tricks Zone […]

  10. Game Over: German Wind Industry In Free Fall As Renewable Energy ‘Transition’ Hits the Wall – Climate-

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