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New Study: Western Greenland Was '1.5-2°C Warmer Than Today' During Medieval Warm Period

New Study: Western Greenland Was ‘1.5-2°C Warmer Than Today’ During Medieval Warm Period

A new West Greenland temperature reconstruction (Strunk et al., 2024) finds the region was 1.5 to 2°C warmer than today from 560 to 1100 CE, encompassing the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). The LOI (vegetation abundance) record reflects a much wetter, greener landscape during the MWP. Image Source: Strunk et al., 2024

Three More New Temperature Reconstructions Document A Warmer Medieval Period

Three More New Temperature Reconstructions Document A Warmer Medieval Period

The North Atlantic, the Pacific Northwest (USA), and northern Finland were all warmer than today between 1000 and 2000 years ago. Today’s (2000 CE) July air temperatures in the Azores – archipelago islands in the middle North Atlantic, ~1400 km west of Portugal – are visually shown to average about 10 to 11°C in a […]

New Study: Modern Central Asia Climate Halfway Between Medieval Warmth And Little Ice Age

New Study: Modern Central Asia Climate Halfway Between Medieval Warmth And Little Ice Age

The mean annual temperature was 2-3°C warmer than present during the Holocene Thermal Maximum in arid central Asia. Over the last few millennia, Silk Road human civilizations (e.g., Sui, Tang, Ming, Yuan Dynasties) flourished during warm periods and declined during cool periods (Ding et al., 2023). The modern hydroclimate in this region does not stand […]

New Study: Roman And Medieval Warm Periods Were 2.8°C Warmer Than 1970-2000 In Central China

New Study: Roman And Medieval Warm Periods Were 2.8°C Warmer Than 1970-2000 In Central China

A series of paleoclimate lake reconstructions across China in recent years have failed to support the global-scale warming narrative. Per a new lake temperature reconstruction (Li et al., 2023) from Central China, there were distinct “warm intervals during the RWP [Roman Warm Period] (403–413 CE), with a temperature 2.89°C higher than that of the mean […]

New Study: The Reality Of The Medieval Warm Period Confirmed By Changes In Agricultural Practices

New Study: The Reality Of The Medieval Warm Period Confirmed By Changes In Agricultural Practices

Due to a “relatively stable warm climate” the Medieval Warm Period (800 to 1300 CE) was a period of expanding Scandinavian population, increasing trade, food and goods production. There has been a ~500 zettajoule (ZJ) increase in global ocean heat energy since 1750. The Medieval Warm Period global ocean had 1000 ZJ more heat energy […]

New Study: In Northern Poland The Medieval Warm Period Was 3°C Warmer Than Today

New Study: In Northern Poland The Medieval Warm Period Was 3°C Warmer Than Today

A new analysis has Poland’s July temperatures hitting 20.6°C in Medieval times, whereas they’re only 17.4°C today. The temperature record for this region also shows today’s temperatures are not much different than they were during the Little Ice Age. Another chart contained in the study (Pleskot et al., 2022) shows North America’s and Europe’s mean […]

4 More New Reconstructions Affirm The Medieval Warm Period Was 'Warmer Than Today'

4 More New Reconstructions Affirm The Medieval Warm Period Was ‘Warmer Than Today’

From Russia to the Indian Ocean to Antarctica, surface temperatures were much warmer than  they are today during Medieval times. 1. The Eastern Russia region was 1.5°C warmer than now during the Medieval Warm Period. The modern warm-up began centuries ago and temperatures have declined in the last few centuries. Relative sea levels were 1 […]

IPCC 6th Climate Report: Who Deleted The Medieval Warm Period? Tracks Lead To University Of Bern

Science scandal: What follows is an excellent overview of how the Medieval Warm Period was once again disappeared from the latest IPCC climate report. =========================================== Who Erased The Medieval Warm Period? Written by: a Die kalte Sonne scientist/IPCC 6th report reviewer (Translation, edited and subheadings by P. Gosselin) The latest UN report distorts climate history. […]

Tree Remains Found Buried Beneath Today's Glaciers Date To The Warmer-Than-Today Medieval Warm Period

Tree Remains Found Buried Beneath Today’s Glaciers Date To The Warmer-Than-Today Medieval Warm Period

A new study (Kullman, 2021) suggests ~9000-year-old tree remains can be found buried in “currently empty snow hollows and glacier cirques” at elevations 600-700 m higher than where trees can grow today, implying a >3°C warmer Early Holocene climate. Treelines were still 75-100 m higher during the Medieval Warm Period…and even during the 15th and […]

New Study: East Antarctica Was Up To 6°C Warmer Than Today During The Medieval Warm Period

New Study: East Antarctica Was Up To 6°C Warmer Than Today During The Medieval Warm Period

As recently as 2000 to 1000 years ago, spanning the Roman to Medieval Warm Periods, East Antarctica was 5-6°C warmer than it is today. The consequent ice melt resulted in >60 meters higher water levels in East Antarctica’s lakes. East Antarctica has been rapidly cooling in recent decades, with magnitudes reaching -0.7°C to -2.0°C per […]

New Studies: Europe Is No Warmer Today Than It Was During Medieval Times

New Studies: Europe Is No Warmer Today Than It Was During Medieval Times

Two new papers use tree ring proxy evidence to suggest modern European temperatures are neither unusual nor higher than they were during the Medieval Warm Period. Image Source: Esper et al. (2020) Esper et al. (2020) have produced a new temperature reconstruction for Southern Europe to complement past reconstructions for Northern and Central Europe. They […]

Another New Study Finds The Canadian Arctic Was About 1-2°C Warmer During Medieval Times

Another New Study Finds The Canadian Arctic Was About 1-2°C Warmer During Medieval Times

Four reconstructions from the central and western High Arctic reveal July temperatures were about 1-2°C warmer than today during most of the 1st millennium and Medieval period (Tamo and Gajewski, 2019). A few years ago, a chironomid reconstruction of Boothia Peninsula in the Canadian Arctic (Fortin and Gajewski, 2016) revealed not only were today’s temperatures […]

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