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This Year's Dry Europe Summer Nothing New, Happened More Often During Prosperous Medieval Period

This Year’s Dry Europe Summer Nothing New, Happened More Often During Prosperous Medieval Period

The two recent dry summers seen in Europe have led to alarmists believing that the climate doomsday has arrived. But The European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) looks at the past to see if this sort of thing is really unusual. ======================= German forests growing much faster today than 1000 years ago. Photo: NTZ ================= […]

Medieval Warmth Was GLOBAL...Confirmed By Over 1200 Publications At Google Maps

Medieval Warmth Was GLOBAL…Confirmed By Over 1200 Publications At Google Maps

More than 1200 publications show the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was global – an embarrassment to global warming alarmists who claimed it was regional Global warming alarmist scientists like claiming that the well documented Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was mostly a regional, North Atlantic phenomenon, and was not global, and so we just move along […]

A 1000-Year-Old Forest Buried Under Alaska's Mendenhall Glacier Uncovers A Warm Medieval Period

A 1000-Year-Old Forest Buried Under Alaska’s Mendenhall Glacier Uncovers A Warm Medieval Period

In recent decades, North American glaciers have advanced by many kilometers and buried forests in ice in the same regions where glaciers have receded and uncovered Medieval-era forests. Image Source: Davi et al., 2019 Ancient forests buried beneath ice for the last ~1,000 years began “popping out from under southern Alaska’s Mendenhall Glacier” and garnishing […]

12 New Papers Provide Robust Evidence The Earth Was Warmer During Medieval Times

12 New Papers Provide Robust Evidence The Earth Was Warmer During Medieval Times

Claims that modern temperatures are globally warmer than they were during Medieval times (~800 to 1250 A.D.) have been contradicted by a flurry of new (2019) scientific papers. Southern Ocean/SE Pacific (SSTs) The Medieval Warm Period (1100 years BP) was 1.5°C warmer than today (14°C vs. 12.5°C) in the SE Pacific or Southern Ocean. Collins […]

Medieval Climate Anomaly Now Confirmed In Southern Hemisphere On All Four Continents

Medieval Climate Anomaly Now Confirmed In Southern Hemisphere On All Four Continents

In Medieval times, the penguins had it nice and warm By Die kalte Sonne (German text translated in the English by P Gosselin) Image Source: Lüning et al. 2019 For a long time it has been said that the Medieval Warm Period was a purely North Atlantic phenomenon. This has proved to be wrong. On […]

New Study Shows Medieval Climate Period Was Global, Driven By Natural "Atmospheric-Ocean Cycles", Not CO2

New Study Shows Medieval Climate Period Was Global, Driven By Natural “Atmospheric-Ocean Cycles”, Not CO2

The Medieval Warm Period in Oceania By Die kalte Sonne For a long time it was said that the Medieval Warm Period was a North Atlantic phenomenon. This proved to be wrong. On June 15, 2019, a paper by Lüning et al. 2019 on the Medieval Warm Period in Oceania appeared in the journal Environmental […]

New Study: Medieval Warm Period Not Limited To North Atlantic, But Occurred In South America As Well

New Study: Medieval Warm Period Not Limited To North Atlantic, But Occurred In South America As Well

Global warming alarmist scientists like claiming that the well documented Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was merely a regional phenomenon, and not global. However a new publication by Lüning et al adds yet another study that shows the warm period from 1000 years ago was indeed global. ================================ Image source: here. Preindustrial climate change in South […]

New Arctic Study Finds Spring Sea Ice Melted 2 Months Earlier Than Today During Roman, Medieval Times

New Arctic Study Finds Spring Sea Ice Melted 2 Months Earlier Than Today During Roman, Medieval Times

Scientists have determined that today’s Arctic sea ice concentrations are still much higher than they have been for most of the last several thousand years, undermining claims that modern era Arctic sea ice changes are remarkable, unusual, or unprecedented.  Source: Kolling et al., 2018 In the graphical illustration of Late Holocene West Greenland sea ice changes […]

New Paleoclimate Findings Show Medieval Warm Period Across Africa And Arabia…Natural Climate Drivers

Paleoclimate data still spotty and incomplete, leaving climate models vague, uncalibrated and filled with uncertainty Paleo-climatological data, used for the reconstruction of past climate from proxy records such as ice cores, tree rings, sediment cores etc., have not had adequate geographical coverage. Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, where a sediment core was extracted. Credit: Andreas31, CC BY-SA 3.0. For […]

New Study Confirms Medieval Warm Period Was Indeed Global, And As Warm As Today

Here’s another blow to the global warming alarmist scientists, who have been claiming that the Medieval Warm Period was a local, North Atlantic phenomenon, and did not really exist globally. What follows is a report on yet another paper contradicting this now worn out claim. =================================== China: Warm phase of the 20th century was not […]

Climate Protection Goes Medieval...Ushers In New Age Of Indulgences And Almsgiving

Climate Protection Goes Medieval…Ushers In New Age Of Indulgences And Almsgiving

The other day as I was looking to book a hotel in the city of Hamburg I came across the Novum Style Hotel Hamburg. What caught my eye was that the booking and price conditions allow guests the option of offsetting the CO2 emissions that their stay produces. According to the Novum’s reservation page and […]

18 New Papers Link High Solar Activity To Medieval And Modern Warmth, Low Solar Activity To Little Ice Age Cooling

18 New Papers Link High Solar Activity To Medieval And Modern Warmth, Low Solar Activity To Little Ice Age Cooling

“It is generally accepted that the climate warms during periods of strong solar activity (e.g., the Medieval Warm Period) and cools during periods of low solar activity (e.g., the Little Ice Age).” —Lyu et al., 2016 Within the last 1,000 years, global-scale surface temperatures underwent a warm period during Medieval times, centennial-scale cooling during the […]

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