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Remember The "Very Early Warning Of Next El Niño" Paper By Ludescher? "False-Alarm Rates Below 0.1"!

Remember The “Very Early Warning Of Next El Niño” Paper By Ludescher? “False-Alarm Rates Below 0.1”!

Very recently the Australian Meteorological Institute issued a bulletin advising that the chance of an El Niño in 2014 had “clearly eased“. And if one were to occur, it was “increasingly unlikely to be a strong event“. Like this year’s El Niño itself, reliable prediction method remains elusive as ever. Graphic: NOAA. This of course all flies […]

Climate False-Alarmism Reaches New High…Australian Met Institute Confirms “Chance Of El Niño In 2014 Has Clearly Eased”!

Earlier this year the media were overflowing with reports about how a “super El Niño” was shaping up and that it could be a powerful one, so powerful in fact that it would make 2015 “very likely to become the hottest year on record by far.” Read for example posts by noted climate end-of-world theorists/cheerleaders Joe […]

German Geologist: IPCC Models A Failure, "Have No Chance Of Success"...Sees Possible 0.2°C Of Cooling By 2020

German Geologist: IPCC Models A Failure, “Have No Chance Of Success”…Sees Possible 0.2°C Of Cooling By 2020

Co-author of “The Neglected Sun“/geologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning made a presentation at the 7th International Conference for Climate and Energy in Mannheim, Germany, back in April. EIKE has now put it up. The presentation is in German and so I am providing below a round up of the main points made by Lüning. Lüning starts by […]

MISSING: Global Warming! Anyone With Information Urged To Call Climate Authorities

MISSING: Global Warming! Anyone With Information Urged To Call Climate Authorities

Despite all the claims of lots of signs and evidence of man-made global warming, no one has yet to find it. Stefan Rahmstorf, German alarmist scientist and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research claims that it was briefly sighted by GISS last month. Yet upon closer inspection no global warming has been seen since way […]

German Prof Friedrich-Karl Ewert Dismisses Visions Of Future Ocean Acidification..."Exaggerated Claims"

German Prof Friedrich-Karl Ewert Dismisses Visions Of Future Ocean Acidification…”Exaggerated Claims”

The ocean-acid-heads are tripping out once again, trying to scare the public with their hallucinatory visions of future marine catastrophes. In a hearing by the Lower Saxony Environment Committee on June 16, 2014, Professor Stefan Rahmstorf (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) once again announced panic warnings of melting ice in the Arctic and ocean-acidification. EIKE […]

German DWD Weather Service: “You Cannot Craft A Climate Statistic From One Singular Extreme Weather Situation”

The intense but short heat wave that struck parts of Central Europe earlier this month created quite a bit of hysteria among some German activist climatologists and most of the media. For example IPCC climatologist Mojib Latif attributed the heat and severe thunderstorms to global warming. Stefan Rahmstorf tried to hint this may be the […]

IPCC Scientist Mojib Latif Claims Local German Hot Weather, "Extreme Thunderstorms" Were Man-Made!

IPCC Scientist Mojib Latif Claims Local German Hot Weather, “Extreme Thunderstorms” Were Man-Made!

Over the last weekend and early this week Germany saw some 4 days of record-breaking hot weather, which also brought on severe thunderstorms that caused property damage, local flooding, traffic disruptions and killed a half dozen people. Photo Mojib Latif (Source: GEOMAR) The media went crazy, and so did some “experts”. Immediately the high priests […]

Claim Global Warming Causes Cold “An Absurd PIK Construct On The Verge Of Extinction”, German Scientists Say

Absurd PIK construct on the verge of extinction: North American cold spell in January 2014 was not the result of global warming By Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt Translated, edited by P Gosselin Earlier this year the USA was tested by unexpectedly cool temperatures. Die Welt summed up the situation on January 9, 2014: According to […]

German Review: Sea Level Rise Way Below Projections – No Hard Basis For Claims Of Accelerating Rise

IPCC 1990: “No convincing evidence that sea level rise accelerated in the 20th century” By Dr Sebastian Lüning and Prof Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated, edited and condensed by P Gosselin) In recent posts we examined sea level rise, and in our last segment here we will look at the current sea level rise from a historical […]

Oops…Trenberth Concedes Natural Ocean Cycles Contributed To 1976 – 1998 Warming … CO2 Diminishes As A Factor

Former IPCC Author Kevin Trenberth admits in a new paper: PDO ocean oscillation contributed to the 1976-1998 warming phase By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (Translation, editing by P Gosselin) It took a while, but ocean cycles have finally been adopted by the IPCC as an important climate factor. With John Fasullo, Kevin […]

German Scientists: NOAA 2013 Hurricane Prediction Completely Missed The Barn…Not A Single Major Hurricane!

News of the NOAA’s miserable, failed 2013 hurricane prediction performance has spread to Europe. Dr. Sebastian Lüning’s and Prof Fritz Vahrenholt’s Die kalte Sonne site took a look at the results. They compare the official NOAA prognoses from May 23, 2013: NOAA predicts active 2013 Atlantic hurricane season – Era of high activity for Atlantic […]

Climate Scientist Blasts "Ruthless", Dangerous And "Dictatorial" German Climate Science That Bullies And Silences Dissent

Climate Scientist Blasts “Ruthless”, Dangerous And “Dictatorial” German Climate Science That Bullies And Silences Dissent

The European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) here presents a blistering report by retired climate scientist Prof. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke and meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls on how a German and Swiss network of IPCC scientists who, using pernicious methods, thwart legitimate scientists and media reporters who they view as a threat to the AGW hypothesis. German […]

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