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German PIK Scientist/IPCC Lead Author Claims La Nina Is Warm – And Caused By Global Warming

The usual German media outlets today feature the usual scientists who are out in force spreading the dreck science that global warming is leading to more weather extremes, and La Ninas. These “scientists” are from the usual source: the alarmist Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research (PIK).  Amazingly, one of these scientists even claims that the current […]

Climate Realist Makes FOCUS Magazine’s Top 100 Influential Germans

The latest press release from the Helmholtz Institute, in Geestacht, Germany features Professor Hans von Storch and reports that he has been placed on the List Of The Top 100 Influential Germans by FOCUS magazine, who have dubbed him “The Climate Realist”. Again, for the 2nd time this week, kudos to FOCUS. Hans von Storch […]

Will The New Decade Be Warmer Than The Last One?

Will The New Decade Be Warmer Than The Last One?

This blog here is not a casino for high rollers. In fact, it’s not a casino at all. Yet, one warmist reader robhon left a comment here proposing a bet which I find quite interesting. Here’s what he proposes: I’m taking bets with deniers that the decade from 2010 to 2019 will end with at least […]

Germany’s December 2010 Coldest in 41 Years – Snowiest Ever in Potsdam

Michael Krüger at Readers Edition has already crunched the numbers for December 2010 in Germany. It was the third coldest on record, and the coldest since 1969. The average temperature in December 2010 was -3.5 °C, which is -4.3°C under the 1961-1990 average of 0.8°C. So much for warmer winters with increasingly rare snowfalls. Speaking of […]

Daily snow cover in Potsdam: Source: http://saekular.pik-potsdam.de/2007_en/index.html

The Ice Age Starts in Potsdam – Record December Snow Cover

Oh the irony! Potsdam is the home of the alarmist Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, headed by Professor Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber and Stefan Rahmstorf, who has been very busy lately trying to convince the rest of the world that the cold is due to the warming, at least that’s what his models are saying (now). Snowiest December […]

Potsdam Climate Institute Now Says To Expect “Warmer Colder” Winters!

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the German media are now in full panic mode. They can no longer get their stories straight.Desperate to stem the flood of doubt now sweeping Germany, as the country is gripped by its harshest December in 100 years, including record snowfalls in Potsdam, the hyper-alarmist PIK and […]

Maxeiner’s Satirical Piece On The Absurdity of Climate Science

Here’s a brilliant satirical piece on German radio by journalist Dirk Maxieiner on how the state thinks it can regulate weather and climate. Unfortunately the audio and text are only available in German. To all German readers here, if you have yet to hear it, then you really ought to do so. Dirk Maxeiner is the […]

ZDF German Television Attacks Climate Skeptics

Yesterday I mentioned here how Stefan Rahmstorf spends more time organising PR campaigns than he does doing science (understandable I guess, as crystal ball gazing takes only a few minutes per day). It took less than a day for him to confirm this observation. EIKE posted here yesterday that ZDF television did a Frontal drive-by-shooting on the climate skeptics, […]

Climate Science Scandals – List Of Gates Balloons To 129

And as long as the science refuses to clean up its corruption and fraud, many more scandals are sure to join the list in the future. It’s the great swindle that just keeps giving.35 new gates have been added since August. To offer an anecdote, Stefan Rahmstorf wrote a post a while back boasting (prematurely) […]

Making PIK Feel Sad For The Rest – PIK Spy Observes Berlin Skeptic Conference

In reader comments yesterday, there was a little discussion about Peter Heller’s recap of the 3rd International Conference on Climate and Energy, here (German), which took place in Berlin last weekend. Heller exposed a spy who had been sent over to check up on what was going down at the denier pow-wow on the other side of […]

FOCUS: “Many Of The Widespread Horror Scenarios Are Baseless”

Yesterday I wrote about the latest issue of FOCUS news magazine HERE. I just picked up the new issue, out today, and read it. It’s an unmistakable departure from usual doom and catastropheism, which had generated so much of the fear and urgency needed to justify the rush to reckless policy making and profiteering. FOCUS shows that the urgency is […]

Die Zeit Takes Aim At The Skeptics In “The Abetters of Doubt”

The Climate-Berlin Wall surrounding Germany has been cracking for some time now, and crumbling with increasing speed. Die Zeit’s online smear The Abetters of Doubt takes aim at the skeptics, who have scaled the Wall and are exercising their right to free expression. They are hammering away at climate science dogmatism in Germany, much to the […]

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