Spiegel Surprised By “Amazingly Robust”, Record Antarctic Sea Ice – NASA’s Walt Meier Bewildered, Can Only Speculate

Antarctica_NOAA public domainSpiegel, for the first time that I can recall, reports on how sea ice in Antarctica refuses to melt and has reached a new maximum record.

Antarctica’s record level sea ice is troubling those who were earlier convinced of the global warming science. Slowly, reluctantly, they are beginning to realize that something is wrong with the science. …

Spiegel writes that at the end of September NASA recorded a record maximum sea ice extent of 19.47 million square kilometers meters, the most since satellite measurements began 30 years ago.

This is an inconvenient development for global warming alarmists, who are now finding themselves scrambling for explanations.

Spiegel writes “when ice in the north and south pole are discussed, then it’s usually about melting caused by global warming. However, sea ice in the Antarctic, contrary to the Arctic, has proven to be amazingly robust.” Spiegel can hardly conceal its disbelief.

One scientist who is scrambling and who is visibly baffled is meteorologist Walt Meier, who seems irritated by the new puzzling Antarctic sea ice record – the second in 2 years. In the Spiegel report, he attempts to play it all down by claiming that the record amount is “only 3.6% over the 1981-2010 mean“. Meier adds: “This year the edge of the ice extends out only 35 kilometers further than an average year.”

Baffled scientists left to speculate

Walt Meier is on the defensive, and insists the Antarctic ice sheet is getting thinner- especially West Antarctica. Spiegel adds that scientists are baffled by the sea ice increase, writing that it’s “a riddle.

According to Spiegel, “scientists suspect that a change in atmospheric currents may explain for the most part the increase in Antarctic sea ice over the last decade.” So now atmospheric air currents have teamed up with the oceans to eat up the heat.  Strange how whenever it melts in the Arctic, it’s a sure sign of man-made global warming. But when it freezes in the Antarctic, it’s a real mystery!

Spiegel floats another possible explanation for the mysterious Antarctic sea ice behavior: ocean currents of cool surface water refrigerating the Antarctic and gobbling up any heat down there. Another explanation, Spiegel writes, could be melt water from the ice sheet flowing through huge canals in the ice that end up cooling the sea surface temperature.

That of course is like saying the warming is cooling Antarctica (with melt water)! In climate science anything is possible. Anything goes.

Graphic: NSIDC, public domain.


14 responses to “Spiegel Surprised By “Amazingly Robust”, Record Antarctic Sea Ice – NASA’s Walt Meier Bewildered, Can Only Speculate”

  1. edmh

    One day they will have to admit they were just plain wrong and throw in the towel.

    It may take some time before the scales to drop from their eyes !!!

    And the north pole is recovering too, all natural variations !!!

  2. Australia neglects militarisation of Antarctica by foreign powers, including China | Craig Hill

    […] Spiegel Surprised By “Amazingly Robust”, Record Antarctic Sea Ice – NASA’s W… ( […]

  3. Jimmy

    Stronger winds, caused by global warming, explains puzzling growth of sea ice in Antarctica.

    Yeah, sure!

    But if the warming continues, at some point the trend will reverse.

  4. 100% Certain, And Wrong | Real Science

    […] Spiegel Surprised By “Amazingly Robust”, Record Antarctic Sea Ice – NASA’s Walt Meier Bewild… […]

  5. Berthold Klein

    Being lied to by a bunch of political hacks,leaves me very cold. In fact if the astrophysicists are correct this is what will happen-a new mini-ice age. The winters of 2010 -2013 in many parts of the world have been a indicator of what is coming. Cold,Cold,Cold and snow.
    The whole greenhouse gas effect has been shown to not exist. When every one of the UN-IPCC climate models has not worked, what do you expect when they are based on a hypotheses that has not been proven by credible experiments. Garbage in =garbage out.
    There is an experiment that proves that the Greenhouse gas effect does not exist. This experiment which has been technologically reviewed by Ph. D physicists . Ph. D. Chemical engineers and others Ph. D’s in other fields The experiment is found on the web-site http:// click on the blog tab then on page 3 of 12. . It is titled “The Experiment that failed which can save the world trillions-Proving the greenhouse gas effect does not exist” replaced by the following web-site: This web-site is being up-dated regularly with pertinent articles about the real science of the atmosphere.

    The Greenhouse Effect Explored
    Written by Carl Brehmer | 26 May 2012
    Is “Water Vapor Feedback” Positive or Negative?
    Exploiting the medium of Youtube Carl Brehmer is drawing wider attention to a fascinating experiment he performed to test the climatic impacts of water in our atmosphere.
    Carl explains, “An essential element of the “greenhouse effect” hypothesis is the positive “water vapor feedback” hypothesis. That is, if something causes an increase in the temperature this will cause an increase in the evaporation of water into water vapor.” ( This experiment proves that GHGE by the AGW is wrong)

    Another important website is www. Climate -G3 The Greenhouse gas effect does not exist.

    The UN_IPCC should be defunded and let Christiana find a job with Hollywood or on Broadway where she can write more fantasy and fiction.
    In the mean time there should be criminal investigations of the supposed scientist that have been involved in the Mann-ipulation of weather temperature data and sea level data.
    Considering the amount of money that has been wasted on the Hoax of Mann-made global warming/climate change anyone convicted of participating in the fraud should spend the rest of there lives in jail, this should include AL Gore , Barack H. Obama and Lisa Jackson just to start.

  6. Green Sand

    BBC going “off piste”?

    Monday 28th Oct 7:30pm – 8pm BBC One Yorkshire

    “Inside Out”

    ” Weatherman Paul Hudson suggests that northern Europe could be entering a mini ice age, and explores the implications for supply chains and infrastructure…..”–series-24—episode-9

  7. Geoff Pohanka

    When you add the ice extent of both Poles together, there is virtually no loss of total global polar sea ice. But there is a difference. If the entire Arctic ice melted the sea level would not rise. Antarctic ice would have to melt, but Antarctica has the most ice ever recorded. The wamers conveniently discount the Antarctic ice, but it is here that the rise in sea level would have to come from. As the NAO moves into its cold phase, expect the Arctic ice to return to normal levels, and the Antractic ice should start to shrink some. Only then will the warmers pay attendtion to what is happening in the south!

  8. Berthold Klein

    Gentlemen and lady non-scientists& Walt Meier: the answer to why the Arctic and Antarctic are getting more ice is in NASA record and its been there for the last 40 years. The greenhouse gas effect is a Hypothesis that has never been proven. It is a hoax.
    New Discovery: NASA Study Proves Carbon Dioxide Cools Atmosphere

    Written by H. Schreuder & J. O’Sullivan

    A recent NASA report throws the space agency into conflict with climatologists after new NASA measurements prove that carbon dioxide acts as a coolant in Earth’s atmosphere.
    NASA’s Langley Research Center has collated data proving that “greenhouse gases” actually block no less than 95 percent of harmful solar rays from our planet, thus reducing the heating impact of the sun. The data was collected by Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry, (or SABER). SABER monitors infrared emissions from Earth’s upper atmosphere, in particular from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), two substances thought to be playing a key role in the energy balance of air hundreds of miles above our planet’s surface.
    NASA’s Langley Research Center instruments show that the thermosphere not only received a whopping 26 billion kilowatt hours of energy from the sun during a recent burst of solar activity, but that the upper atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide molecules sent as much as 95% of that straight back out into space.
    The shock revelation starkly contradicts the core proposition of the so-called greenhouse gas theory which claims that more CO2 means more warming for our planet. However, this compelling new NASA data more likely serves as the final nail in the junk science global warming coffin and a huge embarrassment for NASA’s chief climatologist, Dr James Hansen over at NASA’s GISS.

    Already, leading international climatologists have been in full retreat after having to concede there has been no global warming for 16 years despite levels of atmopheric CO2 rising almost 40 percent in recent decades. The new SABER data now forms part of a real world double whammy against climatologists’ computer models that have always been programmed to show CO2 as a warming gas.
    As NASA’s SABER team at Langley admits:
    “This is a new frontier in the sun-Earth connection,” says associate principal investigator Martin Mlynczak, “and the data we’re collecting are unprecedented.”
    Over at Principia Scientific International (PSI) greenhouse gas effect (GHE) critic, Alan Siddons is hailing the findings. Siddons and his colleagues have been winning support from hundreds of independent scientists for their GHE studies carried out over the last seven years. PSI has proved that the numbers fed into computer models by Hansen and others were based on a faulty interpretation of the laws of thermodynamics. PSI also recently uncovered long overlooked evidence from the American Meteorological Society (AMS) that shows it was widely known the GHE was discredited prior to 1951. [1]
    Pointedly, a much-trumpeted new book released this month by Rupert Darwall claims to help expose the back story of how the junk GHE theory was conveniently resuscitated in the 1980’s by James Hansen and others to serve an environmental policy agenda at that time. [2]
    As the SABER research report states:
    A recent flurry of eruptions on the sun did more than spark pretty auroras around the poles. NASA-funded researchers say the solar storms of March 8th through 10th dumped enough energy in Earth’s upper atmosphere to power every residence in New York City for two years.
    “This was the biggest dose of heat we’ve received from a solar storm since 2005,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA Langley Research Center. “It was a big event, and shows how solar activity can directly affect our planet.”
    As PSI’s own space scientists have confirmed, as solar energy penetrates deeper into our atmosphere, even more of its energy will end up being sent straight back out to space, thus preventing it heating up the surface of our earth. The NASA Langley Research Center report agrees with PSI by admitting:
    “Carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are natural thermostats,” explains James Russell of Hampton University, SABER’s principal investigator. “When the upper atmosphere (or ‘thermosphere’) heats up, these molecules try as hard as they can to shed that heat back into space.”
    To those independent scientists and engineers at Principia Scientific International this is not news. The “natural thermostat” effect of CO2 has long been known by applied scientists and engineers how have exploited it’s remarkable properties in the manufacturer of refrigerators and air conditioning systems. The fledgling independent science body has repeatedly shown in it’s openly peer reviewed papers that atmospheric carbon dioxide does not cause global warming nor climate change.
    Some diehard climate alarmists will still say that in the lower atmosphere the action of carbon dioxide is reversed, but there is no actual proof of this at all. PSI suggests it is time for the SABER team to have a word with James Hansen.
    [1] Brooks, C.E.P. (1951). “Geological and Historical Aspects of Climatic Change.” InCompendium of Meteorology, edited by Thomas F. Malone, pp. 1004-18 (at 1016). Boston: American Meteorological Association. It shows the American Meteorological Society had refuted the concept of a GHE in 1951 in itsCompendium of Meteorology. They stated that the idea that CO2could alter the climate “was never widely accepted and was abandoned when it was found that all the long-wave radiation [that would be] absorbed by CO2is [already] absorbed by water vapor.”
    [2] Darwall, R., ‘The Age of Global Warming: A History,’ (March, 2013), Quartet Books,

    There is an experiment that proves that the Greenhouse gas effect does not exist. This experiment which has been technologically reviewed by Ph. D physicists . Ph. D. Chemical engineers and others Ph. D’s in other fields The experiment is found on the web-site http:// click on the blog tab then on page 3 of 12. . It is titled “The Experiment that failed which can save the world trillions-Proving the greenhouse gas effect does not exist” replaced by the following web-site: This web-site is being up-dated regularly with pertinent articles about the real science of the atmosphere.

    The Greenhouse Effect Explored

    Written by Carl Brehmer | 26 May 2012
    Is “Water Vapor Feedback” Positive or Negative?
    Exploiting the medium of Youtube Carl Brehmer is drawing wider attention to a fascinating experiment he performed to test the climatic impacts of water in our atmosphere.
    Carl explains, “An essential element of the “greenhouse effect” hypothesis is the positive “water vapor feedback” hypothesis. That is, if something causes an increase in the temperature this will cause an increase in the evaporation of water into water vapor.” ( This experiment proves that GHGE by the AGW is wrong)

  9. Confirmed!!! LSM And Cli-Sci People Entirely Clueless! | suyts space

    […] article, of course, is in German.  You can go to the NoTricksZone, or the GWPF for more on the […]

  10. Jim Steele

    Antarctic sea ice is the better indicator of climate change. Arctic sea ice is affected by many more confounding factors.–climate-change-indicator.html

  11. Paul Hogan

    A new peer reviewed paper, revealed that 97% of climate scientists are amazingly stupid.

  12. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup | Watts Up With That?

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