Max Planck Institute Finance Researchers Call Europe’s Climate Policy A Failure

Hans von Storch’s blog brings our attention to an excellent German report by normally green ZDF public television.

The report takes a critical view of Europe’s energy policy and reaches the conclusion that it’s a failure. My last post Billions Of Euros For Nothing Called A Success Story illustrates this beautifully.

The ZDF interviews a leading finance researcher, Professor Dr Kai Konrad, and here’s what the ZDF report says:

– Start clip (German)-, content in English:

After 20 years of conference after conference after conference, a sort of traveling climate circus on a worldwide tour, Copenhagen became the highpoint of absurdity in December of last year – a political and media overkill with the aim of nothing less than to rescue the planet. The conference failed yet again. It all gets down to money.

Professor Dr. Kai Konrad is a distinguished finance researcher at the prestigious Max Planck Institute in Munich and a close advisor to the Federal Ministry of Finance. He and a team of researchers drew up an expert assessment of Germany’s climate policy.

The assessment was so damning that the Ministry quickly removed it from its website.

The assessment took a hard look at the 1st Commandment of climate policy: reduce CO2 emissions, and how a relatively small group of countries decided – unilaterally – to reduce CO2 emissions. The researchers writing the assessment deemed this a grave error. Professor Konrad says:

When a small group of countries sit down and say they want to  do something good for the climate, and reduce their emissions, it has practically no effect on the total amount of emissions worldwide. It means the rest of the world picks up the slack and just emits more.

In effect it means that the countries who cut emissions incur all the costs but no benefits. And the countries that don’t cut emissions, profit. So it’s highly worth it for these so-called “free-riders” who don’t sign on. What has the Kyoto protocol produced?

Since 1990 worldwide CO2 emissions have increased 36% and the few countries that have reduced their emissions have had immense costs, estimated to be $150 billion.

When it comes to CO2 emissions, the European Union is a global power. Especially Germany has been a leader in cutting emissions – already 20% less than 1990. Professor Konrad says:

The fact that Europe is a leader in cutting emissions will only lead to other countries slacking off, and thus the costs are merely shifted from the countries that don’t play along to Europe. So whatever progress Europe makes in cutting emissions just gets lost to countries like USA and China.

And so the circus goes on. The other countries are happy about the cuts, and the EU carries all the costs. Europe’s Climate Commissar estimates the costs will be:

€500 billion ($620 billion) in the next 10 years.

Germany is the leader in this craziness, and is expected to cut emissions by 40% by 2020. This is to be accomplished by Germany’s EEG Gesetz, or Energy Feed-in Act, which forces power companies to purchase renewable energy at exorbitant prices from anyone who produces them and to deliver them to consumers, who then must pay through the nose. Professor Konrad says (in summary):

From a theoretical point of view, the EEG brings no benefit. It brings nothing because the system of buying CO2 emissions certificates doesn’t work.

All the certificates do is ensure that the CO2 gets produced elsewhere. Professor Konrad:

The Feed-in Act is to be criticised in my view because it is no longer transparent as to what an enormous redistribution it creates and the huge subsidies that flow out of the pockets of consumers and into the hands of those who profit from it.

By the end of the year German consumers will have paid €62 billion ($75 billion) without seeing any CO2 reduction. In Professor Konrad’s and his colleagues’ view:

The policy of avoiding the production of CO2 is a failure, nationally and globally.

As a result, Professor Konrad’s recommendation is to use a different strategy (one that even the earliest and most primitive of man used):


The researchers say this policy would be much more successful, and certainly much cheaper than the current CO2 elimination policy.

– End clip –

Now, I wonder if our clever politicians will muster the intelligence that even our early Neanderthal ancestors had millions of years ago, and adopt this strategy?

Don’t hold your breath.

8 responses to “Max Planck Institute Finance Researchers Call Europe’s Climate Policy A Failure”

  1. Ed Caryl

    “don’t hold your breath”? Ahh, but that will be the next regulation!
    You would think that the next thought would be, “maybe this CO2 reduction stuff is silly”? Or, “Is CO2 really a problem?” Not yet, but soon.

  2. DirkH

    I just sent my prognosis of runaway energy prizes to Frau Merkel per

    It might amuse you that the collapse will happen within 5 years.
    In 2010 we will install 9 GWpeak of PV. The newly installed capacity has grown with an exponent of 1.5 per year, rather reliably. German power production has a capacity of 137 GWh total. So let’s add newly installed PW power of the next 5 years:
    9+15+22+33+49 = 128 GWh – shortly after this moment we will have more PVpeak than we need totally. Every time the sun is shining the wholesale energy prize will become negative and the EEG contribution paid by the consumer must rise astronomically to pay the owners of PV installations their guaranteed income. The energy will be given away to Sweden and Switzerland. It will be unaffordable to German consumers, whoever still consumes grid energy will be the one who loses.

    It will become necessary to produce your own power with WHATEVER MEANS. The grid as a public service will no longer exist as a usable resource for normal people. All of this assuming that we carry on with the German Feed In Law.

    Reply: That’s an interesting view. But, as you said, it depends on solar capacity growing like you present. I don’t think it will. They see the writing on the wall and they’re running out of sand to stick their heads in. – P Gosselin

  3. Craig Goodrich

    It is heartbreaking to see what this utterly insane quest for “renewable” energy has done to vandalize the beautiful landscapes of Europe and the UK with useless, grotesque wind monstrosities.

    The good news is that Europe is coming to realize how crazy it has been. The bad news is that it’s taken ten years.

  4. Zdzislaw Meglicki

    “Our Neanderthal ancestors?” Speak for yourself! I’m Cro-Magnon!

    1. Brian H

      Mostly. We all have a few N-genes drifting around in the mix.

  5. Brian H

    Ah, the vicious intransigence of fact-based analysis! Whether scientific or economic, the CAGW cult keeps getting holed below the waterline. And stuffing the holes with money, glued in place with BS.

  6. Summary And Conclusions Of The Scientific Advisory Board Report Buried By Germany’s Ministry Of Finance – English Translation « P Gosselin – NoTricksZone

    […] Buried By Germany’s Ministry Of Finance – English Translation In my last post here I wrote about a ZDF story on an Expert Assessment Report, led by Prof. Dr. Kai Konrad of the Max […]

  7. Climate Change Arguement « Lonnie Walker's Blog

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