Minggu lalu kami sudah mengulas informasi mengenai tata cara bermain judi bandar dominoQQ, dan pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan sangat senang bisa membagi informasi mengenai jenis kartu spesial judi online untuk semua player yang ingin megetahui lebih dalam seperti apa jajaran kartu spesial yang bisa membawa kemenangan besar untuk setiap participant ceme. Jadi dari artikel ini kami akan menjelaskan satu per satu seperti apa kelebihan dari kartu spesial judi over the internet yang banyak diharapkan oleh para player di internet.
Mengenal Kartu Spesial DominoQQ
Kartu qiu qiu
Kartu spesial pertama ini terkenal dengan sebutan qiu qiu atau jika diartikan dalam angka adalah kartu dengan angka 9 yang artinya merupakan kombinasi kartu dengan nilai tertinggi. Untuk mendapatkan kartu 9 ini maka kombinasi dari dua kartu yang dibagikan memiliki nilai 9, contoh 6 + 3, 5 + 4, 7 + 2 dan sebagainya. Dengan kartu dominoQQ ini maka kemenangan akan jauh lebih besar dari taruhan yang anda pasang. Anda akan menerima bayaran 2 kali lipat dari bandar karena memiliki kartu ini, namun kalau bandar dan person sama-sama memiliki kartu 9 maka kemenangan ada pada bandar. Misal anda bertaruh 1000 rupiah dan mendapatkan kartu 9 maka bayaran yang akan anda terima sebesar 1.970. jadi kalau pasang 1 juta anda menang 1.970.000, besar bukan ?
Kartu murni kecil dan murni besar
Kemudian kartu spesial dari permainan situs dominoqq yang paling sering didapatan oleh kebanyakan player adalah permainan judi kartu murni kecil dan besar, kombinasi kartu ini banyak didapatkan para person yang bermain di meja 8 orang. Jadi untuk kemenangan yang didapatkan hanya 50 ribu saja dengan pembelian jackpot sebesar 1000 rupiah setiap ronde permainan. Untuk mengetahui apakah kartu anda murni kecil atau besar silahkan simak baik-baik. Kartu murni kecil ditandai dengan dua kartu yang memiliki nilai 1 – 9. Contoh kartu anda 2 + bandar 4 = 6, maka masih termasuk murni kecil. Sedangkan kartu murni besar kartu anda berjumlah 20 dan bandar juga 20. Namun anda tidak perlu bingung untuk membacanya, karena ketika anda bermain secara otomatis sistem akan mendeteksi apakah kartu bandar dan person memiliki jackpot.
Kartu Balak
Selanjutnya kartu spesial dalam permainan judi dominoQQ yang tidak kalah menarik adalah kartu balak yang mempunyai nilai kemenangan jauh lebih besar yaitu maksimal Rp.200.000 untuk pembelian jackpot sebesar Rp.1000 rupiah saja, kartu balak ini adalah kartu kembar yang mana kedua kartu anda memiliki kombinasi seperti ( 2 + 2 ) dan ( 4 + 4 ), namun tidak akan berlaku jika bandar tidak memiliki kartu kembar. Sekali lagi bahwa jackpot hanya akan terjadi jika bandar dan participant memiliki kartu spesial.
Kartu Spesial 6 Dewa
Terakhir kartu spesial yang paling banyak di nantikan oleh para penikmat judi online adalah kartu spesial 6 dewa. Kartu satu ini cukup langka didapatkan, biasanya per hari hanya keluar beberapa saja di meja secara acak, jadi semua peluang pemain sama untuk mendapatkan kombinasi ini. Namun seperti yang sudah kami katakan tadi bahwa jackpot hanya akan terjadi jika participant dan bandar memiliki kartu jackpot.
Demikian informasi dari artikel mengenai jenis-jenis kartu spesial dalam permainan judi ceme on the web. Terima kasih.
Urk. I think I’m OD’d! When is too many enough?
Sorry, I know this is hard to take. In any other field, the leaders would be fired, tar and feathered and be made to run through the gauntlet in the public square, and then run out of town. But this is climate science from the ivory tower, and so everything goes.
Another one for the list?
When I saw “Oreskes-gate”, I was reminded of “Oreskes Gate Part 2”. This happened when Naomi Oreskes and Jonathon Renouf concocted a ludicrous conspiracy theory about Ronald Reagan and William Nierenberg colluding to suppress the dangers of climate change. Oreskes engaged in her typical climate science revisionism, manufacturing more than reporting historical events. The Times published the article (in part to promote Renouf’s new alarmist documentary). They had to publish a correction and a rebuttal when it become obvious that the evidence contradicted their conspiracy theory. Links below. See nicolasnierenberg.com for more details.
(Sorry if this is on the list elsewhere, but I couldn’t see it on a scan-through)
Original article
Rebuttal by the late William Nierenberg’s son, Nicolas Nierenberg
You mean the FakeGates?
Reply: Nice little start you got there. Boah! impressive. -PG
DK, the “FakeGates” article you refer to is a sad attempt to disinform the public over the half truths and whole lies the warmists have been pushing. And it is not just me saying that, check with Judith Curry, one of Romms former favorite go to gals. Those who have been throwing around the “denier” moniker are now assuming that role, denying their mistakes and misdeeds.
You might want to get your facts straight on Judith Curry. And the FakeGates. And pretty much everything else.
Quoting Judith Curry… “JC: My hypothesis is that the level of vitriol in the climate blogs reflects the last gasp of those who thought they could influence national and international energy policy through the power politics of climate science expertise. The politics of expertise is about how scientific information is used in the policy making process, including how diverging viewpoints are interpreted and how science is weighed relative to values and politics in the policy debate. The problem comes in when the “power” politics of expertise are played. Signals of the “power” play include: hiding uncertainties and never admitting a mistake; developing a consensus with a high level of confidence; demanding that the consensus receive extreme deference relative to other view points; insisting that that science demands a particular policy; discrediting scientists holding other view points by dismissing them as cranks, trivializing their credentials and say that they are not qualified to hold an opinion; and attacking the motives of anyone that challenges the consensus. Sound familiar? In the case of climate change, the authoritarianism of “science tells us we should . . . ” could not withstand the public perception of scientists engaging with pressure groups, lack of transparency that meant people were unable to evaluate the information themselves, and then the climategate affair that raised questions about the integrity of the scientists.”
Looks like all the facts are pretty straight. Right from the horses mouth and not the other end, my friend. But please, feel free to set me straight anytime.
Reply; Amen! -PG!
Judith Curry – that sure is one heck of a Defection. That’s really got to hurt. Odds are good this will turn into a “gate” once the thought-controllers go after her.
They really ought to ask Judith why her thinking progressed.
You missed Czechgate- Google it and see that the Central European Temperature: Climate scientists dump world’s second oldest ‘cold’ climate record
Reply: Thanks! I’ll add it to the next list, which will come out at the end of the year. -PG
BBCgate ?
Reply: Which one? – PG
This is excellent – well done!
What is your email because I would like to include this list in http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/climategate.php
Reply: My e-mail address is given under the “Contact” button. You may reproduce the first 10 “gates” of the list followed by a link to this site. -PG
[…] Gate Blowup! Come On In Gate Lovers! UPDATED LIST: !! CLICK HERE !! […]
This is conterproductive. So what that our governments (who are people) are using this to make money. UIn fact, so are the people with blogs making a name by repeating this “no problem” garbage.
Business is making a footprint on this earth and thus affecting the delicate nature of all things that mesh together and rely on each other in symbiotic relationships. It is not just the weather, although I see so many people listing events that show news where areas are getting colder than usual thus implying there is no “Global warming”. It has always been called (for the most part) “Global Climate Change” which means it is not just cold weather. look at the acidity of the oceans, over fishing, viruses which form in new changing climates, droughts, excessive rain, pollution, oil leaked all over the place, pesticides going down the river to our oceans, and so on. You could even add other misbehaviors of business such as the introduction of sugars to our diet and diabetes and other non health items we use or consume. It is a mess of irresponibility, so why focus on just the small thing of business using this fiasco to make more money. I call all you people who are stuck in the rutt of pointing out that there is no affect on weather by people. I call you all on YOUR behavior, that allows us not to address the problem, thus getting in the way of change and responibility; I call you all cowards of the most stupid nature. Suggest you revert your learning to more simple concepts such as reading the quotes from Dr. Suess on Wikiquotes.
Timothy Leary – Wikiquote, Individual societies begin in harmonious adaptation to the environment and, like individuals, quickly get trapped into nonadaptive, artificial, repetitive sequences.
When the individual’s behavior and consciousness get hooked to a routine sequence of external actions, he is a dead robot, and it is time for him to die and be reborn. Time to “drop out,” “turn on,” and “tune in.” This period of robotization is called the Kali Yuga, the Age of Strife and Empire…
Nikos Kazantzakis – Wikiquote, Behind the stream of my mind and body, behind the stream of my race and all mankind, behind the stream of plants and animals, I watch with trembling the Invisible, treading on all visible things and ascending.
Behind his heavy and blood-splattered feet I hear all living things being trampled on and crushed.
His face is without laughter, dark and silent, beyond joy and sorrow, beyond hope.
How about “Proxy-gate”? Tree rings bite back.
Seems the Czechs and Russians are finding a much better solar-ring than CO2-ring correspondence. Oops!
Well now you’ve got to 94 you’ve got to get to a hundred
what about the dutch sea levels “Sluice Gate”
You forgot Gulfstreamgate http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1262096/Global-warming-slowing-Gulf-Stream.html Abrahamgate http://joannenova.com.au/2010/07/abraham-surrenders-to-monckton-uni-of-st-thomas-endorses-untruths/ and CRUfundinggate http://sppiblog.org/news/partial-list-of-cru-funders#more-2219
Reply: Thanks Adam! I’ll add them to the new list that will be coming out later this year. -PG
The math behind “global warming” isn’t there. Keeping people ignorant of the mathematics is an important part of their strategy for control. A populace that is good at math is hard to fool…
Keep up the good work.
Tony O;
nice collection of straw men! None pertinent to faking climate predictions in order to impose top-down draconian constraints on energy production and use, the basic survival requirement for every pauper and rich man on the planet. That deceptive power-grab is at the core of the dispute.
I guess you’re OK with self-appointed self-righteous global tyrants, are you?
[…] and it's all from the alarmist side of the aisle. 94 full blown lies. That's quite impressive. Climate Scandals: List Of 94 Climate-Gates P Gosselin – NoTricksZone __________________ Comparing climate alarmist Hansen to Cassandra is WRONG. Cassandra's (Greek […]
I will make a full thread with an excerpt and link back to here.
Science Gate. As in the journal.
It’s an old one.
[…] Gosselin has a list of climate related “gates” here. I’ve not read through them, but thought it was interesting and wanted to pass the link […]
[…] not such a good idea … considering the (94 and counting) scandals we have had with the IPCC in the […]
[…] temperatures that are currently used by policymakers. Unfortunately, it took the Climategate scandal(s) to reveal publicly the corruption and incompetence of global warming science. Now, finally, […]
Well these haven’t been given -gate names, but here are some errors in the AR4 I’ve found and written about on my site.
An AR4 author’s paper is cited making a claim about tourism, but his paper doesn’t deal with tourism:
AR4 makes false claim about Bangladesh mangroves:
Contributing Author’s report cited falsely:
IPCC reviewers pointed out wildfire mistake in AR4, ignored by authors:
IPCC claims three page paper is a ’study’:
IPCC bases claim of 1.3 billion agricultural workers on news article, changes title:
The story of the Geography Major’s Dissertation:
You’ve already got the boot-cleaning article. This is the original link:
Make some nice -gate names and put them on your list, if you think they qualify.
Thanks Sam, I’ll be sure to add most, if not all of these.
[…] numerous faulty reports and outright lies being exposed to the world. You can read all about them here. Watch out though, the purveyors of planet destruction (Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, Liberal […]
[…] Related: Climate Scandals: List Of 94 Climate-Gates – NoTricksZone […]
[…] så säker och att det finns delade meningar. Fler kommer att upptäcka Climategate och alla andra forskningsskandaler som diskuterats på bloggarna under flera år. Och man kommer att undra varför politiker och […]
[…] Climate Scandals: List Of 94 Climate-Gates […]
[…] entire climate science community knows that these scandals have not been debunked. Here’s a list of 94 scandals that have yet to be resolved. An updated and much expanded list is coming out soon. As far as the […]
[…] is Al Gore’s co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. And the host over the years of numerous scandals involving fudged and twisted data, cut-and-pastes from student theses, popular magazine articles […]
In item #1 the graph of sea level goes only to 2002. There are more up to date ones, and the sea level actually shows a drop below the trend line.
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