Protest Sony And The 10:10 Partners (No Pressure To Do So…)

WUWT reader Richard Sharpe here has provided a list of 10:10 partners below. Send at least one or two of them a short complaint (No pressure to do so – really! 🙂

Let them know how appalling their involvement is and ask them how they feel to be supporting an organization that depicts the blowing up of children and defends it as humour. BOYCOTT as well if you can.

These organisations have to relearn what it is to be civil and tolerant of other opinions. It gets down to the human right to dissent.

They have to pledge to take steps to include and promote dissenting views in future discussions. It’s the only way back to being civilised (see clip below).

Apologies are not enough. They can and should take action. In the end, everyone would win.

1. Eaga
2. O2
3. Sony UK  (Eco thinking at the heart of Sony!)
4. The Ashden Trust
5. Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
6. Wates Foundation
7. The GD Charitable Trust (No URL provided)
8. Jam Today (No URL provided)
9. The Funding Network
10. The Guardian
11. National Magazine Company
12. ActionAid
13. Campaign for greener healthcare
14. Carbon Trust
15. Degrees Cooler
16. Energy Saving Trust
17. The Great British Refurb
18. The broadband channel for environmental films
19. Olswang LLP
20. People and Planet
21. Public Interest Research Centre
22. Pure360 Email Marketing Solutions

Dr Jacob Dobrowski:

When people believe they have ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE, with no test in reality, this is how they behave.

Every judgement in science stands on the edge of error, and is personal.

Hopefully other blogs, especially those who can really make a difference, can join in as well. We are only asking for a voice in the discussion, that’s all.

8 responses to “Protest Sony And The 10:10 Partners (No Pressure To Do So…)”

  1. Serge V Richard

    Great initiative and healthy points against 10:10’s dreadful “10:10deadkidgate” Not to mention their lame apology.


  2. Tweets that mention Protest Sony And The 10:10 Partners (No Pressure To Do So…) --

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ogden Levitt, P Gosselin. P Gosselin said: Protest Sony And The 10:10 Partners (No Pressure To Do So…): In partnership with Sony and O2 – blowing up sceptic … […]

  3. Envirocide « James Board

    […] Blair is in fine form. As is the rest of the sane blogosphere. Blair reader, Curious, has posted a handy link to 22 groups and companies who have sponsored the envirocidal 10:10 operations. H/T to Richard […]

  4. dave ward

    Don’t waste your time complaining to either:
    The Carbon Trust, The Energy Saving Trust or the Public Interest Research Centre. They are all UK Government sponsored “quangos” who are just as bad.
    Indeed the PIRC homepage shows 10:10 as a partner.
    I am certainly considering contacting Sony, though.

  5. Tim H

    Don’t forget to complain to the BBC about this, and the deeply entrenched class-based prejudice it reveals:

    Utterly appalling.

  6. Verity Jones

    From the Website of the Esmee Fairburn Foundation. “Work we have funded” 2009 – ‘Main Development Fund’ under ‘Environment’

    10:10 – £70,000
    Towards the salary of the director and a contribution to core costs for a campaign to cut CO2 emissions by 10% in 2010.

  7. R. de Haan
  8. Réchauffement médiatique » Blog Archive » Retour sur la campagne 10:10 – No Pressure

    […] par une quinzaine de partenaires : Sony UK, O2, The Guardian, Kyocera, National Magazine… (liste complète ici). Ceux-ci n’étaient probablement pas au courant de la façon dont serait traité le sujet, […]

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