In Germany, reporting on the Richard Curtis-produced 1010 No Pressure child-slaughter clip has been virtually off the radar.
Still, NoTricksZone reader Ike has found a short blurb at the online Suedeutsche Zeitung (South German News) publication called, which found the clip: ‘hilarious’.
The blurb was written by someone who goes by the name okkasionalsozialist and is titled:
What’s in Store For Enviro-Skeptics: ‘No Pressure’
Keep in mind that the Sueddeutsche Zeitung is a leading center-left national daily in Germany. But judging by what it feels is fit to print, I’d say it’s slipping back toward the bottom of the gutter.
Here’s what okkasionalsozialist of the Sueddeutche Zeitung says about the 10:10 clip:
10:10 is a funny British campaign that motivates individuals and organizations of every type to reduce their CO2 emissions. To make their educational intent more clear, they had Richard Curtis produce a hilarious little film, which in my opinion is really a bit expressive though.
Allegedly too many viewers misunderstood the clip, and so it was taken down, at least officially, by 1010.
So there you have it. Appalled viewers are simply not sophisticated enough to understand what the exploding kids who chose to dissent really means.
Here’s a screenshot of their little report, just in the case they get the idea to pull a 1010 deletion.
Okay, some will say that is only a sub-publication of the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, and so the Sueddeutsche Zeitung is not really responsible for the content – right?
At the website, it is specifically written that the Sueddeuteche Zeitung is responsbile for content.
Obviously the Sueddeutsche Zeitung is not at all offended by the smut, and offered no words to condemn it. GmbH
Managing Director: Martin Wagner
Tel.: 089 / 2183 – 9720
Fax: 089 / 2183 – 8529
UPDATE; Reader Dirk H points out that the piece is filed under the label: “climate porn”, and so the author may be expressing some irony here. Yet, there are absolutely no words condemning the film.
I would translate part of his writing differently. It’s a little subtle… by calling 10:10 a “Funny” campaign, the writer keeps a little distance to them, but at the same time, he doesn’t explicitly condemn it – as if he wants to stay neutral.
“To make their educational intent more clear, they had Richard Curtis produce a hilarious little film, which in my opinion is very expressive.
Allegedly too many viewers misunderstood the clip, and so it was taken down, at least officially, by 1010.
Also, please take a look at the tags on the page above. It’s tagged with “climate-porn”.
So, some irony might have gotten lost in translation. Maybe even the (IMHO leftist) writers of jetzt already have a clue.
I must say that this play with subtle irony is absolutely not suited to this kind of shock campaign…
Thanks Dirk,
You’re right and I softened it up a bit. We want to stay fair.
when you mentioned the author of the text regarding the 10:10 clip, okkasionalsozialist, I looked him up at and found a list of texts he published. See here: ->
If you look at that what he posts, you might get irritated about his position to AGW. Very interesting is that vid “Nur Emotionalisierung, keine Lüge?” about a (the) greenpeace leader ->
But as DirkH pointed out, that this play with subtle irony regarding 10:10 clip is not suited…I totally agree!
He seems to be a kind of dissident at jetzt – under the page you link to a commenter says:
“Gna. Irgendwas funzt nicht. Ist climate change critism schon auf der hiesigen Anti-Pfui-Blacklist???”
“Grr. Something doesn’t work. Is climate change skepticism already on the things-you-don’t-say-here-blacklist?”
Go figure…
So he uses the hint of irony to sail under the radar of the local censors. Very much like Soviet age humor…
well, Sueddeutsche Zeitung online commented on 10:10. Read here->
just found out. The article I linked above, is placed in a section, where would never find. Under Home->Service. If you click on Home and again on Service…the article won´t show up. Even if you use the search utility and search “10:10”, “no pressure” or “blutige Überraschung”…nada, nothing, nix. You will not find that article. Only via google 🙂