NTZ reader Edward has brought this here to my attention. Journalist James Delingpole, a tireless sceptic of CAGW, has been awarded the Bastiat Prize for Online Journalism at an awards ceremony in New York last night.
Congratulations James! Keep up the good work.
James indeed has become one of the most prolific and effective journalists when it gets down to reporting on the faults and shenanigans of AGW science.
The Telegraph writes:
James’s posts on the Climategate scandal made a huge international impact on the debate over global warming, raising serious questions about the scientific basis of some of the more extravagant predictions of environmental apocalypse.
He has made an immense contribution in forcing the science back to the realms of sanity. The Telegraph:
After James’s posts appeared, generating in some cases over a million page views each, the scientific consensus over climate suddenly appeared a good deal more fragile than it had previously, as even some supporters of the global warming thesis concede. (Others, in contrast, splutter with rage at the mere mention of Delingpole’s name).
Read more at the Telegraph here and especially here!
Congratulations to James! Love his column and his sardonic humour. And the tags.
Coldest winter in 1,000 years on its way…FOXNews: 30 Years of Global Cooling Are Coming, Leading Scientist Says… Life on this Earth Just Changed: The North Atlantic Current is Gone… National Geographic (December 24, 2009): North Magnetic Pole Moving East Due to Core Flux… PENTAGON: GLOBAL WARMING might suddenly trigger a massive GLOBAL COOLING… Now the PENTAGON TELLS BUSH (Guardian.co.uk., 22 February 2004): climate change will destroy us… BRITAIN WILL BE ‘SIBERIAN’ in less than 20 years:
A true modern HERO!…these despicable “Global Warmists” are a blight on HUMANITY!
They are now showing themselves for what they truly are: “Dishonourable and Destructive Forces” in a World that would be better off without them!
O/T Meteomedia says: 70% probability for a colder-than-average winter in Germany. t-online article; contains table of average anomaly for last 12 German winters. Last winter was -2.3 C compared to average winter temp.
No word about climate change.
Correction: values are for Berlin, not for Germany as a whole.
No problem with the OT.
Thanks for this link. It will add to my next post.
I wonder if the Telegraph has been surprised how popular his climate change blogging has been? They’ve been more proactive than most MSM papers but blogs still lead the way.
The Telegraph for me has been exceptional as far as balance and quality are concerned. It’s one of the most worthwhile addresses in my humble view.
I’ve always liked the Telegraph and it deserves international popularity. I’ve been reading it since I was a teenager and the Guardian went silly. Sigh, I used to love the Guardian science sections as a kid.
It has been many, many years since the grauniad was a proper organ of the fouth estate (when I was young and impressionable – but the science section and David Lacey made up for it).
I used to read it, when I was a student but that’s a long time ago, in the summer my father’s Telegraph was ‘borrowed’ and I came to realise, what good reporting and objectivity meant.
I do worry for the Telegraph now though, it seems to have lost it’s marbles and is subjective in a whole plethora of topics: not least on the EU, AGW and the Tory party – who have swallowed the AGW kool aid dispenser.
Though, I still regard the Telegraph as my first port of call, the blogs are where the action is these days.
New paper about our sun predicting a Grand Solar Minimum compared to the Maunder Minimum.