Germany: Forget Breakthrough In Cancun. Chancellor Merkel Not Even Attending

The German press and politicians are writing off this conference, already. It’s over, and nobody sings “Time to say goodbye” better than Europe does. Sit back and enjoy this lovely tribute to Cancun (pre-recorded).

Lovely! Isn’t this supposed to be a sad song? For me it’s a happy one.

When the media in Germany are this pessimistic about Cancun and are already rehearsing this beautiful tune, then you know it’s over.

Even German centre-left daily Die Zeit has the headline today: Germany Dampens Cancun Expectations.

Germany, led by Angela Merkel, is a leading proponent of a global climate treaty, actually believing it is possible to regulate the globe’s temperature. Japan, Canada and Russia are demanding a treaty that also commits China to limiting greenhouse gas emissions, which is a sure way to kill it. Die Zeit writes:

Federal Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen (CDU) does not expect a breakthrough in Cancun.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is not even taking part in the conference.

Even the UNEP Director, Achim Steiner, is dampening expectations: ‘Cancun is certainly not the summit that is going to bring about a breakthrough’, he said.”

If Germany has given up, then you can be 99.9999999999999% sure this thing is dead as a doornail.

To save face, countries of course will agree on token measures like protecting forests and signing pledges to continue efforts – next year. Of course, all the finger pointing is being directed at the USA and China. No blame for those that conjured up the idiotic idea that was nuts to begin with.

Die Zeit ends its piece with:

The Chairman of Environment and Nature Protection Germany, Hubert Weiger, calls on Röttgen to continue fighting together with Europe for a continuation of the Kyoto  Protocol. But observers see little chance for a breakthrough in the talks.”

Perhaps Europe ought to wake up and realise that the rest of the world is not interested in being constantly nagged and told what to do. Take care of your own problems. Nobody is listening to you.

And here’s another for Cancun (with well-deserved standing ovation)


17 responses to “Germany: Forget Breakthrough In Cancun. Chancellor Merkel Not Even Attending”

  1. ArndB

    A new Kyoto Protocol may be doomed but there is more reports the DW-World-DE (06Dec2010):
    “Yet two significant victories are within reach – provided an impasse over Kyoto can be resolved.”,,6297888,00.html?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

    FIRST: to secure the pledge made by the 2009 Copenhagen Accord’s , with a promise to raise $100 billion (75 billion euros) a year for developing countries as of 2020.
    SECOND: The other area of the talks which could yet prove successful involves securing a deal to compensate forest-rich developing countries in return for foregoing logging.

  2. R. de Haan

    Nope: This is not over
    Read Monctons Mexican Missive

  3. DirkH

    And the singer of the Pink Floyd song was Bianca Antoinette, says youtube, just repeating this here so everybody notices.


  4. Juraj V.

    Slightly OT: the most viewed Slovak online newspaper mentions breaking of decades long minimum records. What is astonishing, the article says “Meteorologists agree that with these low temperatures, after 20 years of warm winters Slovakia reverts back to traditional winters from 60/80ties”. SME is right-wing/liberal paper, but its propaganda before COP15 last year was awful. So this low profile article is rather surprising.
    But dunno which meteorologists said this, because ours still predict snowless future 😮

  5. DirkH

    Mathematics book by Claes Johnson banned from Swedish university – it contained a critique of climate models.

  6. Nonoy Oplas

    Germany in Europe and Japan in Asia bailing out, that should be enough to kill any “substantial” accord in Cancun. But if they will, China and India will be laughing at them.

  7. R. de Haan

    Let’s face it, we don;t know what will be decided until the Conference over.

    Lord Monckton made clear that complicated proposals were introduced one day before a voting session causing people to vote on documents they have not read.

    According to Lord Monckton hundreds of new agencies and commissions have been erected and nobody knows how much tax payer money this will cost.

    I prefer to wait for the final press conference.

  8. R. de Haan

    Massive media attention for Climate Change subjects today.

    Why is it that I have this nagging feeling they are going to serve us a lemon.

  9. Casper

    Well, Germany is a industrial country and the lobby controls the government. Angela Merkel is only a figure of fun. I’d say in that case:”the tail wags the dog”.

    1. DirkH

      Nonsense. One day the industry bosses look like demigods, the next day they fight for the survival of their companies – it always depends on the markets. And the wind and solar industries here in Germany are the ones who have the most lobbyists – they used all that subsidy money to build up their influence; so it’s always industry against industry, fighting for pork.

      1. Casper

        But you forgot to say that the politician distribute our money for the subsidy. I think the German electorate is taken for a fool. Edmund Stoiber said an adequate sentence for it: “Nur die dümmsten kälber wählen ihre Metzger selber”.

        1. DirkH

          Well, yes: it’s a feedback process – Renewable industries get subsidies, lobby the government, a government might let the subsidies grow some more etc. etc., and that is how the renewables sector and the amount of subsidies grew.

          But also notice that 2010 saw a 35% reduction in PV feed in tariffs (slashed in 2 rounds; the scheduled 15% reduction and another reduction in the middle of the year); and that 2011 will see further strong reductions.

          BTW, i think Edmund Stoiber was quoting Bertold Brecht there.

  10. Pointman

    I wrote a piece a few weeks ago discussing the Chinese political approach to Cancun. It did predict that no politician of consequence would be making an appearance. They know when the show’s over …


  11. Casper

    “Forget Breakthrough In Cancun.”
    Oh, really?

    1. DirkH

      Yes, really. Of course the BBC paints the shambles that is Cancun in rosy colors; what do you expect from an outfit that lost its impartiality 5 years ago. Note what the globalists didn’t achieve:
      -The 100bn are not on the table
      -There’s nothing legally binding
      -no extension of Kyoto.

      You count that as a breakthrough?

      1. Casper

        You may have one’s cake and eat it, too 😉

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