Russian Lake Vostok Scientists Say “New Ice Age Is Unavoidable”

Someone forgot to tell the Russians that natural climate factors no longer count for anything, and that from the 20th century on man-made CO2 is the sole driver of the climate – now making the Earth only warmer and warmer.

Lake Vostok under almost 4000 meters of ice in Antarctica. Source: US Government.

The German edition of Russian online daily Ria Novosti here writes how a team of Russian scientists in Antarctica has reached Lake Vostok, isolated from the rest of the world by a massive ice sheet for over 15 million years. A team of Russian scientists bored through 4000 meters of ice to reach the lake on 5 February 2012.

Minister President Vladimir Putin congratulated the researchers on their feat last Friday. Project leader Vladimir Lipenkov said that it will be very important for studying climate change on Earth. The Russian team plans to drop a robot into the lake to collect water samples and sediments from the bottom. According to Ria Novosti:

A new ice age is unavoidable, but will occur in 10,000 years at the earliest. This is what Vladimir Lipenkov, member of the Russian expedition said concerning the millions of years old Vostok Antarctic lake on Friday during a meeting with Minister President Vladimir Putin and the research team.”

Why the statements are not published in the English edition of Ria Novosti, let alone the western mainstream media, is unknown. And the report provides no information on what they base the timing of the new ice age on.

Vostok station. Photo source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

This is not the first time Russian scientists predict cooling ahead. In 2006 Chabibullo Abdussamatow of the Pulkovo Observatory and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences said global warming had already reached its peak and that reduced solar activity would start the Earth on a cooling phase. According to Ria Novosti here:

‘With respect to solar activity, the increase in energy emission was indeed the most important event of the 20th century,’ the scientist said.”


The start of the temperature decline can be expected in 2012 or 2013 according to the scientist. By 2035 or 2045 the strength of the sun will again reach a minimum. A strong cold will then grip the Earth 15 to 20 years later.


12 responses to “Russian Lake Vostok Scientists Say “New Ice Age Is Unavoidable””

  1. DirkH

    “Why the statements are not published in the English edition of Ria Novosti, let alone the western mainstream media, is unknown. ”

    Russia has an interest in the West believing in AGW. When Western nations abandon coal to reduce CO2 emissions, they need more Russian gas.

    1. mwhite

      They’re beginning to get worried

      “The dynamic rise of shale gas has raised alarm bells in the highest reaches of the Kremlin.”

      1. DirkH

        Probably the Russians covertly support anti shale protesters in USA and Europe. The top people of the German green party should still have connections to the KGB from their time in the communist parties in the 70ies.

  2. mwhite

    There are a number of graphs

    why another 10 thousand years? why is this interglacial so long compared to recent ones?

    1. Ed Caryl

      It has to do with orbital cycles. It could be longer than 10,000 years.

    2. Casper

      The Ice Age seems to be overdue. The question is: why does the interglacial last so long?

      1. Bernd Felsche

        “why does the interglacial last so long?”

        Because it’s much harder to warm the planet.

        Warming tends to be slow. Cooling rapid.

        This makes sense because at any time, only a small part of the Earth’s surface is potentially exposed to solar radiation. The rest is radiating. It’s too late in the evening for me to work it out exactly, but I guess that over three-quarters of the surface area is losing heat at any point in time.

  3. Joseph A Olson, PE

    A few more interesting facts….Lake Vostok [Russian for East] is 14,000 sq km or the size of Lake Ontario. The drilled ice core offered info to 400,000 YBP, so curious as to the 15 million number. The lake water has 50 times the dissolved Oxygen ratio of typical fresh water. The only reasonable conclusion is that this water is from elemental Hydrogen and Oxygen, and that the dissolved O2 molecules are the surplus from other elemental molecule formations. Earth mantle fission has variable, non-standard decay rates producing heat and lower order ‘elemental’ by-products. These ‘elemental’ atoms rapidly form elemental molecules and elemental compounds. The drilling rig surface temerature averages -50F so the ONLY apparent method of keeping the lake liquid is from geothermal fission energy. It is fluctuations between TWO base natural fission rates that set the glacial and interglacial temperature averages.

  4. Edward.

    While the polity of the western world still insists on enormous resources and taxpayer dollars – concentrated on efforts to ‘combat’ a phantasm called ‘AGW’, the real Earth has moved on, “it’s the sun stoopid!”

    We are sliding down to a very uncertain climate future and it does not mean runaway warming…………………… an event similar to a LIA is almost guaranteed but it may well be ‘worse’ than even that extreme event.

    What would be a [very, very] good idea, if somehow, there should be a NEW re-think and a consensus reached of scientists alert to the far greater dangers of an imminent and rapid cooling of the Earth’s atmosphere.
    Cooling – leading to a rather large range of problems: all of which will be inimical to mankinds’ continued existence in the most densely populated lands of the earth – ie, the NH.

    Will they make a film about it – “Global Cooling, a very inconvenient fact!”

    1. DirkH

      The thermal inertia of the ocean will alleviate the cooling and I don’t expect the temperature minimum before 2035.
      Meanwhile we’re getting better and better at moving stuff around. So if you want to continue living where you are now it’ll be very easy to import all the food you need. Or you could move southwards – Spain has a lot of empty homes still waiting for a buyer.

      Don’t panic just yet. 🙂

      1. Edward.

        Yes, true Dirk – not just yet;-0)……….


        Geologically speaking – this is just around the corner – I think we should be thinking, considering and positing a strategy now but I have no interest in scare stories – that is counter productive and plain wrong.


        The trigger for a new ice advance is not well understood [ heliocentric calculation, precession and it’s idiosyncracies aside] but – we know it is very QUICK – 5/10 years maybe – not a lot of time, scary stuff [pretend I didn’t say that:^)!!].

  5. Bill

    Yes, true Dirk not just yet;-0) . But! Geologically speaking this is just arnuod the corner I think we should be thinking, considering and positing a strategy now but I have no interest in scare stories that is counter productive and plain wrong.But!The trigger for a new ice advance is not well understood [ heliocentric calculation, precession and it’s idiosyncracies aside] but we know it is very QUICK 5/10 years maybe not a lot of time, scary stuff [pretend I didn’t say that:^)!!].

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