German daily Bild, number one by circulation in Europe, plants more seeds of man-made global warming skepticism in an article today about this year’s really crappy wet and cool summer.
“And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed, nothing seems to fit…”
While Bild asks how long the Azores high pressure system “Xerxes” will hold up and bring Germany the much welcome relief from all the cold and rain, the report also looks into long-term climate trends.
Bild poses the question: “Were summers of the last years really cooler, wetter and less freindly than before?”
To answer that question, Bild consulted meteorologist Dominik Jung (a global warming believer). His answer:
It really is so. We took a look at the summer of the last 9 years. The tendency is that they were cooler and rainier than the long-term average.“
Normally a newspaper reporting on the summer’s weather would just leave it at that. But Bild takes the extra step and looks back at the summers over the last 2000 years and brings up Jan Esper’s recently published tree-ring study: Bild writes:
If you don’t believe Domink Jung, then we take a look at the longterm.analysis of an international tean of scientists. In it the scientists measured the wood density of trees and reconstructed the weather of the last 2000 years. Fact is: There is a cooling trend for the season that we call summer.
It has gotten about 0.3°C cooler each millenium. And we are feeling that trend today as well.”
So what is Bild telling its readers? I’d interpret it as: There’s nothing unusual about the currrent climate and over the long-term we are cooling.
Glad to see that a major media outlet in Germany is open to the broader climate picture. Very very few other media outlets have reported on the implications of Esper’s 2,000-year reconstruction.
Looks like Germany’s über-alarmist, closed-minded institutes, like Jochem Marotzke’s Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and John Schellnhuber’s Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research are going to have to go back to the drawing board and completely revamp their “climate models”. So far their projections have completely and massively diverged away from recorded observations.
And once again:
“It doesn’t matter how smart you are, or what your name is – it’s wrong. It’s that simple.”
Also very worthwile watching…on “vague theories”.
Anthroprogenic Climate Change is measured in Goose Bumps and lack thereof.
The fun thing is that all leftists in Germany deride Bild as being for simpletons. So, very similar to what I see in the US, they first mischaracterize the other side to a point where they believe their own mischaracterization, and next, they’re surprised when they’re losing, which immediately results in them crying foul – after all, how could they be losing with their superior intellect if the game were not rigged? That’s behind the constant Big Oil smear as well… they need to mischaracterize us as being corrupt to explain their own failure. They’re in a kind of vicious circle there. Sorry if I’m conflating warmism and leftism but it’s the same thing.
Well Dirk, it may be a bit more complicated as I have just read in Robert Zubrin’s Merchants of Despair. If Pierre allows me, here are the chapters:
Thomas Malthus, the most Dismal Scientist/Darwinism’s Moral Inversion/The Birth of Eugenics/Deutschland uber alles/Eugenics comes to America/The Nazi Holocaust/Eugenics Reborn/In Defence of Malaria/Scriptures for the Doom Cult/The Betrayal of the Left/The Anti-Nuclear Crusade/Population Control: Preparing the Holocaust/Population Control: Implementing the Holocaust/Better Dead than Fed: Green Police for World Hunger/Quenching Humanity’s Fire: Global Warming and the Madness of Crowds/The Mind Imprisoned or the Soul Unchained.
Well Dirk, the issue may be more complicated, as I have just read in Robert Zubrin’s Merchants of Doubt. Just note where the Left comes in.
Here are the chapters: Thomas Malthus, the most Dismal Scientist/ Darwinism’s Moral Inversion/ The Birth of Eugenics/ Deutschland uber Alles/ Eugenics comes to America/ The Nazi Holocaust/ Eugenics Reborn/ In Defence of Malaria/ Scriptures of the Doom Cult/ The Betrayal of the Left/ The Anti-Nuclear Crusade/ Population Control: Preparing the Holocaust/ Population Control: Implementing the Holocaust/ Better Dead than Fed: Green Police for World Hunger/ Quenching Humanity’s Fire: Global Warming and the Madness of Crowds/ The Mind Imprisoned or the Soul Unchained.
Contains many interesting details about population control in China (see this blog some posts ago) and that the German Green Party was founded by August Haussleiter in 1980. He was a former Officer in the Nazi SS (p. 196). This is the first time I’ve read about this, thanks to our American writer.
Something went wrong with information traffic. The first or second is enough.
I don’t dispute the history and the many connections between red, green and brown, and the cover-ups and denunciations by the Old Media.
I was only referring to the mischaracterization of the enemy that the current left media pursuits. This is NECESSARY to rally their own troups but at the same time they fall into their own trap and believe their own propaganda – which cripples them.
“If you know your enemy and you know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself you will succumb in every battle.” (Sun Tzu)
Here’s wonderful proof of the INABILITY of the left to understand either themselves or their enemy.
BTW, via the Feynman videos I found this 1 hour lecture by Freeman Dyson where he was asked to talk about the future 35 to 200 years from now. Beginning at about 10 min he starts talking in length about CO2 and global warming; but the entire thing is worth watching.
I’ve heard the first 15 minutes – sounds great so far…
the vague theory clip is an absolute work of art (or reason, or both)
Here in East Asia, the Philippines in particular, frequent flooding is the norm, not the exception, added a story from NTZ here,
Nobel laureate NYT columnist Krugman:
“Joseph Romm, the influential climate blogger, has coined the term “Dust-Bowlification” …”
Krugmans mental meltdown continues… very amusing. Let’s hope they push climate change again, that’ll destroy them in the elections.
Just as announced; climate change related health scare: Bacterial infections for bathers in the baltic sea to double for each degree warming.
Craig Baker-Austin, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Weymouth, UK.
A modeling study, of course.
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