Hell, It’s Not Even Close!…A Hard Lesson In Polling…Yet Another Loser From Massachusetts

First off, I’ve got a message for the blimp in NJ: FORGET MY VOTE IN 2016!
Sure Christie is not responsible for this disaster result, but he’ll do for starters. He represents what’s wrong with the GOP. No way I’m voting for that Benedict Arnold in 2016 (he’ll run). The GOP base needs to make it very clear to him on that.

If there ever was a lesson in polling, this is it. I just got up and looked at Fox News.

Hell, it’s not even close as far as EV are concerned. Looks like many of the polls underestimated Obama. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t back in 2008.

What is it about candidates from Massachusetts being complete losers? Dukakis, Kerry and now Romney.

The European press (and I suspect Chavez, the idiot in Iran, Putin, etc.) are elated.

4 more years…

I guess the path to sanity will have to go through Greece after all.


5 responses to “Hell, It’s Not Even Close!…A Hard Lesson In Polling…Yet Another Loser From Massachusetts”

  1. TimiBoy

    Regrettably the World has not yet suffered enough to realise how entitlement will cripple it. Quite a few years to go, sadly.

  2. DirkH

    “I guess the path to sanity will have to go through Greece after all.”

    Yep. People voted for more free stuff and will get more bureaucracy and unemployment instead.

  3. Martin Brumby

    Having seen many American comments on UK politics, I know when I should keep my head down and look dumb instead of proving it by opening my mouth.

    But it will be interesting to see what happens to the US States which went for Obama partly because of the feel-good factor of a local economy doing well from shale gas.

    Now, what does Obarmy and his attack dog the EPA think about shale gas?

    I wonder.

    If you listen very carefully you may just be able to hear the Chinese politbureau, as well as the OPEC, the EU, Chavez, Putin and Ahmedinejad all laughing their socks off.

    1. DirkH

      Even more important, the EPA will now wage all out war on US coal.

  4. mwhite

    “I guess the path to sanity will have to go through Greece after all.”

    Will that be before or after the German election???

    Some of the financial pundits in the UK believe that the German government doesn’t want Greece to crash out of the Euro until after the election in Germany because then it will be clear to the tax payer that all that “bail out money” has been lost.

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