Ontario’s Growing Grass Roots Opposition To Wind Energy Getting More Raucus

Earlier this week I featured a shocking video of a workcrew taking down the active nest of a pair of bald eagles in Ontario – to make way for wind turbines.

Video made by: http://ontario-wind-resistance.org/ 

Ever since, there’s been harsh media coverage about that event, for example here: No room for eagles in green energy act:

MNR officials say no eagles were harmed, and suggest that by removing the nest this early in the year, the eagle pair will have a chance to “safely relocate” to another site. Wow. Can you imagine a farmer or other rural landowner trying to use that excuse? It just wouldn’t wash.”

And what happens to a normal rural landowner who destroys an eagle’s nest? I don’t know what Ontario’s law says about that, but look at what happened to a farmer who cut trees AROUND an eagle’s nest. $10,000 fine!

Imagine if he had cut down the tree with the nest. He certainly would have done some hard time.

Yet, those responsible for permitting, and destroying the eagles’ nest, don’t agree they’ve destroyed it – they actually think they’ve preserved it.

Video made by: http://ontario-wind-resistance.org/ 

They did the world a favor by “relocating and preserving the nest” and taking it out of harm’s way. The spokesman in the above video says they are going to take the now ruined clump of branches that was once an active nest, and put it on a platform somewhere else. Voila!

Finally Peter Epp in the above-linked article writes:

Here’s what the McGuinty Liberals say on a government website about the Fisherville energy project: ‘Expanding clean and renewable sources of energy is key to the government’s plan to phase out coal-fired generation, mitigate climate change, create green jobs and support technological innovation in renewable energy.’

Blah, blah, blah… that’s just a lot of high-sounding nonsense.”

Now the next step is to convince citizens that this is the case with CO2 and climate science as well.

Also worth watching again: http://www.europesillwind.org/films/europes-ill-wind-2.html


8 responses to “Ontario’s Growing Grass Roots Opposition To Wind Energy Getting More Raucus”

  1. Segue C

    You are correct in that the issue of Climate Change is used as the trump card by the proponents of wind…they can kill anything because CC will do worse.

    There are also serious efforts to destabilize Canada’s economy through an Idle No More movement which is now callously exploiting First Nations.


    1. Bob Lewis

      segue, you wrote: “destabilize Canada’s economy through an Idle No More movement which is now callously exploiting First Nations.”
      I’ve seen this exact sentence elsewhere – also on an anti-wind site. I can’t figure out what it has to do with wind. Or the price of eggs, either, for that matter.
      First Nations have learned from long and painful experience that the government will negotiate you into the grave, and then not even do the tiny bit they promised. You throw that comment out – appropos of nothing – and with not the slightest thing to back it up, – what does it mean?
      I find it very exciting. All over the place people are starting to stand up to the government and say that they are just a little tired of being lied to and jerked around. Doesn’t have much to do with wind, except we’re on the same side.
      And I’m not interested in hearing all that crap about corrupt chiefs. They are working within an imposed system which pretty much encourages corruption. Several mayors in Ontario and Quebec recently… Energy minister Chris Bentley charged with contempt of parliament – saved when McGuinty – gas generating station scandal – prorogued parliament. Illegally, I might add, since he didn’t give a date when the legislature would resume. But we’re all going to gasp and point if chiefs sometimes fall for the same temptations as mayors. And all of us, brother.

      1. Segue C

        Perhaps much of this concern about the perversion of serious problems; the disrespect of treaty rights, the disrespect of culture and the environment; which are shared by many who have now been categorized as simply “anti-wind”, stems from the involvement of CAGW people. 

        “Idle no More, Idle no More: think occupy, but with deep deep roots  by Bill Mckibben in Huffington Post may give you an inkling of the genesis of that concern.  Often people “follow the money” when something just doesn’t feel right and the discovery of funding sources tends to confirm or calm the first inkling of something suspicious.  

        I am glad you raise the issue of provincial governments because that is exactly one of the worrying signs.  People are trying to lay all blame on the head of Stephen Harper.  While there are many bones to pick with him, energy is a Provincial issue, so those are the politicians at fault, particularly in Ontario where the current government has eviscerated the electricity system. When people selectively target one level of government and political party does that not prick your interest?

        Ontario has undergone an omnibus budget bill in which were hidden many changes to environmental protections to further facilitate industrialization by wind development and yet it was hard to get the professional environmentalists with funding loyalties to take notice, they were too busy slagging the feds and espousing the Province’s allegedly green Green Energy Act.

        Sorry if my comment was such a confusing non-sequitur that it made you think that I do not support First Nations activism on environmental issues, indeed I have participated in their protests alongside my First Nations friends who share my suspicions and skepticism about the money and organization behind Idle No More… I do not support political entities using them as a stick to beat a particular person or party particularly at a time when governments are economically unstable.  To quote a Wikwemikong Elder friend of mine, “I don’t trust any politician. Also Idle No More is ???? for myself. Where were they when we were fighting the Pro Wind turbine people?”

        I believe that Ontario’s debt (per capita $17,864.35) is 8.77x larger than that of California!

      2. DirkH

        “segue, you wrote: “destabilize Canada’s economy through an Idle No More movement which is now callously exploiting First Nations.”
        I’ve seen this exact sentence elsewhere – also on an anti-wind site. I can’t figure out what it has to do with wind.”

        It has to do with wind that there is NO other power source that destabilizes a grid as much as wind does; as the output of a wind turbine grows with the third power of the wind speed. If you ever want to see violent spikes in your grid, get a wind turbine.

        It’s the BEST destabilizer the Greens have developed.

        1. Bob Lewis

          I know about turbines and electricity. What I don’t understand is what Idle No More has to do with wind issues. Seque just threw that in, that INM was destabilizing the economy and callously exploiting first nations.
          Apart from the fact that I’m in favour of the destabilizing part, if that’s what it takes to get their attention, and I disagree about them exploiting first nations – NONE of it has ANYTHING to do with wind.

          1. Segue C

            There are undoubtedly many who have, in all innocence, joined the INM protests though in this era of spin doctoring of even climate this is quite unwise.

            Perhaps this quote from the previous post PG refers to above will help you connect the dots:

            “The raw emotion of the protesters doing the camera work is clear and understandable. But imagine how the media would have handled this had it been for an oil drilling rig or pipeline. Because this eviction is to make way for “clean” planet-saving wind-turbines, which are going to spend 80% of their lifetimes idle, the media couldn’t be bothered to report on this.”

            The media and the environmentalists who support the “clean” meme are all massively reporting on the INM movement which seems to have had a big financial shove from the green slush fund.

            If you do not care to question this, won’t see the connection between backers and results (odd because the knee-jerk criticism of those called “anti-wind” and “climate denier” is that they must be funded by the evil Koch brothers) and are willing to see the economy collapse there is not much we can accomplish here.

            My conscience prevents me from wishing you luck in causing economic decline for all, I can say I hope you at least understand that, as the wind industry shreds rural communities everywhere it is also destroying traditional aboriginal cultures around the globe.

            From my initial link a quote:

            Bill Monture would agree entirely; the traditional living Mohawk said as much in his testimony before Environmental Review Tribunal on his appeal of a massive “green” energy project in Six Nations territory:

            “The original people’s lives remain closely tied to the land and adverse impacts resonate with great discord as our minds, bodies and souls are woven so tightly into this fabric we are as one cloth. Harming or cutting a hole out of the fabric we call Turtle Island is a direct injury upon our people.“

  2. mwhite

    Reminds me of this

    “we had to destroy the village in order to save it”

  3. Segue C

    Perhaps much of this concern about the perversion of serious problems; the disrespect of treaty rights, the disrespect of culture and the environment; which are shared by many who have now been categorized as simply “anti-wind”, stems from the involvement of CAGW people. 

    “Idle no More, Idle no More: think occupy, but with deep deep roots  by Bill Mckibben in Huffington Post may give you an inkling of the genesis of that concern.  Often people “follow the money” when something just doesn’t feel right and the discovery of funding sources tends to confirm or calm the first inkling of something suspicious.  

    I am glad you raise the issue of provincial governments because that is exactly one of the worrying signs.  People are trying to lay all blame on the head of Stephen Harper.  While there are many bones to pick with him, energy is a Provincial issue, so those are the politicians at fault, particularly in Ontario where the current government has eviscerated the electricity system. When people selectively target one level of government and political party does that not prick your interest?

    Ontario has undergone an omnibus budget bill in which were hidden many changes to environmental protections to further facilitate industrialization by wind development and yet it was hard to get the professional environmentalists with funding loyalties to take notice, they were too busy slagging the feds and espousing the Province’s allegedly green Green Energy Act.

    Sorry if my comment was such a confusing non-sequitur that it made you think that I do not support First Nations activism on environmental issues, indeed I have participated in their protests alongside my First Nations friends who share my suspicions and skepticism about the money and organization behind Idle No More… I do not support political entities using them as a stick to beat a particular person or party particularly at a time when governments are economically unstable.  To quote a Wikwemikong Elder friend of mine, “I don’t trust any politician. Also Idle No More is ???? for myself. Where were they when we were fighting the Pro Wind turbine people?”

    I believe that Ontario’s debt (per capita $17,864.35) is 8.77x larger than that of California!

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