One by one the great warmist scientists today are finding it ever harder to come to terms with brutalities of climate reality, and are gradually being exposed as incompetent science buffoons. Back in 2011 Tamino’s (Grant Foster’s) careful analysis led him to conclude (my emphasis):
To answer the question posed in the title of this post: presently, Earth is warming at about 1.7 deg.C per century. There’s good reason to believe that it’ll be warming even faster in the upcoming decades. And there’s good reason to believe that this spells trouble for life on earth — including human life.”
The conclusion is inescapable: the globe is warming, and shows absolutely no sign whatever of stopping or even slowing its warming. Any talk of “cooling” or even a “levelling off” of global warming over the last decade is absolute nonsense.”
Now just 2 years later, even the biggest warmists are conceding global temperatures have levelled. Hat-tip Dana Nuccitelli. My, how 2 years can change things.
I wonder if statistics designer Tamino (Grant Foster) is now ready to rein in all his big warming talk and apply some downward corrections. My guess is that he isn’t, and he will continue insisting that the models are infallible (though they’ve been totally wrong since the start):
Grant Foster sees no signs of levelling off. Source:
“Good reason for faster warming,” he writes. Really?
What reasons do you see, Mr. Foster? Models certainly aren’t reasons. To the contrary, model performance so far is actually excellent reason not to believe there is going to be faster warming.
Scientists like Foster would do well to wake up to reality very soon before find themselves totally marooned in Absurdistan.
More interesting info on Grant Foster/.
We already knew in 2009 that foster was a twit. It didn’t take the lack of rise in temp for us to confirm.
He forgot to tell these climate scientists (as well as Stern & Pachauri) that they are talking “absolute nonsense”. 🙂
(The list has quotes from Paul Jones, Hansen & some peer reviewed papers from Warmists themselves!)
O/T You won’t believe what Mann just did.
The graph he uses is from
Yes, Joe Romm has taken a pencil and extended Marcott and Shakuns unrobust blip to eleven, and alleged scientist par excellence presents this scientific result at AGU.
Foster, alarmist bedwetter and expert in not much at all.
I don’t really know why realists become so riled up over Foster’s footling outbursts, he’s a non problem at best.
The nutters have all thrown such a tantrum over this for so long the “come to Jesus” walk of shame would be particularly humiliating. They will try and find a way out of that. We’ve already seen claims of warmcold, droughtflood, and Rotten Ice. They’ll need to switch completely over into the warm is cold meme pretty soon.
It is possible that nature will give them a way out. Some of the Alaskan volcanoes are starting to chirp a bit. Kamchatka is another spot to watch with ongoing eruptive action that started at the end of last year. Alaska has had some stronger quakes recently, in the 4+ range. Veniaminof volcano has had some venting starting yesterday. This is one of the biggest and highest volcanoes in Alaska. Cleveland and Pavlof are also having weak eruptions.