The German national weather service (Deutsche Wetterdienst – DWD) writes in its latest press release on how 2013 is shaping up climate-wise in Germany. No warming anywhere!
In fact, the recent trend looks like a strong cooling.
Already regions in the German lowlands have seen frost this fall – which is early. For 2013 so far the DWD writes:
The mean temperature for the first 9 months of 2013 (January to September) in Germany was 9.5°C. That corresponds to the mean for the 1961-1990 reference period, 9.4°C. But it was significantly below the mean of the warmer comparison period of 1981 – 2010, 10.2°C.”
So far Germany’s 2013 is running 0.7°C below the 1981 – 2010 reference period. The DWD lists the top 9 warmest years in Germany since 1880:
2000 | 9,9 |
2001 | 9,9 |
2002 | 9,7 |
2003 | 9,6 |
2004 | 9,6 |
2005 | 9,6 |
2006 | 9,5 |
2007 | 9,5 |
2008 | 9,5 |
Table source: DWD.
By sheer coincidence the warmest year was 2000 with each subsequent year getting progressively cooler. 2013 is not anywhere near the top, which means that it is one of the coldest this century. I guess the warmist DWD chose the tabular format because the trend is not obvious to the reader’s eye. Hiding inconvenient trends is very much in vogue nowadays. Since 1880, the mean temperature for Germany is 8.2°C, the DWD says.
Glaciers in Swiss Alps gain in mass
There are more signs that things are cooling down globally, in stark contradiction to what the IPCC scientists insist.
Hajo Smit of writes about a report appearing at the Swiss Schweiz am Sonntag. The article is titled: “The First Glaciers Are Growing Again” with the introduction: “2013 was a good summer for the Swiss Alps. The glaciers lost the least amount of ice in 10 years.”
The report quotes glaciologist Matthias Huss:
‘This is the least ice melt I’ve seen in a long time. It appears that they even slightly gained in mass,’ says glaciologist Matthias Huss of the University of Freiburg. This positive development can be traced back to the snowy and long winter. ‘And even though July and August were very hot, the thick snow cover protected the ice.'”
I have to remind readers that it’s not only Swiss Alps glaciers who are ignoring the IPCC, but so are the Himalayan glaciers.
Flashback: last year Die kalte Sonne site posted a story titled “Surprise: Himalayan Glaciers Have Not Lost Any ICE In The Last 10 Years!“. Die kalte Sonne writes:
Using GRACE satellite measurements, a team of researchers from the University of Boulder and the National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR in Colorado (USA) were able to document that the glaciers in the Himalayas and surrounding mountains. … The IPCC warned in its last report of 2007 that all Himalayan glaciers would melt away by the year 2035.
And if the IPCC were not credible enough, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research director Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber said that the Himalayan glaciers melting by 2035 was “very easy to calculate“. So it has to be true!
Later of course this assertion was exposed as purely preposterous. The original publication of the Himalayan glacier melt stop is in Nature: Jacob et al. 2012 .
You can stop looking. We have found the heat in Australia. “Sweaty September smashes records, with more heat to come” That might be summer coming as well which brings out the doomsday lunatics. It is going to be a long summer in Oz. Each month now represents a retrospective new year of records. Yearly records broken monthly!