Germany’s FAZ Features Chart No German Was Ever Supposed To See: John Christy’s “Catastrophic Errors Graph”

Today Germany’s flagship political daily, the renowned Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), which has long been a disciple of global warming religion (woeful deficits in climate sciences have long been a problem of the German mainstream media) raised a few eyebrows in daring to feature the global warming-blasphemous chart that no German was ever supposed to see.

Global temperature vs IPCC

FAZ features John Christy’s headline making chart. Chart source: Prof. John Christy, Daily Mail.

This leads us to believe that perhaps even the FAZ is tiring just a bit of the UN climate circuses that come to town every year. The chart slide show presented today by the FAZ is titled: Curvy Climate Change – The Charts of the Apocalypse. The slide show features 7 charts which often get used in the climate debate to communicate the messages of climate change to the public. Charts 2 – 6 are alarmist, but the final one douses ice water on the whole global warming meme.

The online FAZ describes chart 7, John Christy’s comparison of models vs observations featured by the online Daily Mail in March as the chart that “makes the hearts of skeptics beat faster” and that “the Daily Mail article resulted in a furor” and that “no article was distributed so much in the Internet as this one was“.

To be fair, the FAZ says that the Mail’s headline claims that global warming was exaggerated were “in the end untenable“. I guess no one has told the FAZ that there hasn’t been any warming in 15 years.

In Chart 2, which shows world fossil fuel consumption, The FAZ writes that this “hardly made an impression on host country Poland“.

Chart 3 shows the CO2 emissions scenarios for the future and that global emissions are even currently tracking over the upper expectations. Chart 4 shows Hansen’s danger zone chart, where 250 ppm is (arbitrarily) selected as the start of danger. One gets the impression that CO2 levels below 350 will yield only nice and tame weather, which we know is lots of BS because storms were just as bad if not worse in the 1950s and earlier.

Chart 5 features the “Song of a warming world“, which also can be viewed as a mere gimmick to promote fear over a fictional climate disaster. Higher temperatures could also be regarded as positive and so the music could made to be more pleasant as temps rise.

Finally, Chart 6 featured by the FAZ is about Arctic sea ice. Much to their credit the FAZ used one that included the year 2013 and commented: “What can’t be seen on the chart, because what is happening independently in the south pole is: in 2013 there was more sea ice than ever was recorded in 30 years at the Antarctic.


17 responses to “Germany’s FAZ Features Chart No German Was Ever Supposed To See: John Christy’s “Catastrophic Errors Graph””

  1. lemiere jacques

    it is funny, when you look at the graph to immediately notice they have volcano forcing wrong …

  2. DirkH

    “This leads us to believe that perhaps even the FAZ is tiring just a bit of the UN climate circuses that come to town every year.”

    I don’t think so. What I think is that the FAZ has been given the okay to start the climbdown; all other media will do likewise. The EU commission sees CO2AGW as a spent force. Even nearly all Spiegel online commenters are skeptical these days; and if you want slow learners, you find them there. The polit-economical weapon Kyoto has expired and couldn’t be replaced.

    The EU commission sees itself on the economical abbyss and concentrates its censorship and manipulation forces; circling the wagons. They now fight for the very survival of the project of a better USSR.

    1. Chris Frey

      Hello DirkH,

      wish you would be right! If so, I will prove it in the flagship of all alarmism, the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung”. So far, I could spot nothing at all of this kind there.

      Let’s hope and see!

      Chris Frey

      Dear Pierre,
      this comment appears twice. Please delete it in second place! Thanks!

  3. Johnbuk

    They should expect a communication from the “team” any day soon. Can’t have them going off-message.

  4. Bebben

    Seems they now have substituted another graph for the Daily Mail graph in number 7? Still by Christy, though…

  5. Tony Moreton

    Is twenty years of deluded science and incompetent politics starting to fade?

  6. Max Hugoson

    I’m re-reading Knut Halsburng’s “Skis Against the Atom”.

    It’s reminding me of how BRUTAL the Germans were in WWII.

    As far as I’m concerned if they:

    1. Let the Islamists take over, and drive them out of their land ….GOOD.

    2. Make dreadful mistakes because of AWG, and destroy their economy, and
    make themselves into a “Third World” country, GOOD!

    By the way, my Grandfather’s name was Luitjens. He spelled it that way because there is no Umlout in English. Put in Bismark and Luitjens (with a “u” umlout) and see what you get. (Cousin of my Grandfather. My Grossvater came to the USA in 1910) You can see I have “German Roots”. Looks like they might wither and die in my lifetime. TOUGH, I am an AMERICAN!

    1. DirkH

      “It’s reminding me of how BRUTAL the Germans were in WWII.”
      “TOUGH, I am an AMERICAN!”

      Well, in that case thanks for mass producing the bombers that incinerated all German cities without any military purpose. Hope it was fun for your ancestors.

      Just saying -re “brutality”.

  7. Chris Frey

    Hello DirkH,

    wish you would be right! If so, I will prove it in the flagship of all alarmism, the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung”. So far, I could spot nothing at all of this kind there.

    Let’s hope and see!

    Chris Frey

    1. DirkH

      There will be a phase shift between the nominally conservative papers and the openly radical hard left fantasy papers.

  8. Adrian O

    Note that the error is 0.3C/6years, or about 5C/century.

    Any discussion about a 2C/century target based on models which are 5C/century wrong is totally ridiculous.

    The graph simply shows that “climate science” is not a science. A modern science justifies its existence ONLY by successfully modeling measured reality.

    The climate fellows simply pretended that they can figure out climate a century ahead.

    They clearly have not the slightest idea about what is going on.


    It took about a year between the Brits seeing this kind of chart and their prime minister feeling forced to leak “I’m taking down the green crap”

    So there is still hope for Germany…

    1. DirkH

      “So there is still hope for Germany…”

      Well it won’t get that much worse because it’s pretty bad already. Warmism will play no role in it.

  9. Adrian O

    Sadly it’s not that graph, but a more confusing one used by the IPCC.

    And it’s not the front page of a populist newspaper like The Daily Mail in Britain but the internet only part of an elite paper.

    In Germany, though, maybe the elite paper FAZ shapes elite opinions which pull others.

    Still, it’s a significant step nevertheless.

  10. Oops, P Gosselin reports on creep into German politics | Tallbloke's Talkshop

    […] Today Germany’s flagship political daily, the renowned Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), which has long been a disciple of global warming religion (woeful deficits in climate sciences have long been a problem of the German mainstream media) raised a few eyebrows in daring to feature the global warming-blasphemous chart that no German was ever supposed to see.… […]

  11. Tim Channon

    Comments at the Talkshop (comment above) are pointing to text at FAZ which seems to be an opposite take by FAZ, an attempt to call these plots bad.

    We need some native German readers to clarify the situation.

  12. Sanford Mann

    water retention, and rainfall on a regional level. Alterations in the quantity of atmospheric greenhouse gases determines the amount of solar energy retained by the planet, leading to global warming or global cooling . The variables which determine climate are numerous and the interactions complex, but there is general agreement that the broad outlines are understood, at least insofar as the determinants of historical climate change are concerned.

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