One-Sided IPCC Alarmism Promotion Video Already Receiving Harsh Criticism…Scientists Purporting To Be Prophets

Hans von Storch’s Klimazwiebel site here presents a just released video featuring some IPCC lead authors that is designed, it appears, to promote alarmism and the myth that the science is settled and that it is now time for policymakers to act decisively.

CO2 Chart

At 2:05 mark of video, we clearly see the above graphic. Note it only goes back 100 years or so and already the last 15 years show a glaring divergence – lack of correlation. If they had gone back 1000 years, there would be no correlation at all. There’s a clear attempt to deceive viewers here. That’s just one example.

Klimazwiebel asks readers to comment on the video. So far some early comments have been critical of the video’s haughty underlying message, some sharply critical. Here are some excerpts:

Richard Tol thinks the video appears “policy prescriptive”.

Marcel Crok: “not an attempt to present a neutral picture of the state of the science”

Werner Krauss: “This video tells a myth of power and superiority, and it only uses climate change to illustrate it.”

Eduardo Zorita: “I think the IPCC shoots itself in the foot. Climate models are by far not as perfect as it is suggested in the video – in fact most climate models cannot even reproduce the observed annual global mean temperature – let alone provide accurate regional projections for the future.”

Nice piece of propaganda with all the vital elements. What stands out to me is the one-sidedness of the video, ignoring the inconvenient truths from Antarctica, failed models and the 15-year warming pause (see 2:05 mark above). And note how these scientists try to come across as prophets who can see centuries ahead. Just the overall air of know-it-all arrogance these scientists take on makes you want to puke on your keyboard.

In summary, any scientist believing the nonsense needs a doctor, or an education in science – beginning from first grade.



6 responses to “One-Sided IPCC Alarmism Promotion Video Already Receiving Harsh Criticism…Scientists Purporting To Be Prophets”

  1. thebiggreenlie

    IPCC: “Dead Man Walking”

    1. BobW in NC

      The sooner, the better!

  2. Rathnakumar

    “In summary, any scientist believing the nonsense needs a doctor, or an education in science – beginning from first grade.”
    These days, that will include lots of so-called scientists – sigh!

  3. Kurt in Switzerland

    What on earth will these brilliant people do if Tavg were to DROP between now and 2020? Blame it on Mother Nature? Aerosols from China? More Oceanic Heat-Grabbing? Data error? Software glitch?

    Kurt in Switzerland

  4. IPCC’s AR5 “The Movie”: No comments or ratings allowed | The View From Here

    […] had also posted the video, as had Reiner Grundmann at Die Klimazwiebel and Pierre Gosselin at his NoTricksZone […]

  5. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup | Watts Up With That?

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