Austrian Meteorologists Stupefied Into Silence! Data From Alps Show Marked Cooling Over Last 2-3 Decades!

UPDATE: GISS data confirm Jung’s results.

Note: the temperature data was evaluated by meteorologist Jung, and not the Austrian weather service, as was mistakenly reported. The result, however, remains unchanged.


Perhaps you’ve been wondering why the alarmists have been so shrill lately? It’s not because the climate is overheating, to the contrary it’s beginning to cool – and so their sham is about to be blown out into the open for everyone to see.

Alps public domain photo

Austrian meteorological data show that European Alps have been cooling, at times massively, over the last 20 years. Public domain photo.

Evaluated data from the Austrian ZAMG meteorological institute now unmistakably show that the Alps have been cooling over the last 20 years and longer, “at some places massively” thus crassly contradicting all the loud claims, projections, and model sceanrios made earlier by global warming scientists.

German meteorologist Dominik Jung reports on the data he himself evaluated from the European Alps and concludes at the German-language Huffington Post here:

We are obviously very far away from milder winters. The trend actually is moving in the opposite direction! A few years ago climatologists advised winter sports locations in the Alps to reduce their investments in winter sports facilities – because of the ever increasing mean temperatures, they soon would not be worth it. So we ask ourselves, which increasing temperatures are the ladies and gentlemen even talking about?”

Some places have seen “massive cooling”

According to an expert review conducted by Dominik Jung of data from the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), the Austrian state weather service, using weather data going back 20 years, or more: “Winters there indeed are shown to have gotten colder over the last 20 years, and in some places quite massively. The last two winters at Kitzbühel were in fact the coldest of the last 20 years.”

Jung then writes that also four other high elevation stations in the Alps were assessed: Zugspitze in Germany, Schmittenhöhe in Austria, Sonnblick in Austria and Säntis in Switzerland. Result:

They all yielded the same amazing result: Winters in the Alps over the last decades have become significantly colder, the data show.”

Jung writes that data from extra long datasets from 20 to 30 years were examined, “just like climatologists always insist.”

Jung then informs readers that he asked the Austrian meteorological experts on site what they thought of the results. According to Jung, the reaction was either dead silence induced by shock, or attempts to downplay the results. Had the data shown warming instead, then of course we would be hearing just the opposite of silence and downplaying…we’d be hearing the hysterical screams of bloody climate murder!

Humiliated science

Jung speculates that the reason meteorologists and climatologists don’t want to hear about the results is because “it doesn’t fit with their world view.”  After all, just a few years ago they were cock-sure about their predictions of winters without snow and that skiing was only going to be possible at extremely high elevations. Science just possibly could not be humiliated to a greater extent.

Near the end of his Huffington Post essay, Jung comments that it appears that “climate warming has become a religion. Those belonging to it do not tolerate new findings“, even those that stem from solid observations and measurements.

Meteorologist Jung concludes that it’s almost scandalous that the responsible authorities are simply ignoring these findings.


57 responses to “Austrian Meteorologists Stupefied Into Silence! Data From Alps Show Marked Cooling Over Last 2-3 Decades!”

  1. JamesP

    “almost scandalous”

    How bad would it have to be to qualify as ‘scandalous’? These people are not just failing to do their job, they are issuing advice based on fabricated evidence (or no evidence at all). They should either issue their apologies, in large type, or find work to which they are better suited, like cleaning floors. Or both.

  2. DirkH

    O/T While reading it in the Huffpo, I found this
    …SPD & CDU plan to make it even harder to own guns legally… Germany has signed the UN small arms treaty long ago anyway. Further move towards NWO.

    1. Ike

      Guns can (!) kill people . Forks could kill people as well, or a towel etc. Its always the user. The gun itselfs is a useless junk of metal.

      1. DirkH

        Yeah well, I think not even the German media has managed to manufacture any gun crime scare over the last year. All the violence in the city centres I track is knockout game style / headkicking killings. Police of Bonn is giving up on parts of the city etc. Nothing at all to do with guns.

        The subcontractor management of the Germanic sector (SPD/CDU) is just following its orders.

      2. Peter Whale

        Cold can and does kill people when will the scum that gave us AGW pay the price for the misery they have caused?

  3. BobW in NC

    I would cheer the coming cooling as I would my favorite team to cause those whose religion is global warming come face-to-face with their shame. I suspect however, that they would never abandon it nor admit they were wrong, even if they were in the final stages of hypothermia.

    I say I would cheer…however, the horror though, is that due to past energy policies vast numbers of people may suffer (or perish) from insufficient, inexpensive energy to deal with a cooler environment. Therefore, I cannot cheer.

    Should such an eventuality come to pass as it already appears to be in Germany and the UK at least, the onus and responsibility lies squarely on those who have perpetrated this fraud by any means at their disposal, leaving the horrific mess that the rest of us will have to clean up.

    And clean up we will.

  4. Ed Caryl

    The data shows the cooling is real.

  5. Mike Mellor

    It is a basic requirement of all articles like this to supply a DIN or at least a link to the data. Otherwise it’s just words. The warm side of the debate often makes claims without evidence. It’s sad to see a sceptic page committing the same mistake.

    1. Ed Caryl

      Mike, check the link I posted just above. The anomaly map is from GISS. What more do you want?

  6. Ben Wouters

    No surprise of course, since the world has cooled down ~18K over the last 84 million years, when a series of large magma eruptions ended.

  7. DICK R

    This will never reach the BBC news.

    1. Mindert Eiting

      Hopefully, it will reach Rob Honeycutt.

  8. Stan

    Global cooling deniers….

  9. Brian H

    Stan, you jest, but we’re going to see a lot more of them before the facade cracks and collapses.

  10. lemiere jacques

    It is always the same story, first they say look..another evidence that man made warming is occurring.. then ..well this is not relevant after all.
    who can be sure that any variation we see is cause by so called man made global warming? none.

  11. High Treason

    You can bet that if a cooling trend occurs they will still blame human activity. They just want to find an excuse to destroy society. This is TREASON of the highest order. Uber treason . The punishment must fit the crime. Sorry will not be good enough. Time for scientists to confess to the pressure to lie or face the consequences of complicity with the Devil. Us “deniers” will be well and truly owed an apology.

  12. Lieven Dekeyser

    – Only talking about one region in stead of global trends
    – Using “the last 2 winters” as an argument
    – Not looking at moving averages
    – Only talking about winter, the least important season for Alpine glaciers

    You’re talking about weather, not climate.

    1. Jimbo

      You accuse sceptics of talking about the weather and not the climate. Do you have any shame. See the Philippines typhoon as an example. You bloody hypocrites.

      1. Lieven Dekeyser

        As I answered earlier, I’m not linking any specific weather event to global warming. Don’t call me a hypocrite, but please do read my remarks and respond to those. Thanks.

  13. The Right Opinion – November 23rd, 2013 | John R. Bolton

    […] Related again: Austrian Meteorologists Stupefied Into Silence! Data From Alps Show Marked Cooling Over Last 2-3 Dec… […]

  14. G Mitchell

    Your German is either very bad or you have simply made up the entire paragraph about the “expert review conducted by the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) “. There was no expert review by the ZAMG according to the original German article; it was Dominik Jung who did the ‘expert review’ himself. All ZAMG did was provide the data.

    (Nach einer fachlichen Prüfung meinerseits bin ich sehr überrascht. Die Winter sind dort in den letzten 20 Jahren tatsächlich nachweislich kälter geworden, und das teilweise ganz massiv. Die letzten beiden Winter waren in Kitzbühel sogar die kältesten der vergangenen 20 Jahre.)

    Also, Jung speaks of just 5 places in the Alps in wintertime (without ever providing any actual data) yet your article here claims “that the Alps have been cooling over the last 20 years and longer”. There is absolutely nothing in the original article to support such a claim.

    Are you making stuff up or is your German that bad?

  15. Les Hutchinson

    I am PRETTY SURE that the MAIN CAUSE of CLIMATE CHANGE/GW/ClimateRuin is NOT CO2 emissions but MASSIVE TREE LOSS/Forest-Denudation of the Earth/Bald Planet Syndrome [UNADMITTED]. My source/data/proof/support? I am a PROPHET of THE BLEEDING OBVIOUS. If U wish to contact/poo poo etc me Twitter @leshutch2001. I do not look at Facebook or e-mail. The OTHER 5 or 6 causes of GW? Eg 1 TRN? litre cubed HOT CAR EXHAUST/day from stored Sun’s energy from millions of years ago + + + + ETC

  16. Peter

    Well Austria might be cooler but Australia is warming up. Either way surely no one can deny the climate is changing.

  17. Neven

    This piqued my interest because I live in Austria. Unfortunately Jung doesn’t share any data or graphs, just words, and so I’ve asked the ZAMG for data and/or their view. I’d also like to know what the situation is for the rest of the year, temperature-wise, and for more weather stations than just 5. Other than that it is not a secret that Eurasia has been experiencing colder winters since the acceleration in Arctic sea ice loss since 2005, as changes in the jet stream cause more cold to spill southwards.

    One nitpick with this blog post:

    According to an expert review conducted by the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), the Austrian state weather service, using weather data from the last 20 years or more: “Winters there indeed are shown to have gotten colder over the last 20 years, and in some places quite massively. The last two winters at Kitzbühel were in fact the coldest of the last 20 years.”

    There was no expert review by the ZAMG, only a review by Jung. In German it says this:

    Nach einer fachlichen Prüfung meinerseits bin ich sehr überrascht. Die Winter sind dort in den letzten 20 Jahren tatsächlich nachweislich kälter geworden, und das teilweise ganz massiv. Die letzten beiden Winter waren in Kitzbühel sogar die kältesten der vergangenen 20 Jahre.

    I’ll leave it up to you whether you deem it worthy to correct, Pierre.

  18. Neven

    Okay, for anyone interested, on another blog I was pointed to graphs of the Austrian weather station data in question:

    Sonnblick – Winter Year

    Schmittenhöhe – Winter Year

    As expected there’s a clear trend upwards for the entire year, but even looking at winter one clearly sees that temps are still much higher than in the past. As a matter of fact, and contrary to what Jung claims, the last two data points on the graphs for Schmittenhöhe as well as Sonnblick are among the 6-7 highest on record.

    Personally I think Jung is trying to mislead us, but maybe someone can further clarify the matter. And of course, all of this is leaving aside the causes which are discussed on another thread here.

  19. Neven

    Hold on, I’m now seeing these graphs run up to 2007. Too bad they aren’t updated.

  20. The winters they are cooling! | meteoLCD Weblog

    […] Austrian meteorologist Dominik Jung found the same winter cooling throughout the Alps, which should comfort the managers of the various sky […]

  21. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup | Watts Up With That?
  22. Un meteorologo tedesco afferma …. | New Ice Age
  23. Nearly Half of Meteorologists Reject Man-made Global Warming | pundit from another planet

    […] Austrian Meteorologists Stupefied Into Silence! Data From Alps Show Marked Cooling Over Last 2-3 Dec… ( […]

  24. Neven

    Just to report that the ZMAG has replied, and basically they say that more detailed data can be compiled, but at a price.

    So, conclusion (for me): Jung unfortunately didn’t post any graphs, and I’m not Either way, I’m sure that recent winters have been colder in the Alps, as they have been in many parts of Europe. I don’t agree however that this somehow negates global warming, because it’s regional and there are some suspicions that this might be tied changes in the jet stream, which in turn might have to do with Arctic sea ice loss. We’ll know in 10-15 years if this is just one of those short-lived downturns that we see so many of in the graphs, or whether something else might be going on.

    And the implication that Austrian scientists are somehow stupefied into silence and shoving this under the carpet, is just the usual skeptic hyperbole.

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