The skeptics haven’t had this much fun for as long as I can recall.
Global warming scientists getting trapped in ice, North America gripped by a record-breaking cold snap, activist climate scientists blaming cold on warming
Derek Hunter interviews outspoken climate science critic Marc Morano at WBAL 1090, click on the following link:
Marc Morano appears on the Derek Hunter Show, blasts global warming science. For audio click on the link above.
Morano blasts the past predictions and current claims being made by warmist scientists:
We can mock and have fun because they predicted this stuff would not going to happen anymore and of course now that it is happening they’re all saying it’s consistent with their theory. It’s unscientific claptrap at this point.
On radical climate scientists proposed measures to deal with skeptics Morano says:
It’s scary stuff. This is their, in many ways their doomsday type, cultist religion where they believe we have brought our own destruction, and it’s a lot of Medieval witchcraft mixed in.”
Morano reacts to Barbara Boxer’s proposals to protect the climate by levying taxes on carbon: “This is witchcraft.”
Morano calls the beliefs of global warming science “pagan culture, primitive civilization“. He also ridicules the New York Times for claiming, “Bundle Up, It’s Global Warming!”
More at:
Richard Lindzen has also given an interview recently:
as outspoken as usual on all things climate science…
I’m surprised that the encore autumn in Western Europe (and Scandinavia, I hear) hasn’t brought out the warmists in droves.
What’s the outlook for “Siberian cold” arriving in Germany? Tuesday? Wednesday? Perhaps not.
Have the believers become doubters?
Morano says “witchcraft?” It is worse to the extreme.
Out in California, they say, “Hey, hey, hey! What is all this? Don’t y’all know that we need to limit CO2?”
Barbara Boxer, cited by Morano (above), wants to levy taxes on carbon.
AND as a special added bonus feature, the Bay Area chapter of “” in San Francisco wants to put, “global warming warning stickers put on gas pumps around the state to tell drivers that the fuel they are buying is causing global temperatures to rise.”
Do you believe it? They don’t give up.
Hysteria is contagious and it takes time for people to get over it.
An image of the proposed label is found at WUWT here:
Perhaps all the Hollywood celebs like George Clooney will stop driving?
It’s not Medieval witchcraft, its Little Ice Age witchcraft, and damned them witches paid with their lives. Burn the witch!!! š