Payback for blind climate alarmism: Media interest in the latest IPCC Report is small
By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt
The climate alarm narrative just isn’t working anymore. People have seen through the blind climate alarmism and have had enough. The profiteers of climate fear are now becoming seriously worried about the future. Climate institutes are fearing research budgets will be cut in the future. Newspapers are all too reluctant to lose their exciting climate alarm stories. And insurance companies are fretting over their extreme weather policies.
The Deutsche Klimakonsortium (DKK) [German Climate Consortium] recently set up a workshop in order to discuss the waning public interest in their own subject matter. In its newsletter, the DKK summarizes the results of the event:
DKK Workshop: ‘How is climate communication (still) doing today?’
On September 16 [2014] the public relations working group of the DKK convened in an internal workshop on today’s possibilities and challenges in climate communication. The background was the observation that the media attention has shifted away from the analysis of climate change and over to solution possibilities and the societal challenges of climate change. This was clearly visible by the weak media interest in the latest IPCC Climate report (AR 5) compared to the AR 4 of 7 years earlier, directors of the press and public relations of various research institutes have determined. Suggestions on the perspective of press and public relations work from Ute Kreis, University of Hamburg, Dr. Annette Kirk, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Dr. Dirk Notz, Research Group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and a journalist (Christopher Schrader, Süddeutsche Zeitung) provided for a lively discussion.”
So interest in the 5th IPCC Report was scant. For this the IPCC likely only has itself to blame because it is no longer able to come to terms with the new research findings and the fact that CO2 climate sensitivity must be reduced in accordance to newest scientific results. Insteresting is that Christoph Schrader of the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper is apparently well integrated in the IPCC circle. Almost regularly we have to report on his climate-alarmism-tainted reporting at this blog. And also Dirk Notz is a die-hard IPCC-man whose dubious studies we’ve come across (see “Hamburg Max Planck Institute with questionable evidence on Arctic sea ice“).
“Darling, don’t you like my disaster any more?”
“Sure hon, it’s just…the movies are better.”
German system media have a full channel with hating Putin and loving illegal immigrants.
Well, the scare stories are doing well in England, in fact there’s a whole TV corporation given over to promoting two things:
i. the EU
ii. the great global warming scam.
It’s called the BBC. And oh btw the RS are in cahoots too, it seems that they are so full of themselves they now write fairy stories for grown ups:
We learned all about this in infant school, for some even before they learned how to read, they were told about the story of the Boy who Cried “Wolf!” when there was no wolf and when the wolf came the people did not believe him.
For us the “wolf” will be the cold period of possibly 20 to 30 years that is to come.
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