Veteran New England Energy Physicist: “Who Should We Believe? Reality Or The NOAA?” …”Severe Cold Is Coming”!

What follows is a commentary on the NOAA by energy physicist Mike Brakey, also see here, here, here, and here.

Severe cold is coming

By Mike Brakey

On August 21, the Sun Journal printed NOAA’s “Earth’s Heat broke records in July” claiming the world has gotten hotter each and every year over the last century, and it is the fault of every human on this planet who inhales oxygen and exhales the evil pollutant, carbon dioxide (CO2). I took a deep sigh of relief and exhaled this condemned pollutant the following Monday upon reading, “Farmers’ Almanac forecasts another cold, nasty winter”.

How can two predictions be so far apart? Whom should we believe?

The tie-breaker might be the climate secret an ex-NOAA meteorologist and climatologist, David Dilley, discloses in his free, 49-minute YouTube video: “Is Climate Change Dangerous?” He explains the scientific principles of how climate is governed by natural global cycles that have been documented in clockwork precision over the last half million years. Cycles are predictable. Like the year 1800 in the last 230-year cycle, temperatures have recently stagnated for more than a decade. Volcanic eruptions by Iceland’s Bardarbunga (August 16, 2014-March 2, 2015) assure a continued cooling trend for the northern U.S., as suggested by Lewiston’s Farmer’s Almanac.

Rather than hold my breath and do nothing, I have rolled up my sleeves. Winter is coming! I’ll get an excellent return on my investment by winterizing my Maine home, no matter whose theory is ultimately proven true.

Common-sense Mainers can learn more by visiting David Dilley’s website. Just search for Videos of David Dilley-Is Climate Change Dangerous?

Michael Brakey

9 responses to “Veteran New England Energy Physicist: “Who Should We Believe? Reality Or The NOAA?” …”Severe Cold Is Coming”!”

  1. DD More

    On August 21, the Sun Journal printed NOAA’s “Earth’s Heat broke records in July”
    Whom should we believe?

    Here’s NOAA
    Current – The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for July 2015 was the highest for July in the 136-year period of record, at 0.81°C (1.46°F) above the 20th century average of 15.8°C (60.4°F), surpassing the previous record set in 1998 by 0.08°C (0.14°F).
    => 0.81°C + 15.8°C = 16.61°C or 1.46°F + 60.4°F = 61.86°F

    May 2015 – The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for May 2015 was the highest for May in the 136-year period of record, at 0.87°C (1.57°F) above the 20th century average of 14.8°C (58.6°F),
    => 0.87°C + 14.8°C = 15.67°C or 1.57°F + 58.6°F = 60.17°F

    (1) The Climate of 1997 – Annual Global Temperature Index “The global average temperature of 62.45 degrees Fahrenheit for 1997” = 16.92°C.

    (2) 2014 annual global land and ocean surfaces temperature “The annually-averaged temperature was 0.69°C (1.24°F) above the 20th century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F)= 0.69°C above 13.9°C => 0.69°C + 13.9°C = 14.59°C

    16.61 >> 15.67 >> 16.92 << 14.59

    Since they cannot even keep the same 20th century average of 15.8°C or 14.8°C or 13.9°C the same 15 years after it was over, I think they have other problems.

  2. David Appell

    Mike Brakey wrote:
    “On August 21, the Sun Journal printed NOAA’s “Earth’s Heat broke records in July” claiming the world has gotten hotter each and every year over the last century, and it is the fault of every human on this planet who inhales oxygen and exhales the evil pollutant, carbon dioxide (CO2)”

    A pretty lousy start for a so-called physicist — respiration is carbon neutral. Which is why atmospheric CO2 was steady for thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution, despite trillions of mammals breathing.

    As someone I can’t remember said a while back, we need better skeptics.

    1. David Smith

      “CO2 was steady for thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution”.
      And what about before then? Have CO2 levels always been steady? Of course they haven’t. CO2 levels have been much higher in the past than they are right now and the Earth didn’t fry itself to a cinder.
      So stop getting your knickers in a twist David.

      1. David Appell

        CO2 levels have varied greatly through the Earth’s history, but not because of respiration.

        By the way, when CO2 was higher hundreds of millions of years ago, the Sun was weaker — its irradiance increases by about 1% every 110 million years. People like you never take that into account, but it’s a big factor (do the math).

  3. Veteran New England Energy Physicist: “Who Should We Believe? Reality Or The NOAA?” …”Severe Cold Is Coming”! | wchildblog

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