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German Professor: Europe’s € 5.7 TRILLION Climate Policy Is “Very Expensive”, “Counter-Productive” And “Does Nothing For Climate” … “Completely Wasted”!

University of Magdeburg economics professor Joachim Weimann held a presentation in Brandenburg highlighting the shortcomings of Germany’s Energiewende (transition to renewable energies) and Europe’s climate policy earlier this year. First Weimann calls the climate issue a debate that is emotionally and ideologically charged, and that the facts are almost always suppressed. He also believes that the […]

The Swiss September Mean Almost 1 Degree Cooler Than Normal …Holland Sees Coolest in 15 Years!

I’m a bit hampered today by a head cold, and so today’s post will be a short one. The preliminary report for September weather in Switzerland is out. Hat-tip: Kurt in Switzerland. According to the Swiss Meteorological and Climatological Office, September was 0.8 deg. Celsius colder than the norm for the month, based on the […]

Eight Recent Papers Overshadow CO2 Warming Hypothesis …Evidence Of Svensmark’s Solar Amplifier Theory Solidifies

Recently I posted a number of reports on the powerful correlation between solar activity cycles and historical climate change. Clearly the sun is a driver. The question that remains is what is the mechanism that drives climate. Recently there have been a number of papers showing Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark is on the right path […]

Scientists Can’t Figure Out Why Leaf Unfolding In Europe Not Happening Earlier …(Pssst, It’s Not Getting Warmer)

In a recently published study on spring leaf unfolding appearing in Nature a team of scientists led by Fu et al found that spring leaves on trees in Europe are in fact not unfolding much earlier – as we should expect in these times of “global warming”. Hat-tip: Der Standard The abstract excerpt of the […]

September 2015 In Austria Comes In Cooler Than Normal…”Snow In Many Valleys”

Yesterday we posted here how Germany’s DWD national weather service reported that September 2015 was cooler than normal. The United Kingdom saw one of its coolest Septembers in decades. The Austrian ZAMG national meteorological services released the temperature results for September 2015 here. Looks like the country is getting an early start to the ski […]

Central Europe Sees Cool September…Germany Mean Temperature 0.5°C Colder Than Normal

Snowfall …in September! A webcam recorded this image on September 23 at 2:41 p.m. in Austria in Bad Gastein (1000 meter elevation). Source: here. Listening to the media, I kept getting the impression that September 2015 in Germany had been a warm one (though my heating costs tell a different story). Yes, I kept hearing […]

This Morning's Temperature Readings From Berlin's 7 Stations Profoundly Illustrate Urban Heat Island Effect!

This Morning’s Temperature Readings From Berlin’s 7 Stations Profoundly Illustrate Urban Heat Island Effect!

Berlin is Germany’s largest city, and in and around it there are 7 weather stations reporting to the Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD), Germany’s national weather service. Earlier today Germans and Berliners woke up to one of it’s coolest nights so far this fall with temperatures around the freezing point. If you asked people in Berlin what the temperature was […]

It’s the Sun, Stupid! Growing Number Of Studies Show Oceanic Cycles (Climate) Driven By Solar Activity

In our last post Fritz Vahrenholt and Frank Bosse looked at solar activity and the impacts on the North Atlantic Oscillation. Today they present a post here on more papers on the NAO. ==================================== North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) couple to solar activity: New studies find a time-lag of 3 years By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and […]

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