Cold Shock Claims Dozens Of Lives In Tropical Asia Amid Record Lows…Taiwanese See Snow First Time In Their Lives!

2016_Jan_Asia_3For a planet that is supposedly seeing one record hot year after another, it sure strange is that there’s so much cold gripping vast areas of Asia.

Chart right: East Asia is forecast to remain extremely frigid over the foreseeable future.

Snowless winters, which according to climate scientists were supposed to become a thing of the past at middle latitudes, are now failing to materialize even down in the tropics in places like Thailand!

Switzerland’s online news site NZZ here reports that a cold wave has swept across Thailand and claimed 14 cold-related deaths.

First snow in 115 years!

The same NZZ reports here that Okinawa saw its second only snowfall since historical measurements began. The Swiss news site writes that on the Japanese island of Amamioshima “snow fell for the first time in 115 years“.

Dozens die of cold in Taiwan

Russian news site RT wrote that dozens have died of cold in Taiwan since Saturday as a result of “a rare cold snap sweeping through East Asia“. The RT reports:

Taiwan’s Central News Agency reports fatalities may have already reached 85. The majority of those deaths were reported in the capital Taipei, as well as New Taipei city and Taoyuan in northern Taiwan. For some, it was their first time seeing snow in person, and many flocked to the mountains to view the spectacle in all its glory.”

The problem, the RT writes, is that most homes in Taiwan don’t have central heating because it normally has a subtropical climate. The NZZ reported that the 4°C reading measured on Sunday had been “the lowest in 44 years“.

Lowest ever temperatures in China

Also the Daily Star here adds:

In South Korea, more than 500 domestic and international flights have been cancelled in Jeju as the island, known for balmy weather and beaches, saw -6C weather. The airport was due to reopen last night.”

The NZZ also writes that in China 24 weather stations recorded the lowest ever temperatures.

Also the following chart shows that southeast Asia is forecast to remain brutally cold over the next 7 days. Source here.



22 responses to “Cold Shock Claims Dozens Of Lives In Tropical Asia Amid Record Lows…Taiwanese See Snow First Time In Their Lives!”

  1. DirkH

    That is sure a weird way in which the Greenhouse effect by increased CO2 manifests itself. Does anyone know, has an IPCC climate model predicted it?

    1. yonason

      Not yet, but give them a week or two to reprogram their computers, and they will show us how they really know it all along.

      Or, as one Dilbert character said: “Give me 10 minutes, and then check Wikipedia.”

    2. John F. Hultquist

      “Yes, it has been predicted. That simulation has been purged from the computer system. A paper copy is believed to be stored in an hermetically sealed glass jar in a deep tunnel somewhere in the Alps. The map to that location has been lost. We’ll get back to you — “

  2. Graeme No.3


    They will point out that they have predicted it, if the blue areas are adjusted to be hot.

  3. yonason

    “…Taiwanese See Snow First Time In Their Lives!”

    See. The warmists were right after all, when they said; “Children Aren’t Going to Know What Snow Is.” And they didn’t, …until it was brought to the courtesy of globull warming. //s//

    1. yonason

      What a theory! Even when they are wrong, they’re right. Of course, even when they are right, they’re wrong, but that’s a whole ‘nother kan of wurmz, … or is that can or warms?

      1. yonason

        Correction. I should have realized earlier. It’s “CON of WARMS.

        1. stewgreen

          * Piers, that phrase is misleading
          “Taiwanese See Snow First Time In Their Lives!”
          In the middle of island there’s a huge mountain called Alishan (Snow Mountain) and it has ski fields, so most Taiwanese have seen snow.

          So headline should be
          “Many Taiwanese See LOCAL Snow for First time In Their Lives”

  4. John F. Hultquist

    When serious cold happens things can go terribly wrong in a hurry. I live in a decent (not fancy) house with forced-air heating and a new wood stove with a catalytic combustor. Our power is from hydro; the regional wind turbines have been in parasitic mode for 3 full days. The stove is needed for emergency power loss (very rare), although use is frequent just because it is available and we have wood.
    Minus 20° C. (-4° F.) is very likely any winter where we live. Being prepared is essential. Wealth and planning are needed. (Wealth does not mean wealthy in this context.) Roads get cleared of snow. Emergency personnel and equipment are available, cars start and go as intended, water pipes do not freeze, and so on.
    This current situation (Asia) is quite rare and a reason why not being prepared is common. Another reason why many are not prepared is because they and their communities are poor.
    The UN and all those green types wanting wealth redistribution and wind power want everyone to be equally poor. That way we can all suffer the cold together.
    Stay warm.

  5. Kevin R. Lohse

    A GCM will have done – eventually, Dirk H

  6. yonason


    fine print – isn’t happening.

  7. cementafriend

    News last night on SBS (Australia)said 14 people had died of cold in Thailand which is a change for this alarmist/warmist TV channel.

    1. Analitik

      But they must have attributed it to Climate Change caused my man made CO2, right?

      1. DirkH

        They could easily do so. Up to the 1980ies the cold was suspected to be caused by rising CO2, as it increases IR radiation from the stratosphere to space. Hansen/Schneider then turned it around.

        Such a flip from warmunism to coolunism would mean: 1.5 trillion USD a year subsidies for coal power plants. The same people who now feed at the trough of warmunist subsidies would feed again at the new subsidies.

        They would make their computers forecast a 2 deg C cooling til 2100, and claim it would be the end of humanity.

        Added bonus, they could start selling books again – which doesn’t work for warmunism anymore – they don’t even make new computer animations of submerged cities – they still have stockpiles from the 2007 warmunist propaganda stampeded of that.

  8. Walter H. Schneider

    Re: “Snowless winters, which according to climate scientists were supposed to become a thing of the past at middle latitudes, are now failing to materialize even down in the tropics in places like Thailand!”

    That paragraph expresses the opposite of what it was intended to state, right? I am certain that you did not mean to indicate that “snowless winters were to become a thing of the past” but that you meant to state something like this: “Although according to climate scientist (e. g.: David Viner) *snowfalls* were supposed to become a thing of the past at middle latitudes, they now frequently occur in places like Thailand [and Egypt].”

  9. Walter H. Schneider

    Top 5 failed ‘snow free’ and ‘ice free’ predictions

  10. Doug Proctor

    I’m looking forward to Gistemp for January and February. The end of el Nino is a temp drop. Perhaps we are seeing this. Of course it won’t affect the arguments on CAGW. Weather no longer exists, just incidents of climate change.

  11. yonason

    Oh, oh! Could be that anomalous cold will soon become more common.

    Cosmic rays are increasing.

    Why is that important. Pierre explains here.

  12. Jürgen Kieser

    If you want to know where the winds are blowing right now or how the temperature is distributed globally, look here:,46.03,676

    Click on “earth” to change the settings.

  13. Cold Shock Claims Dozens Of Lives In Tropical Asia Amid Record Lows…Taiwanese See Snow First Time In Their Lives! – sentinelblog

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